4 Steps Cylinder Infographics ** FREE DOWNLOAD** Powerpoint - Presentations Office

4 Steps Cylinder Infographics ** FREE DOWNLOAD** Powerpoint - Presentations Office hi guys welcome to my channel today let's check out how to make this beautiful 4 steps cylindrical chart so please stay tuned let's start with.

Inserting a cylinder ok inserted here drag it now we need to make this shape transparent slightly go to format shape select gradient fill so I'll just done it so it automatically appears so make.

Sure the settings appearing on the screen are there the left and the right color should be gray and the middle should be white class parent sieve as it is here in the screen directions should.

Be this one ok that's it now go ahead and insert another cylinder okay the cylinder is inside the cylinder exactly now insert a color great now let's.

Duplicate that's it duplicate three more okay we have four shapes which are identical now we will change the color of the contents .

Eyedropper great okay now you can use this to you know increase and decrease the size you can set the level as you want according to the numbers that you will be putting it under those cylinders.

4 Steps Cylinder Infographics ** FREE DOWNLOAD** Powerpoint - Presentations

Right now let's insert a teardrop with a small circle white color a right so this should be the same color as the content okay the colors the closet change the.

Drops changed now insert icons so let's insert four icons with five colors and then the text boxes for the person various so it should be the same percentage as the content so here it.

Should be 45 maybe 6040 as you like it it depends on the slide that you are creating okay the text is certain Jada's team this just drag it a little.

Up here yes okay so text percentage is done delete those and then insert some text boxes here okay text boxes impact done all right so I think the slide is created so.

Pretty fast now go ahead and insert the title that's it .

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