Convert PPT to PDF and insert PDF doc in PPT - Powerpoint presentation. #Stayhome learn #withme Office

Convert PPT to PDF and insert PDF doc in PPT - Powerpoint presentation. #Stayhome learn #withme Office Hi guys welcome back to poppin lammer in this video today we'll be checking out learning to new things first one we have to convert a PPT to a PDF document and the second one would be how to insert a.

PDF file in a bobbin presentation so please stay tuned let's start with the first topic today which is how to convert a PPT to a PDF I.

Have a presentation here with a few slides there about 13 slides just have a look here drawing painting cocaine dancing laundry mutations so this is a presentation width of your slides.

Containing few pictures so let's convert this PPT into a PDF document now let's see how to do that click on the file menu go to export and then on the left side the.

Create PDF expelled occupant should be selected and on the right you have an option which says create PDF slash XPS document so click on that so once you click on it it will ask you where do you.

Wanna save this file so let's give it a name things to do in lockdown and then click on publish so as soon as you click on publish it starts a process of converting it from the PPD to a PDF so.

Convert PPT to PDF and insert PDF doc in PPT - Powerpoint presentation. #Stayhome learn #withme

Now let's go back and see if the PDF has been created yes PDF has been created let's open it and see yes the PDF has been created with the 13 slice now into PDF doc let's look.

At the second topic of the day which is how to insert PDF document in a PowerPoint presentation now let's open a blank slide in this slide we will insert the same PDF document we which we have.

Just created to insert a PDF go to the insert menu and under that you will see this option called object click on this then select the second option create from file and then.

Click on browse select the PDF and then click on OK once you click on okay you will see the part of the file and then you have an option which says display as icon so.

Click on this you'll also see an option called link so if you click on this link option the file will be created as a link so sometimes what happens is when you insert a file here you might go back.

And make changes to that file which will not be reflected in this PPT so when you click on the link check box whatever changes you make in the original document would also be reflected in the.

    PPT so that's the advantage of this link

    Check box this is more important this comes more handy when you're inserting Excel so let's not do that now let's click on display as icon for now and if.

    You see Adobe Acrobat 7 document title or caption is displayed for this file so let's change the caption give it a name which is sales report or anything sales report and then click on object so after.

    Changing the name just click on OK and you will see that the PDF is inserted into the slide so now when you double-click you will see the PDF opening so that is the process of.

    Inserting a PDF in the PowerPoint vegetations so that's it guys thanks for watching if you liked the video please give it a thumbs up if you have any questions put.

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