Meter Infographics - **Free Download** Powerpoint Presentation template slide Office

Meter Infographics - **Free Download** Powerpoint Presentation template slide Office Hi guys welcome back to poppin glamour 3 let's check out how to make and animate this speedometer type shape so please stay tuned let's start with inserting a block art.

Place it here and then we need to reduce the size and the width change the color and duplicate this one above the other alright change the colors great this is.

Done and insert another blocker so it we need three of these shapes one on the left one in the middle and one the end okay so that's the middle one now papi duplicate the shape flip it and place it.

At the end to complete this arc okay students a colors done alright this is ready now we would need a needle so for that we need a triangle so place the needle here.

You know let's animate the needle give it a spin emphasis you see this is spinning 360 degrees because the center of access is in the middle okay so we don't want like this so duplicate the.

Shape flip it okay take it from here and place it here so make it like one needle and then make it a group all right and then let's spin it again and see what happens.

Meter Infographics - **Free Download** Powerpoint Presentation template slide

All right great so this is what you want so it should spin like this now add the circle and make the right and white so there's only one corner visible of the needle then insert the.

Text boxes alright the text boxes are inserted this is done now let's see how to animate the shape for this shape faded then the text.

Boxes appear okay now let's go to the needle select the needle and then click on spin okay if you see it is spinning 360 degrees we don't want like this make.

Sure it is clockwise and folds up okay so we only want the middle to move to a certain degree so go here and change the angle okay alright then see then play okay great that's how we want it but.

This is very very slow so we need to increase the speed so decrease the duration seventy-five a play and see how it looks Oh.

now let's animate this shape also okay let's shape it down a minute all right so this part is done now go to.

    The middle part here and then select the

    Shapes okay now coming back to the needle select the little again and then click on add animation and spin so if you see it is spinning again 360 degrees.

    Now again go back here double click change the angle again you get custom put the degree 67 here okay now if you see it is moving to that degree only now let's play from the top and see this.

    Appears then it removes this side and again it goes and stops here great that's all you wanted so make sure you do the same thing animate the shapes here and then make the movement of the.

    Needle 2 again 27 degrees towards the end so it is 27 67 and so on great so this is how the animations look now put the textbox for the title that's it guys thanks for watching please make sure to.

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