Publisher 2019 for Beginners Tutorial Office

Publisher 2019 for Beginners Tutorial Office Welcome welcome one and all to the introduction to Publisher class. We are so excited to introduce this class cause Publisher, in my opinion gets a little bit of a bad rap because it's a pretty great program. It can do a lot more than meets the eye and it's a little more affordable than some of the other layout programs out there. So what are we going to learn in this amazing class? We're going to start off by just kind of talking about what you can do with publisher. And we're going to talk about kind of where to find things within the program,.

Exploring the interface, how we can customize the interface, including the quick access toolbar and the ribbon. Hey, and then we're going to get really deep into working with type and typography. We're going to talk about images and how we can work with images and type together, but we really going to do a nice, nice, deep dive into how we can actually enhance and edit our photos with really the greatest of ease, but to really have a pretty tremendous impact. We also talk about master pages. We get into design techniques, we get into all kinds of different styles, right?.

How we can work with styles, create styles. We can edit our styles. Okay. And what are these styles? These styles are going to be basically saved formats for. I am. Then we get into some of our additional elements, some more graphic elements, like our building blocks and our page parts. We get into shapes. Right? We get into all good things. We get into headers and footers. Hey, lots and lots of fun. And then finally, towards the end, we show you how to create bookmarks tables and then finally publish this puppy. Right? Make it live. Okay. Make everything into a PDF so you can share it in whichever.

Way you want to share it. And just quick note, don't forget to download all the class files from the link below in the description and keep in mind, this class is meant to be very interactive. So occasionally you'll hear me say, Hey, pause the video and practice up. So that's the time for you to really exercise your learning exercise, what we just covered to see you put it to use. Okay. So enjoy having. And stay tuned for the next lesson. And welcome back in this first video of the lesson..

We're going to start off by just kind of giving you a little tour of the program, taking a little kind of roadmap and run through how to navigate the program, where things are, what things are called, how we can kind of change the view of things and kind of setting ourselves up for the rest of the class. Now, what we're going to do in the following lesson is how to customize things. So let's just first kind of talk about kind of what things are called and where things are located. First part I want to talk about is up here called the ribbon. So this whole area known as the ribbon also known as the toolbar, right? Allows us to navigate through all different kinds of features and.

Functions and tasks within the program. Okay. And you're going to notice that it's broken down by a few different other items that we can break things down with. So you can see here, I have my tabs up on top here, like my home tab, insert, et cetera. And each of these are clickable. And when you click on them, you're going to notice that there's another component of the ribbon called the groups. You can see here as the clipboard group, the font group, okay. Here is the paragraph group, et cetera..

Publisher 2019 for Beginners Tutorial

I go to another tab. You can see here's the page setup group. And it goes on from there for all of you. Okay. Now, one other item that a lot of people sometimes ignore, they just don't see it, or it just seems like, Hey, you know what? I don't even know what that is. I'm just going to ignore it is the dialog box launcher. Okay. I'm going to go and zoom in on that. So you can really see this kind of little dimple thing here. You see that right there. They're kind of all over the place. Sometimes they're lit up. Sometimes they're not, it just depends on what you've clicked on..

So if I click on this notice, these guys get lit up. So as the name implies, it will launch dialog boxes. So if I click on this right now, you can see it's going to take me to a dialog box all around fonts. Right? See font and font. Okay. I'll go ahead and close that. You'll see here. If I go over to here to like, just say page design, there's one for page setup. Now, what does this dialog box launcher do? Besides being very hard to say quickly is I'm going to give you extra options. Okay. Options that maybe you haven't seen before, right on the ribbon itself. Maybe it'll give you options that are a little bit easier to work with..

Right? So we'll be exploring all these things here, but it just good to know that you have additional options. That you may not actually see here on the ribbon itself. So I'm gonna go ahead and go back to my home tab. Now, the other part of the ribbon that is very, very important to note is going to be what we call contextual tabs, right. Particularly when you're working with, um, kind of things like images and text boxes and possibly tables and graphs. So watch what happens now, I'm going to go ahead and click on this image right here, and you'll notice that I now have a new tab called picture format..

Let's go ahead and do it for our family reunion. Notice this actually brings up two additional contextual tabs, the shape format and the text box. Okay. So depending on what you're actually working with, you may get an additional. Of contextual tabs available. Right? So when I click on this, I'm going to get guess what a whole bunch of different options around this whole bunch of different options around this go to my images and you can see picture format, whole bunch of different options around that. So I'm gonna go in and click away and then notice how it then goes away..

Okay. That it's going to be a very, very, very important thing to understand because it's going to allow you to then get deeper and more complex, more sophisticated with whatever tasks you want to carry out on that particular object that you've just clicked on. Okay. So just keep that in mind. All right. So that in a nutshell is the first part of our ribbon. Um, you'll also notice that is here our file menu and our file menu does a lot of our basic kind of administrative items. Like you can see here, I can do a new document, which we'll be doing momentarily. Okay. Opening up documents, right..

Our info around this documents. I want to click on that. Angel's notice is going to give me all kinds of good information about the document. Okay. The name of the document you can see here where it's located the name of the file itself. You can see here. I can see how many pages there are. Okay. You can see bam had the size of it. Okay. When it was first saved when it was last saved. Right. All kinds of good stuff here. Okay. And then when you get a little more advanced, you can go ahead and use the design checker to see if there's any problems when you're ready to.

    Actually package it and send it off to your printer potentially. Okay. So there's a lot of really good stuff here.

    Here is save, save as your print options will be here. You get a nice little dialogue box there with the preview. Okay. Of course, we'll be doing a lot of that later on. Okay. And then you can see here's your share option. You want to email this to people as a PDF. I just, as an attachment, whatever you'd like to do export, how do you want to export this? Right? What kind of file format do you want to do it in PDF HTML? You can change the file type entirely all kinds of great stuff here..

    Okay. And then if you are curious and you want to customize things a little bit, you can come down here to your options way down in the lower left, and then you can tinker with it. Of course, we'll be getting into that momentarily as we go out through throughout the class. Now at this point, it's really just about kind of getting to know what's even available here. Okay. So that's the rebut. Now, one thing I want you to understand in terms of how I want us to be set up in this class, and I suggest you being set up is kind of different elements to be shown.

    As we are going throughout our documents. Okay. So this is part of how we can kind of customize to a certain extent, but this is really even pre customization. And we're going to do that through the view tab. And I first, I want to start this off because this is going to allow us to kind of show certain things and maybe not show certain things that are going to be on our screen here. Okay. So the first thing I want you to notice is all of these check boxes here, right? And notice this grouping here is called show. Do I want this to show or not?.

    Do I want my ruler to show absolutely notice. Now I have the ruler there. Okay. That's going to give me a lot, a lot of great options for a variety of different things, but at the very least, I know the size of this page, but I know where things are located potentially within context of where it is and the ruler later on, we're going to talk about guides and such, and this will really help us to work with our guides. Speaking of guides, I click on that. You'll notice that when I choose that all these little guides will appear here. Maybe you don't want those. You can very easily turn those off. Okay. You'll also notice here is something called page navigation..

    I'm going to turn that off and you'll see, oh, look at that. All those little thumbnails then go away and I can always bring those back. Okay. And we're going to learn a little bit more, how we can navigate different pages in a little bit, but you can see in case yours is not showing very easy to make it appear very easy to make it disappear. Okay. Then we also have the scratch area. What does that mean? This whole area on the side. Okay. Some programs call it the pastry. It was known as the scratch area. So let's just say, for example, I wasn't sure if I wanted to use this image, I could bring this over here to my scratch area..

    Okay. It will not get printed. No one sees this. Okay. But it's here if I want it, but why is this checked? It's basically, Hey, do I want to see all the stuff in my scratch area or not? So when I turn this off, notice how it then kind of goes away, but it's really there. Right? You see that, but if I want to see it again. Okay, great. So if you have a lot of things in your scratch area and it starts to get really distracting, that's when you may just disable this. Okay. So I'm gonna go ahead and bring that back and there I am. Okay..

    Excellent. Very good. All right. And we'll maybe check out some of these other things as we go forward now, within your, your view tab, you'll see that there's different ways to view your document. And you can see here a single page. Maybe you don't want to have it looking little more like a book. You can do it just like this. It's very easy to change that. Okay. Or you can go over here to two page spread, just like that. It totally is up to you how your book or your document is going to be presented..

    That may help you out quite a bit. Right. And later on, we're going to be getting into master pages. So hang tight with that. All right. The next part I want to talk about is how we can kind of, um, view things in terms of our zoom. Okay. So right now, inside of the view tab, I have the ability to view things as a hundred percent right. Click on whole page. Right. It kind of makes the nice kind of best fit view for me. I can also change it. So it's going to be super zoomed in. If I want to go back to whole page, that's really nice to know.

    You can do that page with, right. So it's going to be perfect fit for the page width so I can actually see it and then scroll down if I want to, and then certainly go over to here to whole page, or if you want it to even just go to a selected object, right. You can go in and just zoom right into that, which is really nice because rather than having to zoom in kind of a little bit more manually, this allows you to do that. I'm going to go ahead and click on whole page. Now I'm going to go back to my home tab and just say, listen, you know what? I don't want to have to always go to view to zoom in every single time..

    Right? It's a little bit clumsy. So I'm going to go back to home and show you another area that you might want to go to.

    And this, this area down here, down below. So you'll notice here. I have this little slide ruler. I have this little minus sign and I have this little plus sign, the little minus sign, of course, zooms out, plus sign zooms in. Okay. And I can also click and drag this to do this just the same. You'll also notice that to the far, right. I have this little guy right here where it says show whole page..

    That's the same thing, like allows me to have that best fit. Okay. So that's a really, really nice feature just to be able to go there in case like things are getting a little bit crazy. Go ahead and come back here. And then there you are. And you're back to your best fit. Okay. The other part you'll see here is once again, the two page versus the one page view totally up to you, but just know that it's going to be over there in the lower right? Every time you need it. Okay. So do really good stuff just to understand how to navigate throughout the program,.

    How to actually work with everything. Um, I'd say one last thing I'll tell you is just very quickly. If you ever need to get any help on anything, this help menu actually really does a nice job. You can click on help. You'll notice here, this little sidebar comes up and you can just go ahead and type anything you want. I'll just go ahead and type it in tables, right? Something like that. You can see. Bam, bam, bam. It's like having kind of a built-in search engine just for this program built in to the program itself. Right. So I'm gonna go ahead and go back to home. All right..

    So what I'm going to suggest is you pause the video, just really get comfortable with the interface. And this is all new to you. Some of you may have some review from other office programs you work with, right. But it might be a little bit of a departure from what you've worked with in the past. Right? Cause this is a little bit more complex of a layout program compared to just like a desktop publishing in terms of a word processing program. So you might want to just kind of get used to some of those things like the contextual tabs and then kind of looking under the hood a little bit. All right. So pause the video and we will see you in the next lesson now that we.

    Know a little bit about the workspace interface and we kind of know our way around a little bit, what's going to happen as you kind of get more and more familiar and more comfortable with this program and the types of projects you're going to want to do. You'll want to customize things a little bit. So let's talk about how we can just do some basic customization so far. We've already talked about how we can do our view tab, and we can also kind of add some of these things on here. We can customize our view. What do we want to show or not show our rulers, right..

    Things like that. Right. So we can very easily turn our guides on, turn them off. Okay. You talked about. Well, let's talk about kind of different types of tasks that you might be doing really relatively often than you want to have quick and easy access to. So it was an example. I'm feeling I'm bringing in a lot of pictures. I bring in a lot of shapes, right? Maybe I'm bringing in a lot of these building blocks, which are awesome. We're going to talk about in a little bit. I bring in text boxes, all this stuff, and I'm on my home tab. And I'm like, man, where is that? I always forget where it is or it takes way too long to click over here..

    And then I got to squint my eyes and look for it. It's like, man, where is everything? Oh, bam. There it is. So if you want to have quick access, let's talk about the quick access toolbar to be able to actually have quick access to these. So what is my quick access toolbar go in and take a look over here in the upper upper left. You're going to see, I have these icons up here. If you move your mouse over it, it's going to show you a number of different things, right. That you can actually do. And they kind of give these to you right off the shelf..

    Right? If you click on this little down, you can see here, I have all these options that I can then add to my quick access toolbar. I find that I'm constantly doing new documents on only to use keyboard shortcuts. I don't remember where to find it, right. So you can very easily then just say, oh, you know what? Let's add that on there. Cool. Now I have that there. Let's just say I'm doing printing all the time. Great. I can add that on there. In order to go to the next level for me, I would prefer to have this down here below. So what can I do? I'm going to go ahead and click on this and you're going to see way down here as this option to show below the ribbon..

    And now not only is this below the ribbon, but it's nice Technicolor, a lot easier to read. So it's closer. And I think it's actually a lot more visible in many more ways than one, right? So I really like this. Okay. Now coming back to our original thought and strategy of listen, I want to bring in this pictures icon every time I want to bring it in. I got to hunt for it. Guess what if I right click on this or any icon? Look at that..

    Add to the quick access toolbar and liquids sitting there waiting for me. I bring in shapes, right? Click first choice. Look at that. What about text boxes? Yep. Do you use those all the time? Bam. Oh, how cool is that? Right. So now guess what? They're all going to be there for me. Right? If I change my mind, I don't want that. Like, I don't use this little touch thing here. I right. Click on that. Guess what? Instead of add, I got removed and that goes away. Right. So really cool. And this will change for you. The more you work through the program, the more you can be like,.

    Oh, I want to add this on there. I want to add this on there and okay, great. And it's going to be super easy for you to do that. And it's going to make you way more efficient and less stressed out with your process. Okay. Now next level is, well, you know what let's say, I want to change the order of these, or let's say I want to add some things on that. Aren't on the quizzes that aren't available in the, in the ribbon. So I can't add them onto the quick access toolbar, super, super easy. What I'm going to do now is again, click on my drop down and I'm going to come over to here to more commands and want to do that..

    Believe it or not. This takes me to my options. Remember in the last lesson we went over options. These are going to be all the options that you have available, including one called the quick access toolbar. Okay. So what I'm going to do is go to my quick access toolbar tab, and you'll notice that what's waiting for me here is all of the tasks and icons that I actually put on there earlier. And the order that they're in right now. So let's say for example, I'm constantly, constantly inserting pictures. I want that to be the first thing. So very easily come over to here. Bump that up..

    Fantastic. That's great shapes. Also, they kind of go hand in hand. Great. I love that there. Okay, wonderful. Now, if we look over here on the left-hand side, you're going to notice how I have the ability to choose more icons right from this list. Now this current list is based off of what we're calling popular commands, right? What are the more commonly used commands? That's what you're going to see here. Right? A lot of these things that are probably already available inside.

    Of the inside of the ribbon. So you don't probably even need to go to these, but maybe this is a better way for you to view them because they're in alphabetical order. So that's pretty cool. All right. So, but if you click on this now notice how it's filtered in other ways, commands, not in the ribbon, all commands the file tab. Right? Look at that. Oh, that's pretty cool. So you can see every single tab is available here depending on what you are trying to do. Right. So I'm going to go over here now to my file tab. And I want you to notice that, you know, what, something that I like to.

    Do all the time is published as PDF. So that's actually not in the ribbon. So it's not really easy for me to then right. Click on it. In fact, it's impossible cause it doesn't exist. So what I'm going to do is simply choose this click on add, and now bam, that's going to go right there. What about emailing as a PDF? Cool. I want that. Then I'm going to reorder this. Bring that way to the bottom. Bring this to the bottom. Great. Super easy. Okay. So anything you want to do, you can do anything you want to.

    Add into your quick access to. You can a hundred percent at it, customize your experience. Okay. Now the last thing we're going to do in terms of the quick access toolbar is show you potentially, you may change your mind. You may inherit somebody else's computer, right? Maybe you're just going a whole different direction altogether. You can reset the quick access toolbar or all customizations in general, right? That you might be doing. You can also export your customizations. So let's say for example, you are working on more than one computer, right?.

    And you want to say, listen, I love what I've done on this computer. I want to export it to another computer. You can very easily export these, right. It's going to export it as this type of file dot export a dot UI. And then once you've got it on your computer, guess what? You can then import the customization. Okay. So it's pretty slick. Really cool. Okay. So go ahead, pause the video and we come back. I'm going to show you how you can, you can actually customize the, uh, the ribbons, right?.

    You can see here as the ribbon, we're going to learn how to customize the ribbon in the next lesson. All right. So pause the video and we'll come back in just a bit after you press. Now as promised we are going to do a quick lesson on how to customize the ribbon and the tabs. So far, the customization involved, uh, working with changing our view to a certain extent, adding on some other elements on there, how we can zoom in adding on a bunch of other, uh, different ways to navigate our ruler or guides, et cetera. And then we also did something with our quick access toolbar. So hopefully you're pretty comfortable with that by now, but.

    Let's say we want to customize how the ribbon looks in general, right? Maybe we want to create our own set of icons. We want to remove some things. So what we can do is customize the ribbon by very simply, right, clicking anywhere on the top of the ribbon here, or pretty much anywhere on the ribbon. And you can see here as customize the ribbon. So I do that and you're going to see that now, instead of customized quick access toolbar, I'm in the customize ribbon tab. And if you look on the right hand side, you're going to see all of the tabs that I currently have, my home tab, my insert page design, all that stuff..

    Maybe some of you never, ever use mailing. Right? So you're just gonna turn that off and you say, listen, you know what? I don't want that. So let's go in and turn it off. And it's going to go away as an option over here. Right. It's okay. Why, why haven't even appear here if it's not something I'm going to use. Right. So, okay, great. Get rid of it, but I'm not going to do that for now, but I do want you to notice is way down below. I have some options here to then start creating things from scratch..

    Right. So I can actually do a whole new tab if I want to, I can do a whole new group. If I want to write what a groups remember the clipboard group, the fond group, all these things are groups. Okay. And then of course I can rename them. Okay. So I'm going to go ahead and just do a new tabs. You can see the process, right, right from the beginning. So I'm going to say new tab, right. And I'm going to name this right off the bat. So I'm going to click on rename. I'm going to say Dave's faves. There it is. Bam. And you'll notice how there are no groups inside here. Right. So I'm going to go ahead and now add some stuff inside of it..

    Then rename that group. I'm just going to keep it really simple. Just so I have one group in there and then I'm going to click on this dropdown and you'll notice here I have all my tab options. So I'm going to go over to here and just show, um, let's just say all tabs and I'm going to go into here to insert. And I know for sure, I want to bring in maybe some things that have to do with illustrations. Okay. Pictures. Great. Add that in there. I know I use that all the time shapes. Okay. That's great. What about for text? Yep. Insert text box. All right..

    Wonderful. Okay. And of course used to be whatever it'll be. All right. So then for my new group, right, I'm just going to go ahead and rename it. Right. I'm just going to call this graphic stuff. All right. Click. Okay. And pretty great. Then this is all set up. Then I want this to be before the home tab. Okay. So I'm gonna go ahead and click on this. And the whole group will then move to just come right up as it is. That's wonderful. You can see that. And eventually when I click, okay, you're going to see it as its own new tab..

    Totally customized by me for me in front of the home tab. Okay. So let's go ahead and click. Okay. So we can see it in action. There's Dave's faves. And look at that really nice. Maybe this is the only place you ever go, so you can see how I have everything nice and big. Nice and clear for me to come back to anytime I want to. And if I wanted to insert a shape, look at that. There's all my shape options there. And starting a picture. It's going to take me to the command to then insert picture..

    Okay. Now let's just go a step further. Now I'm going to go ahead and right click again, customize a ribbon. I'm going to go over here to Dave's faves graphic stuff. And let's say I wanted to rename these and let's say I wanted to just do a different icon altogether. What's so cool about this is it's very easy to rename, like I showed you before, but when I click on rename, check it out. They give me a whole bunch of different options here for me to them. Um, change right as my actual name. Right. So I'm just going to go ahead and just say, what's my display name..

    I'm going to say, uh, images. Okay. It's a little more clear to me and maybe people I'll be working with or whatever it is. Okay. And then you're going to see, I have all kinds of different icons to choose from, not everyone under the rainbow, but you can see there are quite a few. So when I just choose like this little palette click. Okay. That's changed super easy. Okay. Now let's see what that's gonna look like, click. Okay. And look at that images, right? That's all it is. It's just saying images, right. Takes less space up, et cetera..

    Okay. And now finally, the last thing I'm gonna show you is kind of review of what we did with a quick access. Toolbar is the ability to then reset it. If we want to reset it and also import export, just like we did with our quick access toolbar. So it's pretty, pretty great. Okay. So really try this out. Really. I want you to, um, get comfortable with it. I want you to really, you know, kind of, as you work throughout the program, take advantage of all these little gifts that they give you. All right. Now, I'm going to go ahead now just for the purpose of our lessons.

    Here, I'm going to remove this. I don't really want this here. Right? It's going to add on some kind of, you know, differences between us. So I'm just going to go ahead and remove this now and you'll see how easy it is to do that. I'm going to click, okay. That gets reset. Okay. And finally, let me just show you another way you can get to both of those options that I showed you. The quick access toolbar and customizing the ribbon simply by going to file going over here to options. And then again, you can see how you can get to them both this way..

    All right. Pause the video practice, and we'll see you in the next lesson. Welcome back, everyone. In this lesson, we are going to start something from scratch, a brand new document. This document obviously has been created before, but how do we create something like this? What's the first step. Very simply. We can just go over to here to file and new, and you're going to see I'm going to have all kinds of wonderful options for me to choose from. So if we want to just go right from nothing clean, empty canvas,.

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