Resiliency & Grit for Changing Times Office

Resiliency & Grit for Changing Times Office All right we'll be live in just a second still loading good morning everyone on youtube welcome welcome good morning everyone happy friday good morning good morning elena carla kathleen lance latonya good to see you again.

Wendy good to see you olivia hi weeda candice angel carla good morning everybody or good afternoon depending on where you are in the world go ahead and put in the chat where you're tuning in from this morning we love to see where you're tuning in from about 80 degrees here in san diego so i can't complain new york city palm springs.

Florida oakland kansas city so cool san francisco all over the world so fun to see all right we've still got some people funneling in but we'll go ahead and get started hi everyone my name is carly i direct our community and our events here at learn it and i'm so thrilled to be here.

With bindi delaney who is our senior instructional designer and really the one spearheading our health and wellness uh workshops and courseware development at learn it thrilled to be here with bindi for our event on resiliency and grit for changing times so thank you all for tuning in to this live free event we're thrilled to have you for those of you that are familiar with learn it and our events and what we do welcome back.

It's great to see you if you're new to learn it i'll give you just a little bit about us we are a learning and development organization based out of san francisco california but we really specialize in live instructor-led training whether that's a one-hour workshop or a 30-minute event like today or a more in-depth two-hour workshop for your team we have many modes of delivery um but really our goal is to make learning and development accessible to everyone through these events from all over the world and also to help us.

Really all stay up-to-date and current and learning community about the skills we need to thrive in really this ever-changing time we're in um so we're thrilled to have you here thank you this session is recorded and it will be available in our community called offsite so there's a qr code to join offsite it's completely free we'll share a little bit more about everything that's in off site and how you can really navigate it to make the most out of it at the end of the platform but for now i want to turn it over to bindi so we can get started.

Resiliency & Grit for Changing Times

Bindi thanks so much for being here this morning thank you so much kelly and uh welcome in everybody um i think i heard carly at the beginning that you said was it 78 degrees in san diego or 88 degrees it's 80. it's like a 380 right now 80 degrees ah that sounds lovely yeah i'm sitting in my apartment i've recently located uh relocated to wisconsin and it is snowing today so a little bit different from the san diego climate i still can't believe that it snows in spring but.

Yes anyway welcome everybody in it's just so wonderful to have you all here um from all over the us and and also all over the globe um it's wonderful to have you join us and just a little bit about me if you haven't joined us before in one of our little sessions here i'm bindi delaney um as you can tell by my name and my accent i am australian um but i am a u.s citizen as well um and i've been in education and health and wellness for over 15 years so i've been developing um courses on soft.

Skills on health and wellness i'm both in california and now wisconsin but also in australia as well um but i really love the journey of education um and the reason i love it is because of the empowerment and that it brings everyone for always to be learning and so hopefully today even though we're just doing a small taste of the workshop um it will hopefully start just your mind thinking about you know maybe some new things to think about in terms of our topic today um which is.

Resiliency and grit for changing times so resilience and grit what is it all about right we're going to have a look into um some certain areas of change um and certain areas of resilience and grit i can't give all the secrets away today but we are going to start sort of having a look into these areas um and this is our new one of our newer workshops um so hopefully you'll be able to get just that little taste of it but when we look at what the workshop.

Explores so overall in in the two-hour course and we start out looking at change and the reason we start and talk about change is because in the face of resilience and grit we are normally going through change so we have to be able to adapt we have to be able to pivot and we have to be able to sort of bounce back in the face of change so we would look at tools for helping us become and grow in resilience and we.

Would look at grit and a surprising fact is that resilience and grit are actually two very different concepts and so we would look at them as two different concepts but basically all of the skills that you look at developing and it's practical development in the skills um help you to discover number one your ability to keep going and when things get tough you would learn how to drive more success um both either at work um or personally.

    And also focusing in on how to stop giving up right and how to gain an ability to

    Bring what's called a growth mindset to those around you and to yourself as well um so that's really where we go with this workshop we really explore these three concepts change resilience and grit and the building and developing of these skills so today while you're all with us here this morning um let's sort of take a little sneak peek um into the beginning of the workshop um and have a look at.

    About where we go with these categories so let's get started so there is one simple truth and that is that immediately always everything does change we are in a constant state of change change is the only constant in our life and that's a herealictus a greek philosopher so this idea of change being always constant has been around for a.

    Long time and there's actually a buddhist idea of constant change that i like which is called anitia and this means impermanence and what that really stands for is that life is fluid right you never repeat the same moment twice um every day is different from the day before right your body has changed your thoughts have changed the world around you has changed.

    So everything is always changing so question for you down to the very bare minimum there are two ways that things can change so jump into the chat and tell me what do you think that is two ways that things can change and there's no wrong or right answers here because that's a very broad question but i want you to have a go in the chat what are two ways that things.

    Can change charlene's self and environment i like that taha change from within maybe poverty to riches yeah grace better or worse perspective and attitude or wendy i like that stop and go volunteered and forced or oh david i like this one perceived or actual that's a good one so negative or positive another good one so.

    There's lots of ways that things can change right and what we're going to have a look at is how they get good or bad or better or worse right these are the two ways of change that we are going to look at so things either get better or they get worse do you remember playing maybe as a kid you might have played tag i think we in australia we call it chases right and there was always this kind of safe zone that you could run to and you're like haha you can't get me i'm in.

    The safe zone right well that safe zone in tag it doesn't really exist in life we can't exit out of the change right things either are going to get a little better or they are going to get a little worse so let's look at this change and i want to have a look at some things that do get better and some things that do get worse and we're going to start with a change for the bad.

    So bad change is when we don't think that things can get better give me a thumbs up or a yes if you've ever felt like that that things maybe aren't gonna get better if you've ever felt like that in your work life maybe even your personal life we all hit that moment so i want you thank you for responding yes everyone has that moment i want you to imagine a time in your life.

    That you felt like that that nothing was going to get better at that point so just give you 20 seconds just put yourself in that moment nothing is going to get better gary i see you're in it right now so you will be perfectly able to answer this question what comes along with that thought.

    If something can't get better what's coming along with that thought what do you feel how do you act you don't have

    To share the change but what do you start to feel what happens when you're in that mindset maybe anger exhaustion despair you feel helpless right maybe negative thoughts disconnected and what do you do how do you act if these are how you feel.

    How do you act what are some actions that you reflect when you're in that that state of change for the bad or good word retreat maybe resentment so when we are in this mindset we actually end up feeling like we can't really plan or strategize right we tend to get a little bit stuck or trapped in these feelings.

    Of resentment maybe being quiet in our actions right why me sort of questioning right we feel stuck and what happens is we then don't really tend to plan or act so we kind of retreat i think one of the words was so good there we kind of go into the background right we don't plan or act that's just sort of like we accept that's the way it is and what happens when you're in this mindset it's actually called a fixed mindset.

    And if we want to be resilient we actually need to build the opposite we need to build what's called a growth mindset so when you see change is a good thing this is how we can start to build a growth mindset so and now i want you to think about something again that you aren't happy with right now so right now something that you're not happy with and again you don't have to share.

    But i want you to imagine something right now that you're not happy with it could be as simple as and i like this one maybe you have a really appalling day-old salad for lunch in the fridge and that is something you are really unhappy with right now this terrible salad with limp lettuce and two-day-old feta and it's just not what you would like and i want you now to picture it a tiny.

    Bit better whatever that moment is that you don't like right now picture it better so my salad i'm picturing it in the bin and i'm gonna go and um get a take out lunch that's deliciously cooked maybe a japanese hibachi so picture that whatever you're not happy with better and then tell me what does that feel like.

    Now that you're picturing something a little better a good change what does it feel like great word wendy hope right i can do it you want to talk to people right so you're starting to feel these sort of feelings and starting to think about change as possible right so what are your actions.

    What do you do what do you want to do right now with that change do you feel like you're ready to jump into action yeah empowering excited right so what happens when things you look at them as they're getting a little bit better you start to dream you start to plan and you actually start to look at how can you overcome the challenge so you start to problem solve right and your confidence is increased and you're making goals right and this when we're in this mindset.

    This is growth mindset and growth mindset is where resilience and grit lie so we are going to have a look at how we can get from bad change to good change to create a growth mindset and your mind is really a powerful thing the stories that you tell yourself and the things that you believe about yourself either prevent change from happening or make change seem a bad.

    Thing or they can allow new skills to blossom so it really is about mind power so i want you to have a look at a change in your life and it doesn't have to be a tragic change or a bad necessarily a bad change right just want you to think about a change it can be professional it can be personal um but you don't have to share it um but i want you to think about that change you can share it if you'd like as long as it is one that you're comfortable with sharing and i want you to think about.

    What was the change and how did it affect your work or your personal life and then i want you to think about your actions and thoughts and reactions and you'll see definitely not saying that bad changes are caused by fixed mindsets definitely not it's more that if they're because change can be bad obviously they're it's going to change for the worse but you can help change your mindset to help um kind of come out of a bad change so definitely not it's not.

    Caused by a fixed mindset so heading back here think about that change reflect on mainly how did you cope with that change what action did you take when the change occurred so a big one if you're been experiencing that big change in the.

    World of covert right and many of us had some kind of change maybe in our work profession where we went remote um or maybe we went hybrid or maybe we were remote now we're back into in person and i want you to think about what did what did you have to do you know what were the virtues that you leaned into to cope with that change so olivia acceptance that's that was something with that change that you had to cope with you were thinking about acceptance.

    Gary mindset for you so you are starting maybe in this change to to develop a different mindset about it innovation strength reaching out to others i love that you'll see reaching out to others for assistance and so what's really interesting about these things that you're looking at where you've coped with the change whatever how it's minor or you know dramatic that it is you've been able to.

    Use something in your mindset right and something in your toolkit to help you cope with that change and that is a part of resilience and we all have resilience we all have these skills um inside us and we use it in different places but we can develop that even further right tico i need a toolkit right we can develop with our skills in that toolkit for resilience but you all already have something small that has helped you become resilient to.

    A change um in the past but if you found change very difficult and it was a very bad change and it was something that was really challenging for you that's okay too right because that's why you might want to be here to develop those skills and develop that toolkit to help you and face some of those bad changes and help you kind of become resilient and and switch into that sort of growth mindset about it and so what's really interesting when we.

    Think about resilience and we think about grit we think about change right uh darwin charles darwin was right and it's not the most intellectual of the specie it's not the strongest that survive right it's the ones that are best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment and i think we saw a word up there from someone in the chat adaptation right so what does resilience and grit have to do with adaptation right we know we need.

    To adapt and change so that is what adaptation looks like so let's pause for a moment and have a look at resilience versus grip and we're going to kind of investigate you know what we think about these these two categories are they the same are they different right and i have already alerted that they're very different they're two different skills and i want to really hone in on that they are skills and they are skills that we can each.

    Develop and what's really interesting is that you can have resilience without grit but you can't have grit without resilience so sort of an interesting idea that we'll dive into so let's start with resilience what word comes to mind when you think of resilience and share in the chat when you think resilience what comes to mind punching bag bouncing back ability steadfast strong.

    Confident these are some great words balance staying calm endurance sticking with times even when it's challenging and there's really no one single definition really when it comes to resilience right it's all of these but if we had to pin a definition we just had to pin one it's the process of adapting well in the face of adversity trauma tragedy threats or significant sources of stress.

    And what's interesting is you can put any of your words in here right it's the process of reflecting and in the face of adversity right it's the focus of remaining balanced in the face of trauma or tragedy it's the uh process of bouncing back right in the face of a significant source of stress right so all these words that you've shared those are a part of resilience.

    And building resilience really is um a learning experience right and it helps us be better prepared for the next time because life doesn't come with a map right we've got twists and turns and everyday challenges that we have to face and all of those changes so this idea of resilience and building resilience skills helps us adapt in this face of change.

    What about now if we just have a look at grit what do you think grit is what comes to mind when you think of grit chalene determination yeah you'll see persistence stamina these are good words able to stand alone strength of character digging in and.

    Holding on these are great words so when we have a look at grit um angela duckworth she is a leading research scientist and psychologist um on grit and over her recent years of study um and and with her colleagues they sort of ventured into many areas of education and business with this question of sort of who is successful and why and the one characteristic that emerged as this sort of significant predictor of.

    Success was grit and she defines grid as the passion and perseverance for very long-term goals so it's that that stamina that someone said there right sticking to that day in day out week in week out month in month out year in year out right it's living life as a marathon not as a sprint so it's that persistence that.

    Perseverance that digging in and holding on these definitions that you've been sharing and what's really interesting is that science knows not that much yet about building grit it's a fairly new area that is being sort of investigated about how to build it right and angela does state in her studies it's this ongoing sort of science ongoing research but we do know some areas that we can sort of look into within grit and help to start building.

    Some of our some of our skills within grid so the reason that we want to have a look at resilience and grit and the reason why you're here right is because it is so important for us to develop it not just in our personal lives but also in the workplace as well and one of the things that resilience and grit skill building does is it really helps employee health and well-being it helps employer health and well-being.

    And so if you can develop these skills okay you can end up being able to hand handle conflict maybe more successfully it helps you to remain maybe a little more relaxed when you're under stress um it can help with a burnout and avoiding burnout and it can help you to try new things but also stay in those long term goals as well so it's a really important skill in both.

    Of these and again all of this can be applied both personally or professionally so you've gone okay bendy we've talked about what resilience is we've talked about what grit is we've talked about in the face of change what can we do with these skills so i'm sure you want to know how can we build it right how do we build each of these skills what do we have to do to build these skills and so at this point.

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