Building Multiple Branches

Building Multiple Branches Hi there and welcome to another video on some of the intermediate features of integramatte in this video we'll be taking a look at how to build different branches in your.

Workflow with different endings to explain what i mean let's take a look at a quick example this workflow is looking for new entries on a google form.

The form looks like this and it's basically a way for users to submit issues or questions they will select the topic and add more details.

Now when that happens a new card is created automatically on trello that means the issue is transformed into a card that can be assigned to other people on the team.

Now let's expand this workflow by adding two branches to it let's say you have different specialists on your team that deal with different issues.

For example if you have a billing specialist on your team you want to let them know immediately that there's a billing issue your customers are facing and then you have other people on the.

Building Multiple Branches

Team that take care of the other topics so we can build two branches in this workflow and build exactly this process to add more branches to a workflow we will need to add a router module so to.

Add a router we can add another module like this and then type in router this will open the flow control menu like this.

And then select router this will instantly create two paths like this we can easily add more using the plus icon here in this case we only need two branches.

So we can go ahead and delete this one we will auto align the scenario like this so that it looks nicely centered now let's proceed with building the two.

Branches so for the first branch up here we'll send a message to our billing specialist to do that we will add a slack module just quickly going through the setup.

Here for the actual message we can type in something like new billing issue and then add a link to that card.

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    That means when the billing specialist - Make Automate

    Gets this message they will also have the link for that card included in that message so because we want to send the.

    This message to our building specialist only we will need to use a filter on this upper path to add a filter i can either click this wrench icon and click set up a filter or i can click the line.

    Connecting the two modules here we can choose a label for a filter it can be called the billing issues for the conditions we will be checking if the topic is matching billing.

    For that we will use the answers from the google forms so let's scroll down and find the topic question in this case the filter will be checking.

    If the topic is equal to billing so let's type in that manually for the bottom path we'll be using a filter as well this time it will be checking.

    If the topic is not billing so that it means all the other issues will be passed through this round so we'll add a different filter it can be called other issues.

    We'll again use topic question here this time it will not be equal to billing and what this means that the filter will.

    Check if the topic is not building and if so it will allow data on this path to this ending right here let's add a slide module as well now we have three new entries on that.

    Google form so when we test the scenario by clicking the run once button we should have three cards created on trello and then one item passed through this.

    Upper path because it was related to

    Billing and then two on this bottom path because they're related to other issues we can also click these filters to expand and check the details.

    So the first one was related to billing so it was correctly allowed through the upper filter and the two were related to other topics so they were not allowed through.

    On this bottom path this filter did not allow the billing question to pass through and the other two were allowed through okay so that's it for this video we've.

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