How To Create A Drag & Drop Family Tree Maker In Excel FREE DOWNLOAD

How To Create A Drag & Drop Family Tree Maker In Excel FREE DOWNLOAD Hello and welcome this is randy with excel for freelancers and welcome to the family tree maker in this week's episode i'm going to show you how to create this incredible family tree maker complete with drag and drop family tree assignments we're also going to be able to edit update and add members on a click of a button we'll add unlimited families and a fully dynamic family tree making screen it's going to be an incredible training i hope you'll join us so let's get started all right thanks so much for joining me i've got a really fantastic training this week in fact a highly requested one the family tree maker a really cool and fun we're going to learn a lot of.

How To Create A Drag & Drop Family Tree Maker In Excel FREE DOWNLOAD

New things in this particular training because i'm going to have drag and drop we're going to be able to update add edit and of course remove members very very easily and of course we're going to be able to easily drag and drop them onto the play so that they can automatically adds so there's gonna be a lot of lessons in shapes we're gonna learn about conditional formats we're gonna learn about drag and drop and a whole lot more so i hope you'll stick with us through the entire training we're gonna be adding a lot of features onto this and of course if you want to see more features onto this if there's something that's not here that's what our patreon platform is for each and every week i add on features to these applications i create a brand new updated application and also.

An updated training to show you how i created it and it's all based on your suggestions of features that you want me to add or maybe you want me to fix something or perhaps you even want me to focus on that if you want to get all that that's coming up on our patreon platform each and every week i'll include the links down below make sure you click on the links join us on patreon that'll help support the channel all right let's get started right away on this training because we got a lot to cover so what i want to do i want to create this family tree dynamically easily refresh it.

And click of a button and it's going to load up all the information now the details of for each family member might be different maybe we want to show something different maybe we don't want to show that hierarchy maybe we want to show the last city that they lived in or the date of their death or the birth or something like that we can do that very very easily or where they're from right we want to look at that so when we simply refresh it i've got it tied to this icon we can show that city right there very easily so the contents will be dynamic and of course we can print it out with a button we can add a brand new family we can add a member of a family just by clicking a button.

By adding any members and we can also select different families right so we can have different families we can assign a particular member to a family just by dragging and dropping we can clear it out just by clicking the clear selecting and clearing that out we know those assigned members are going to have a check mark so we've got a lot to go on there so there's tons and tons of great features i've got this really cool feature no family members so if we want to add a member just click add or adding a family or adding a member adding a family will be there adding a member will show up here the family is going to be default so of course we can have a list of families and then.

A list of members is part of those families here those members that have already been assigned have the check marks those members that don't would not have a checkbox we can edit this member with that as i showed you before and of course can't adding that new one so there's a lot of features going on here and of course we're going to put pictures in we'll be able to add those of course and we'll have a dynamic text here as we select a different family that different text is going to show up and we'll be able to print it so a lot of features on this really cool training we're going to show you how to build these we're going to show you how to use connectors these connectors are going to be able to connect shapes dynamically through vba so we can automatically connect them to the right.

Places vba is going to do all of that for us and a whole lot more so we're going to show you exactly that and we're going to be doing that all right so let's take a quick overview of what we have it's relatively simple as far as the data and the database and the admin screen relatively simple you saw that we have pictures for our family members so we're going to need to store those pictures in a specific folder and then we're going to need to browse for that folder let's go ahead and view our formula bar here i just had it hidden temporarily and we've got a formula here so i've got a bunch of pictures here of a lot of people here inside this folder here so that.

Particular folder is going to help us direct where those pictures are located okay so that particular folder along with the database now we have a family tree database that database is located here inside another sheet and it's basically we have a family id each individual family id a family has its own id so we have a family database very very simple and then we'll put a date added if we want to do that that's kind of the third column is not so important basically we have a family id and a unique family name for every family that's relatively simple when we add a new family we get.

A brand new id and we get a new name here and then perhaps maybe a date added on date or something like that so inside the family tree members we have all of the family ids notice a different family has a different id and a different name so for each one it is assigned let's go ahead and freeze those columns so that we can see a little bit easier freeze that in that that top row here okay and then what i want to do is i want to be able well let's do row four that's the one i want to do okay so what i really want to show is i want to be able to show you how we can add those.

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    Tree dynamically through vba okay but the first thing what i want to do is i want to determine

    Members very dynamically and show the information that we want to show got a member name the date of birth all the information according to the member as we added and a picture associated with that a location which will be going over good that location is going to tell us exactly where in this tree that they will be displayed right we need to know exactly where it is that we want them to show up and we've got five different rows and that's going to help us that location we'll go over that in just a moment and then a database row associated with that now when we select a different family tree from here we want to load all the members with that family tree if i decide to add a member here and i want to add in let's say frida fretters.

    I can do that give her a birth date and i won't put in all the data to save a little bit of time and then uh we can also assign a picture to that so we can browse that i've got a picture here i'm just going to change this one to frida just so there's a different name frida and then i'm going to add this picture in so let's go ahead and select her again and then click ok and what that's going to do is add that picture name here when i save that file it's going to go ahead and add frida right here when i add frida and i drag her anywhere i want within that generally we'll do women then i want that i want her located notice that her birthday is here if i decide to edit that and i click edit there we go got that information is going to show up here and we can of course add.

    Information so if we want to decide we want to add a location here and we can the burst city and then we can save that and you'll see automatically that that information is now going to appear up in in her information there so a lot going on here so we can automatically dynamically change that information here as well we may be adding style and color information in in the future so we'll be adding that in and that's going to help us there if we want to add in some dynamic but for now we'll leave that out okay because we've got enough to cover in this training all right so i've got a lot more to cover here so what i want to do is we want to be able to edit ad members we want to be able to add new families we want to be able to drag and drop and we want to create this family.

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