Power BI Industry Dashboards #RealPowerBI Project Presentations REPLAY Jun 24th Event

Power BI Industry Dashboards #RealPowerBI Project Presentations REPLAY Jun 24th Event What kind of results can you get for your business with power bi in one month you're about to watch members of our power bi consultant program present the real power bi projects this is where we promise to help businesses get real results with power bi in just about a month you will see projects from across industries and all over the world a community building organization in ohio an emergency medical assistance assistance provider in kansas a sustainable development company in.

Latin america a tulip flower bulb company netherlands and a housing investor operator in utah now if you need power bi consulting help for your business just go to our website learnpowerbi.com and click on consulting we will also put a link in description and if you are interested in learning power bi or becoming a power bi consultant then check out the training page on our site or follow the link in description make sure to watch the whole video so.

You can learn the lessons from each of these projects enjoy this recording and to join our future events live just go to talkpowerbi.com um all right so i'm assuming you guys can can hear us can see us can see the screen um i guess on the on the presenter side let's do an audio test i don't know uh yeah let's just uh go andrew uh how are you doing today yeah i'm doing well avi can hear you.

Loud and clay awesome awesome you're coming through great ian how's your morning been very good nice did you get any gardening in this morning [Laughter] you're saving it for later all right frisbee golf for later yeah frank do you have a wine glass next to you i know it's late for you in netherlands not that late it's six o'clock so dinner time yeah not that wine time okay okay okay rakish how about you hi yes not in kiev what's up.

What's what's the time in south africa right now it's five to six oh all right all right that's pretty close to um frank's time's in all right so let's see and uh why don't i see michael oh there we go oh michael was here i guess he would join again all right that's cool so folks uh yeah if you're joining tell us.

Um where you're joining us from and maybe tell us a bit about like which industry do you work in so we always say power bi is a tool and the key is how do you leverage the tool and yeah so you use power bi who do you help and of course here you're going to see a lot of interesting examples of who these folks are helping with.

Power BI Industry Dashboards #RealPowerBI Project Presentations REPLAY Jun 24th Event

Power bi but we want to hear from you okay so we have manoa uh okay cool so manoa we're gonna we're gonna make you a panelist so you can join the party let me find you actually robert can you can you try that uh like i don't know what interface do you.

See do you see the attendees and see if we can find manoa there uh let me try that yes i've seen manoa let me see if i can make him a panelist as well yeah yeah and if things are set up right then you should be able to click more next to his name and say promote the panelists would be a nice test i only have the option of chatting with him so i guess that's over your end ah okay [Music] all right so manila we should have you.

On in a second there we go let's see seems we're in mute but we should have video from you it seems hello can you hear me yeah loud and clear good and we can see you yay nice nice to meet you all absolutely nice of you to join um of course i've heard uh.

The stories from frank but yeah i'm glad to have you guys here to share it with the world and and certainly it's it's yeah it's a bonus to have you here so that's great i'm glad frank bullien uh all right yeah so hey folks who are joining let us know where you're joining us from and tell us a bit about which industry do you work in and of course you see here that we're going to have some really interesting presentations from across different industries from.

All over the world yeah ryan says hello to rakesh hey i guess you got a shout out uh darren he's saying he's from uk and he's a man he's focused on manufacturing just starting the bi journey currently poor data completion means many data holes but that's i think that's great news and i think a lot of speakers here would attest to it i always say that barbie is like shining a flashlight i mean until you do that everybody has been living in the dark and then you shine the flashlight you see some rats running around you know so yeah that's a good thing it.

Starts there connell is from canada she's in it operations mention any um it's focused on asset management oh that's great and joe from atlanta georgia for that's where my brother lives and i plan to visit there soon i'm actually speaking at the atlanta user group okay so we're getting pretty close in the mark here osama is focused on social uh he's from iowa reinventing myself as data analyst.

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    More power to you my friend that's awesome paul senior bi analyst right back green bay wisconsin

    That is great so folks you're probably seeing uh uh seeing the slideshow here and i'll talk a little bit about that so for two years we have run uh the power bi consultant program it took me one and a half years before that to muster up the courage to start offering that program and of course i went through a lot of fears that we all struggle with.

    And you know it's like oh who am i to do this am i good enough is it going to work out what if it doesn't work out what if it fails what if these people blame me to throw rocks at me and show up in my doorstop with signs none of that happened unfortunately and it's been incredible to watch their success and not just that but see the impact that they have been able to create in this world and it's just been like a ripple flowing across and i really feel that.

    It's time to reinvent the workplace and it's time to reinvent work and i was uh thinking about work-life balance and what came to me was we we struggled so hard right i mean like you know to to work-life balance it seems like you need to you know kind of if you're working 60 80 hours a week you need to maybe reduce that to 40. maybe it is about that but i was thinking what if we put more life in a work wouldn't that be awesome right i mean what if work became play what if work.

    Became this playground where we did what we loved we created an impact and we did it on our own terms and of course you can see some of the results flat all right so we're right on mark so we're going to get started with our first presenter andrew so i'm gonna stop sharing my screen and let andrew tell you their story and again thank you for everyone who's on uh if i can find the stop sharing all right andrew go ahead share your screen ready and excited.

    Hello all um yeah welcome to the um real power bi project um so yeah i'm amanda ali um i do help non-profits you know making impacts in their communities and and so i was really really excited to work with this charity in the cincinnati area you know they've got a vision to build um a flourishing diverse jewish community for future generations and and and so it was really you know it's something that talk in my heart string and really it was more of a labor of love.

    That's how how how i am i how i'll term it so um and so we go next to um what the the the problem they faced um whoops not sure why this is not moving okay okay um hold on there i'm having a bit of a technical issue here i'll do that again um um okay uh.

    I am just see if that works again um [Music] it works there like that i mean usually for me it works best if i share the whole screen it seems it might be sharing a window um yes yeah that's what i'm doing so i'm just showing the whole so let's try that again nope still doesn't work um sunisha.

    Well if the slideshow mode isn't working maybe just take us through in the other mode whatever that mode is called okay um let's see okay um okay let me see if the other one's gonna work now um okay sure okay see if that works all right folks hang on with us all.

    Right that's uh that seems yeah yeah all right sorry about that oh yeah i can't it's for the slideshow isn't working so yeah so um i'll um so you know the the guy the folks i work with yeah the circle stims they were literally knocking their heads against the brick wall you know i just put a picture out there you know they are on the front line in engaging with their donors to support the impact that they make in their communities you know the number one problem that we're facing is unlocking the insights that's hidden within their crm.

    So you know they had a they you know they had a crm that was you know not fit for reporting purposes

    So they just exported to excel did the analysis there you know with lots of spreadsheets and you know including some some vbas yeah they still couldn't get the insight they needed you know there was a lot of time that was spent on analyses and lots and there was not a lot of insights and and so it was it was a really difficult moment for them it was really you know it's you know they go into.

    Meetings with you know couldn't get much out of it you know going back with lots of you know and and i think the process was just really time consuming time consuming um and it was really quite difficult until we we had a chat and then i took them through um a process um so i am i worked with them we obviously through the process of bringing them into power bi that they've they've never used power bi they've always used you know literally from their crm you know they just export to excel um so.

    We use the agile approach was a period over a four to five week period you know we iterated about some steps you know as this was their first step into power bi you know the output from from this process was just gonna um serve like a proof of concept um you know as you know as well as to answer some of the immediate questions you know so we proceeded to you know connect they use this um as a specialty um um crm that's used for um for for charities and non-profits you know so they they're able to connect to some data.

    Sets in power bi and we're able to build some queries you know build some relationships um obviously we built the measures we'll be the metrics and and the dashboard so we went to a fairly you know you know of all the things that is most important let's focus on the top three things and that's kind of what we you know it's almost like an introduction for them um and and so in the end we you know were able to get in this you know it would do a very simple data model that showed clear relationships between their data and their lookup.

    Tables and which kind of reflected what their business processes looked like um and so when when we had that all done we then created um uh you know i don't know analysis overview for them so this is like just one of the reports we created for them but i just want you to just hang on that number there you see so that's not just a new donor figure you know you know these are these are real people you know who have you know they've made a decision to.

    Support the charity in achieving these objectives you know the the lifeline as you know of every charity is is your dona is your donors you know you need the insights you know to effectively engage with them you know whether it's new whether it's active what is returning so for instance why like this this this charity for instance you know in terms of doing their marketing campaign you know you know rather than having a scattergun approach you know um they they want to be able to understand you know why you know why their donors give up.

    Consistently over the last say for instance three years you know why somebody who had been giving for the last three years suddenly stopped giving you know what has changed how well you know are they able to connect and engage with their um with their with their with their donor base and and with that knowledge help them to retain new donors so rather than just going around you know doing marketing campaigns is the insights they get from their existing donor base and then they can then use that to connect well with them and actually.

    Deliver on their objectives because remember i just although this you know this might look like a pretty nice dashboard but the reality of it is that the objective of this dashboard is to help them you know deliver the vision you know of building a flourishing diverse jewish community for future generations that's that's the main objectives and you know achieving that objective is the main goal so being able to understand the business process understanding the insights that every extra dollar they get means.

    More lives are impacted so for me it's it was a real moment of truth it was a moment of where the work we've done is actually the living value on the ground and i think being able to see that link for me as a professional in my in my life this is this is me you know being able to add value to to lives and i feel like so proud being part of this um so yeah so so so and i'll go to some others like there other we built we went and did some more iterations built more metrics built more.

    Measures to understand you know number of um prior year open donors so people that i gave in the previous years that have given again you know the current active donors and and i think using the power bi too gave us the insight to be able to do that so with it with us with a click of a button they could switch the different views they could see their they could understand who their donors are they could understand how the giving has changed they could understand the profiles you know they could understand you know the what where when how of their.

    Engagement process it was it was a real light bulb moment and you know i think the question was well well where has this been all our all our lives and you know so it's it it i think it was the value added to the customer and i think i've i've been really proud to um to be part of this process you know so from you know from so this is just one of the um reports we created for them and we did some other bits for them but i think it was this moment about touching lives and delivering on the objectives i think for me that was.

    That was really the light bulb moment and and how it's impacted them and the charity so um i just have one one one slide here and then you know this is um kind of like you know obviously in terms of the next steps you know the the charity they now have a very solid foundation to connect better with your stakeholders you know to um you know to enable them achieve their charitable objectives they are they feel more confident going into their campaign cycles they feel more that you know the things.

    Because if you think about it a lot of people that are giving to children a lot of us are giving to charities you know we you know would love to do a lot of the charity work but it's just the time and being able to connect with an organization that can deliver what we can do it's really quite key it's a really important it's a really important pillar of our society and i think um being able to you know optimize them and help them to achieve those objectives is really um really what gets me up in the morning and power bi.

    Um has helped has enabled enabled me um to deliver that so um yeah so that's that's kind of um where we are um in terms of how managed to help this this client really um so um i'm just a brief runner of what i've done um and then in terms of next steps about me um you know i i grew up with faith in god and you know my life's been guided by that and so my work is really focused on helping faith-based non-profits you know make an impact in the community you know by.

    Locking that inside hidden within their data using power bi so you know if if you or somebody you know needs this help you know please feel free to contact me to see how i can help it's a very quick run through but i thought um yeah i try to keep it not too technical just just focus in terms of the values added to the customer the values added to the charity the fact that life's on the grounds that change and things are happening it really brings a real good warmth to my heart so yeah and.

    So i'm i'm leaving doing something like this that's awesome so andrew thanks so much for that so folks you heard him right it's it's you or somebody you know and again non-profits and organizations like that there are businesses too and they have to manage all of that stuff finance and so forth but you but it was so clear in you know when andy was speaking that he's so passionate about this he passionately believes in this so yeah you or somebody you know who may.

    Need andrew's help um you know just uh yeah actually andrew keep keep that slide up for a while share it again just so people have it and uh of course folks will follow up after this and we'll make sure you have all of the linkedin profiles for all of our speakers as well but you can always get in touch with me and i can also connect but but of course andrew's information is here so andrew just a few questions for you one it's incredible to hear about what you have been able to do with this line and so forth but i wanna i wanna.

    Uh you know backtrack a bit and tell us a little bit about when he was starting out and did you i mean nobody knows the future but what would you what were any doubts or fears in your mind as you were starting on this journey of leveraging power bi to help businesses and non-profits for example the way you did but what were your fears and doubts at the beginning of that journey i think i think the fear of my fear in.

    That was initially well do i have the technical expertise today so i have my background in business and accounting and finance and all that and advising convolved compliance and i think questions like i was a bit worried you know do i have the technical expertise to do it and i found out that actually i do i think i just need that 20 percent rv you know just understanding the basics so all you need for power bi is the basics and so even when i started this i mean it wasn't plain ceiling i i hit a brick wall.

    But i i had to i had to cycle back into you know i mean ian's probably on probably know you probably got some friendly calls from me but you know he it was about that word keeps ringing in my ears out you know you've got to start small you've got to start from the base get the basics right you know and even if you if you need you're trying to get to a point you're trying to get into this really complex statistic never do complex tax measures start leg it's legal legal block approach a b c d you know walk your way through get the first one don't get a second one done you know.

    And it's fine because you would not only understand it better but you would actually be able to you actually feel satisfied by it so i would say don't worry don't don't don't don't be worried about it you will face a brick wall and that's fine and within that brick wall you've got a community to lean back on and you would get to the next level because you you can't learn without getting hit in a brick wall and you will face it and that's fine i mean i'm sure you'll probably tell you even he probably hits brick wall even though he's like the mvp.

    But you know but that's that's part of growth isn't it that's true i most definitely do just different brick walls but yeah recalls don't go away and part of the and it sounds cliche but yeah i mean you gotta enjoy that journey you gotta enjoy that becoming it was so frantic to get there but um yeah you know why not enjoy and appreciate what we have so andrea i wanna ask you one um one other question which is we haven't had a chance to talk about it but but you mentioned briefly that.

    Your upbringing it was you are a man of faith right that's that's i think fair to say yeah and i find it kind of stunning that the work that you're doing is so aligned with who you are and what your beliefs are and what you really care about and want to leave the footprint in this world how does that feel that your work is so aligned with with the who you are it does feel really great you see i mean i've circled back i mean i you know i you know i i started live when i.

    Obviously my 20 odd years when i obviously come out of uni and all that you know my life's an account and all that i still going back to my roots because i i remembered obviously you know truth going to church and all that sort of stuff and you know the mistakes i've made i still find that that fate that i have has really helped me back and being able to i just find myself being able to come back into this same line and being able to help it just it's like living your best life really you know you're able to do the thing you really.

    Love most and you know that at the end of the day the work you've done is adding value you know to to the thing that means that one of them what the thing that means the most to you so nice and so i'm just kind of focused on just that so yeah all right thank you so much so folks again if you or somebody you know could use the help of andrew then um yeah you've seen this presentation let let us know [Music] and you can get in touch with andrew there and andy go ahead and uh you can.

    Stop the screen share and work you up our next speaker rockesh okay [Music] okay tell me when you can see that it seems coming up yep we can see okay great uh so i'm just gonna walk you through my presentation and tell you firstly a little bit about.

    Myself so i founded a company called bi dashboards which is uh quite self-explanatory and most of my experience has come from operations sales and customer services specifically around contact centers and telecommunications and i have a background as a data analyst as well as a project manager and my aim is to you know be able to equip business leaders yeah with um.

    Analytics that will and i enable them to make better informed decisions and ultimately uh drive the bottom line uh okay so this is uh let's just see if i can hide this portion here okay this is uh my real power bi project that i worked with this is kansas city's medicine cabinet and it was the executive director her name is beth and they're actually a non-profit.

    Organization uh that uh helps people in the med people who can't afford basic medical care and they were doing manual reports things like that so i'll take you through that now okay so firstly um when i first uh had uh the initial meeting with the bit um she shared with me some of the um.

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