5 Mind-Blowing FREE Windows Apps (you probably didn't know existed)

5 Mind-Blowing FREE Windows Apps (you probably didn't know existed) [Music] so i have five really cool windows apps for you that you can download for free and try right away shut up that's the name of the first app it's actually.

Called oeno shut up 10. it's an anti-spy tool for windows i mean it's no secret that microsoft collects your data in windows 10 and 11. i did a video some time ago on how to improve.

Your privacy by turning off some optional diagnostics now an easier and more effective way to do this though is to use oano shut up 10. it lets you decide which unwanted data collection.

Should be deactivated after you've downloaded it using it is super easy you don't even need to install anything it has a very simple interface you're going to see all these items from windows edge.

Office and other apps that collect your information the sliders on the left show you the current state green means your privacy is protected red means data is sent to.

Microsoft on the right you're going to see the recommendations by ono i wouldn't bother with the red or yellow icons because they could impact some potentially useful functions the easiest.

5 Mind-Blowing FREE Windows Apps (you probably didn't know existed)

Way is to just apply the recommended settings in one go just click the drop down here for actions and select apply only recommended settings and you should definitely create that system.

Restoration point as is suggested here in case something goes wrong what i encourage you to do is that instead of applying all the recommended settings just go through the list yourself.

Because there is really no one-size-fits-all solution for example the settings for activity history and clipboard all are recommended to be turned off of course there's some data.

Storage going on here especially when you have sync activated you transfer your settings to the cloud for some this is for sure a no-go for me though i like this convenience.

So the great part about this tool is that you get to make a conscious decision about how much convenience you need in exchange for sharing your information in.

Summary it's a great free tool that supports both windows 10 and windows 11. next up is sharex it's a screen capture utility that offers far more features than the.

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    Windows built-in snipping tool it has

    The obvious capture functionality to take screenshots with various options like screen window region and scrolling.

    Capture i mostly use region and you just need to select what you want to capture like this where share x really shines is the editor.

    After you captured the screen you can make annotations add text boxes draw shapes magnify objects or add blur or pixelation to the capture another cool thing is to add steps if you want.

    To give some instructions to the viewer with every click it will add a step so you can say do this first then go here and then finally click on this when you're done with your changes you.

    Can copy the image to the clipboard save it locally or share it by uploading it to a range of cloud services you can also use sharex to record your screen for a quick tutorial or to record a gif.

    There are even more features included than i'm able to cover in this video like an image editor video converter or a handy qr code creator but before we wrap this up i want to show you one more.

    Cool thing with sharex you can also extract text from a picture or from a website just select what you want to extract and it's going to process the image online with ocr functionality it's.

    Not perfect but it does do a decent job so as you can see while sharex has an older very basic interface it's packed with functionality it also has a lot of customization options like keyboard.

    Shortcuts application and task settings it really pays off to spend some time with this app just to be able to get the most out of it most free vpn services are slower than.

    The snails going through my garden so i

    Generally recommend spending the ten dollars per month or whatever it is to protect your privacy and your data on the web now since we're covering free.

    Apps one of the best free vpns that we've come across is private vpn it's based in switzerland where the privacy of users is well protected now switzerland isn't part of any.

    International surveillance agreements at least not until now which means that they don't need to keep any user logs the free version comes with 12 global servers and you get 10 gigabytes of free.

    Data per month it's not amazing but among the free services that's pretty good and it's super easy to sign up probably its best feature is speed now for a free service it's really.

    Impressive and i didn't notice any download issues or lags while we were testing this i personally use a paid service but if you're interested in a vpn and don't want to spend anything.

    Give provider vpn a try what do you do when you want to share a video with your friends or your family and it's just too big to send you could use some online converter but you know.

    It's pretty much annoying to upload this to the cloud and then download it again instead a much better solution is to use handbrake it's an open source program that transcodes video files between just.

    About every codec there is i'm gonna use handbrake for this video file here which is one of our recent videos i'll just drag and drop the file in the source selection the easiest way.

    Is to select one of the many presets in this panel here i'm going to go with the default 1080p then choose where the output file should be saved to click on encode and that's it.

    More experienced users can also fully customize the output with these tabs here this way you can rotate the video or manually crop the video you can also apply effects or turn the video into.

    Black and white on the summary tab we're going to get a preview of how this is going to look like there are more options to change the video encoder change frame rates add.

    Subtitle when you're done with your selections click on start and code depending on the video size and settings this may take a while you're going to see the progress down here with our.

    Example we were able to reduce the video size from 3.8 gigabytes to 149 megabytes but if you use the preset for gmail for example the size is reduced to 26 megabytes which is so much easier to.

    Share this way okay so if you ever need to compress a big video file or convert a video to a different format check out handbrake the last app that we're gonna cover is a fun small open source program.

    Called streamwriter [Music] it lets you play and record content from internet radio stations this way you can listen to the tracks later or transfer.

    Them to an mp3 player you can search from the thousands of radio stations available by using the drop down for music zones on the side here or if you're looking for something specific.

    Use the search box up here let's say i want to listen to nashville fm when you find the right station a right click will give you some options you can either play the stream or start.

    Recording it right away you can also record many different stations at the same time for better organization add categories to group together stations like you could create a category for.

    Country and then drag the stations to this category this not only looks cleaner but you can also start recording all stations in that specific category with a single click you can find all.

    Your saved songs when you click on this tab up here just double click to play the song the scissor icon on the side shows that the file has been cut automatically like it cuts out any.

    Talking or any ads a fun feature is also title search click on the button up here and enter the name of the song in the search box i'm gonna go with gandhi buddha i haven't heard that one for a.

    While hit enter and we get a list that's the one i'm looking for now i can't record it right away but i can add it to my wishlist this way streamwriter will record the song.

    Automatically if it notices that it's being played on a station you'll see the status of your wish list by clicking list in the toolbar you can create your own personal music library this way with.

    Songs that are hard to come by all tracks are saved in a folder on your computer you can specify this in the settings click on file settings and click on file names up here you're going.

    To see the folder for saved songs and you can change it by clicking on browse there's some more options that you should check out for example under settings we can define the default.

    Action for a double click for streams there are also settings for automatic recordings that you should check out here you can define the minimum quality and the format for your recordings okay.

    So that's my list i hope you'll find these apps useful if you want to check out my other video about free windows apps i've added it to the cards above i also added the download links for the.

    Apps that i talked about in this video to the description box if you have any other favorites please share them with us in the comments below because some of these apps were actually.

    Based on your comments from our previous video that's it for today thank you for watching and i'm gonna catch you next time.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continuetomake videos like this. All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yridBTXFme8
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