Excel Today - Setting Up Teams

Excel Today - Setting Up Teams good morning everyone welcome to excel today it is september 1st 2022. we are back yesterday but joe had a meeting that ran long he did try to jump in but then he had link issues so we apologize for that but we are here today like we said we promised you one show each week and we have kept that promise and we will continue to keep that promise um ever.

Excel Today - Setting Up Teams

It's funny i was just watching something about how a lot of places at work are now running like you know meetings after hours uh it's like a much more recent trend and how they're trying to get like free work out of their employees and stuff like that so if you guys are watching i highly recommend not doing that and you know pushing to get compensated instead instead um i just from working at home i've been doing it for a long time now ever since the pandemic hit march 2020 i've been sitting here guys grinding away but i can tell you you have to set.

Those work boundaries you have to set that timeline and you have to stick to it hard if you don't people they're just gonna keep you know those who would take advantage of that will just keep taking advantage of it it's never gonna be a one-off you know it's gonna always be more and more and more so just my quick tip for me today from all my work experience um but yeah anyways uh we are doing setting up teams today uh so it's going to show us how to ideally set up teams.

I know team how do we create channels and then how to create like a fun little i will make something up we'll have how to send annoying emojis to your co-workers [Laughter] deep cut movie references yeah we definitely send that to each other hi hi how's it going thank you for joining us today um i guess i'll also jump into some of the updates that i alluded to just this past friday they're already uh you guys may have noticed.

That they're already popping up um we have changed the exercise files completely um now on our courses in the upper right there's gonna be you'll see a card pop up as soon as the video starts it says uh down download exercise file so in the upper right you'll just be able to click that it's going to take you to a new page that we we created a landing page and it's just gonna have a button there that you click to download the download the exercise files and then below there's gonna be a button just below it to take you back to the uh course and it's already live on our site guys so there's a we're trying to get it done for all of them but we're going.

Alphabetically right now so you'll see it on access and azure are all our access classes and then our azure class uh the xlookup class was kind of the prototype for it but you'll see those cards beginning to pop up and we'll be hoping to get those added to all of our courses going forward all our new videos will have them but we're just catching up on getting all the previous videos on there and there's a lot of videos that we gotta do that for so it's gonna take a little bit of time but it should be a couple weeks all right yeah there's my uh intro to data analysis right that was.

That's coming up yeah yeah that's that's just friday thank you for joining us morning um so yeah that's that's the big update um i am going to youtube's educon 2022 next week so next week uh i will be there um we're trying to do a show before then hopefully because i'm going to be there wednesday thursday friday but i'm actually going to actually be seeing joe on the east coast out there most likely on thursday so that'll be great.

Um so and yeah so we'll have a lot of more announcements of new features and stuff like that i'm sure after uh edgycon 2022 uh we're i'm super excited about it going to meet a bunch of other channels and other youtubers and getting you know getting to talk directly to youtube about you know all the upcoming features and stuff that they have planned for the um education vertical um that we're a part of so that is all my updates from my side but uh oh yeah and lastly we will be doing a new intro i don't think it's gonna be.

Tomorrow we're really trying to get it done to add it last second but if it's not if it's not tomorrow it's definitely going to be the end of next week uh we're just trying to get the train we're trying to get the training started faster for you guys i know that we have a big spiel that everyone cuts and everything like that we're going to be removing that and we're going to try to jump into the training as fast as possible going forward so you know just trying to make everything better for you guys um but yeah that's that's it all right that's it for me i could talk forever i know i can um and anyone who talks to me knows i.

Can too so joe how was uh your past week it was good um i did i funny enough i've been doing bite-sized trainings but this week has just been full day trainings and uh it's just been so amazing it's it's been a lot of fun i forgot how much fun it is to kind of like build up on something um and then oh pranita yeah no worries um if you pretty that if you do me a favor go to off-site i've i've been monitoring off-site a lot more lately um.

Just quickly like give me a an idea maybe even a picture of it and send it to me on off-site just give me a quick little private message and i'll look at your data and i'll take a look at it and see if i can fix it up for you yep and again guys if you guys want help directly from our instructors it's always available at off-site um we always have somebody monitoring it it's not always joe it might be faz might be mo might be someone else but we do have our instructors constantly going through there making sure that all your guys's.

Answers are questions so you know just like prineta has an issue with her with her data you can send it you can even send it to us sometimes and we can take a look at it um we do will not touch anything that is prior company priorities not yet data sensitive please yeah very sensitive do not send us data sensitive stuff because we will not touch it or look at it but you have to post everything in off site offsite kind of make sure vets all the all the attachments and stuff like that for us as well so it all has to be an offside um yeah hey rku hello thank you.

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    For joining us today ladies katana great seeing you as well joseph hello good morning as well

    Um all right all right let's get into it yeah let's uh so today i thought you know what we'll do i i know it says like setting up teams i don't mean like the settings of teams because those are pretty straightforward but i want to show you how we can first create a team second create channels and i'll explain what those are and then inside of the channels i'm going to show you how we can set those up so we can get projects.

    Done instantly you're going to be so so much better at teams that it's it's just going to be through the roof on how you can set it up now every team is set up differently right so for most of the companies i consult for whether it's a realty company or maybe it's just literally a construction company um they they do have different ways of setting things up i'm just gonna go with a generic like project a project b type of thing today but yeah you're gonna have a lot of fun um yeah no worries for nina as well so let's get right into it let.

    Me share my screen we're gonna have some fun today at least i always think it's fun i hope you all do too well you all come back so that means you definitely did all right you are good to go awesome okay so essentially what i want to do today is create a team so i'm going to click into my teams you'll notice here that i do have my teams hidden i didn't want to scare any of you okay if you want to take a quick look go ahead oh yeah.

    Yeah yeah that's a billion teams i'm on i'm part of so many teams but yours may not look like this so what i want to do here is when you go into teams in the team section because we're talking about creating a team you're going to notice that at the bottom there's something called join or create a team and by the way not every company will allow you to have access to this some companies do block you from joining or creating a team unless you ask.

    Permission or request it somewhere so just know that if you do have to request it via help desk no worries at all you can do that but check with your company first before you just start creating a team so once you create the team once you click on join or create a team it's going to bring you to this page here and it's going to have a couple of different things going on the first thing is we can create the team which we're gonna do but you can also join a private team as long as you have the code or you can join a public team which.

    Means anyone in your company can join these teams so there is a difference between public and well of course private private you need a code public you could just join so that's one of the first decisions we have to make when we actually create the team so i'm going to click into create team and it's going to say well joe do you want to create a team from scratch do you want to create one from a team that already exists that you maybe like or look microsoft even gave us some templates like if we're managing the project they have a team for that.

    Managing an event on boarding employees organizing a help desk and there's just so many different templates and they are adding to these like this one frontline collaboration that's new manage volunteers that's new so always check those out but for today we're gonna have fun with it and just create one from scratch now as i said before one of the first things you have to do when you create a team is choose whether you want it to be public anyone in your organization can join or private people need permission to join i'm gonna say that today we'll do.

    Private next you're gonna give your name a cool uh give your team a cool name um i'm gonna call this the youtube awesome team and you can name it whatever you want in a real life situation i might just simply name this hr or i might name this my sales team it's whatever team that you're actually working with but for this one i'm just going to call this youtube i can spell it right you all know i'm a bad speller already so i don't mind youtube awesome team.

    You can give your team a description if you want to let people know why should i even be a part of this and i'll just say that this team will be working on various projects for youtube and then i can click create now once you create the team it says creating the team it even gives you a little thumbs up i'm feeling good about it already and the next part of creating a team is well adding members so ben already knows this because i use.

    Ben as an example he's probably part of a billion fake teams i'm gonna use ben

    Now typically in your company they'll have the directory already created so if you click in here for instance if i start typing then ben pops up right away so i can click on ben's name and now ben's part of this team you can also in some circumstances and the reason i say this is because not all companies allow this you can add outside members as guests by.

    Typing in their email so i could just type in someone's email and then add them as a guest guests don't have full permission to this but they do have some you know viewing access and some other types of permissions that you can manage later on but i'm going to just keep this as simple as possible i'll add ben uh my friend taylor and let's add my friend sammy you know what if i don't want to add taylor let's say i change my mind you can click the little x icon and it'll get rid of.

    Taylor and then i can type in let's say my friend liz once you have them in here you can click the add button and you'll see that they are now added to the team as members now at this point in time you're more than welcome to change them from a member to a co-owner you typically do this if you have like 100 members and you can't you don't want to be like responsible for all of them so you say hey why not have a co-owner help me and you can have up to 10 co-owners including yourself.

    But i'm going to keep everyone a member because there's only three of them and i'm going to click close and look at that we have our youtube awesome team now underneath the team itself you're going to notice a general channel now what is a channel exactly well channel is simply a major topic or project that the team is working on so maybe the youtube austin team is working on a project called project alpha or project beta right maybe both if i want to start to add those projects.

    I can click the tree dots or the ellipsis and i can choose add channel now to add the channel i'll just add the channel name i'll call it whatever it's called project alpha if let's say we wanted to add a channel for onboarding employees i could say onboarding employees it's whatever you want to name it but we'll keep it pretty generic today and call it project alpha you can put a quick description in you can make it a private channel or a standard channel or even a shared channel with other orgs.

    And you can automatically show it on everyone's channel list so they can see it now a lot of people ask me joe why would you not want to automatically show this already well it's kind of like if i invited you all over for pizza i was like hey everyone be in my house at 5 o'clock pizza party the pizza will be ready and then when you show up at 5 i'm still making the dough well yeah that doesn't make no sense now you got to sit there and watch me make pizza and you're starving so if i'm not ready to show them project alpha channel maybe.

    I'm still working on it i'm not going to share it i'm only going to share it when i know it's fully done and ready but i'll say it's ready and i'll click add so now we have project alpha and i'm going to create one more i'm going to click add channel and i'm going to choose project beta and once again i'll show that and click add.

    Okay so now we have three channels the general channel is by default it comes with every team you create and it's actually really important there's no way to delete it there's no way to edit it but you will use it because see every single channel that you click into has three tabs you'll see that when you click into a channel it has three tabs and these tabs are so amazing you have the posts tab which allows you to.

    Talk about the project you have the files tab that are associated files associated with the project and you have the wiki now the wiki is just an ongoing document that never ends i've seen wikis used for many things project charters announcements meeting notes it could be whatever you want it to be but every single channel comes with that and the best part about this is no longer do you have to use email to talk back and forth about a project remember that you'd be like hey everyone project alpha's ready to go and then you get.

    Like 40 emails back and then you email them emails will get lost now it's all in one place and it becomes threaded chat so let's say for instance i want to say something like this hey everyone we just got the permits for project alpha but where will i put that project alpha because we're talking about project alpha so i'll click into project alpha start a new conversation and say hey everyone make sure you don't press enter if you.

    Press enter it'll send the message there's actually a keyboard shortcut to skip down a line it's going to be shift plus enter so you don't have to just continue to send something when i use shift enter i could skip down as many lines as i want but if i just press enter it will just send it i'm going to say hey everyone we finally received look at that we also have spell check so i can right click and just quickly fix it we finally received the permits for project.

    Alpha and i can send this out and i can even use emojis gifts and stickers here at the bottom to have fun i can add a gift like yay or i can add an emoji with a little smiley face and then i can send enter and everyone on my team will see that now my team can come in and say yay or awesome and they can start to reply or even ben great.

    And look at that now i have it all in one threaded chat so if i ever have to go back to this or if somebody new comes into the team we could just say hey if you want to catch up on everything we've been doing with project alpha just go to project alpha and take a look at the emails back and forth or the conversation pretty amazing everything's organized now if i want to talk about project beta well i'm going to go here to project beta and i'll say something like project beta was delayed.

    No further narrow this then i can send that out and then people can even select this they can like it they can heart it they can show their emotion maybe a little sad face i'm sad that project beta is delayed and now there's two sads so ben and me are sad that project beta's delayed which is amazing but what is the general channel for a lot of people ask me well the thing is if it has nothing to.

    Do with project alpha or project beta everything else that has to do with the youtube awesome team will go here for instance maybe we're doing a halloween party for this team well i don't want to put a halloween party in project alpha beta it has nothing to do with those so instead in the general i can now announce that hey everyone we have finally selected our location for the halloween party.

    And then once again you can add stickers or gifts i could go to a sticker maybe search halloween see if we find anything they're scary see if they have anything if not then i can search gifts i could do halloween and i could do a little dancing i think this one's fun and i could say we will be in the haunted asylum.

    And then i can send this out and now i sent this out over here in the general because it has nothing to do with project alpha or beta okay so now we know a little bit more about posts you going as the bee and i can do a little laugh and i'll say oh yeah and we can have these conversations back and forth without having to go through email that's the best part about this if i ever want to go back and remember what i said.

    I can just go back here click and i can see now in each of these channels as i said we have other things as well so let's say i go to project alpha i have a place to have conversations but then someone keeps bugging me they're like joe did you get the project alpha charter yet and i'm like i i didn't i put it in project alpha see no longer do you have to meet the requirements or worry about file limitations with email if somebody says.

    Joe where's project alpha charter i could say it's in project alpha channel go there and they'll click in the project alpha they'll go over to files and it'll be right here and you can upload anything whether you want to upload from your file from a template from a folder let's say i upload a fake file project alpha we'll do um yeah one of these maybe let's do this i'm just going to create a copy and i'll just rename this.

    So once i upload this there's a couple things i can do i can click on the ellipsis i can rename it if i want to i'll just call this project alpha charter just for today's fun so now when they're like joe can you give me the the file no just go to project alpha and all the files for project alpha are here all the files for project beta are here different place anything that's not related to alpha or beta is here.

    Okay and look ben updated a picture so this is amazing now we have a way to communicate we have a way to share files and last but not least we also can use this wiki for anything that we want if i click into the wiki remember a wiki is just an ongoing document that never ends very similar to let's say the word wiki means.

    Well go ahead ben what's wiki me and who i am quick that's right quick encyclopedia wikipedia quick way to just start to add information so the wiki here is an amazing ongoing document that never ends you can quickly add information and the best part about it is let's say i want to turn this project off into i don't know maybe like announcements or meeting notes we need meeting notes about project alpha i can click the little drop down.

    And say okay i want to rename this and i'm just going to simply rename this and call it instead of wiki i'm going to call this meeting notes and i'll click save and now that i have this what i can do is start to create these meeting notes i can click the little hamburger menu i can go over and rename it say you know maybe i want to name this i'm very neat so i'm going to call it september 2022.

    And then i can add the different meeting notes here in the sections i can call this 91 2022 and then i can put my meeting notes here i'll say um these are the meeting notes for project alpha and then we can add another section and i can maybe we're going to have a meeting in a week right two and then oh.

    Sorry like a little skip there for some reason but we're back on just uh for some reason it skipped there just for a second you want to go back maybe like 20 seconds no worries so uh yeah all you do is click the little plus icon and you can add another section i could click another plus icon maybe another week we'll pass by and we'll you know put another note in there and then once we're done with september meeting notes we can even add a new page and we can call this october 18th so we keep everything super.

    Organized which i love and then maybe we'll have a meeting on the first of october and then we can always go back to our meeting notes and see oh joe said so now we have a way to have conversations about project alpha we have our files that are associated with project alpha and we have our meeting notes for project output and you might be saying joe this is amazing but guess what it gets better you'll see this little plus icon we can actually integrate other applications of microsoft.

    Into our project output so if i give it a plus you'll see here that we are wiki we can add a planner we can add microsoft onenote for meeting we can add a whiteboard for collaboration or a sharepoint site or we can add a document library from sharepoint or a pdf or even a website right so this is so amazing we have so much more we can add to this and not only microsoft apps but all other types.

    Of integrations as well you have a limited list this brings back memories like b want to visa how amazing is this so let's say right now that we want to i don't know maybe i want to add a plan like a little plus icon save.

    Uh oh i got it i just saw that audio right and then i can actually set this as a due date it's due right now and i can assign it to that and i can add this and once ben gets this and he checks it off that he fixed it i'll then see it and i can even add other buckets too maybe we want to say that this project is going to take a couple phases maybe this called is.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continuetomake videos like this. All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SILv-nQN09E
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