Power BI Dashboard Challenge: Executive Dashboards that Connect Company Systems, by Poorni G.

Power BI Dashboard Challenge: Executive Dashboards that Connect Company Systems, by Poorni G. What results can a power bi beginner get in just 30 days you're going to meet one of our 30-day dashboard challenge participants and see that you can quickly get incredible.

Results with power bi even if you feel like a beginner right now when poorni started on a journey she had perhaps the same doubts and fear that.

You have but listen to her share her journey and see what she was able to accomplish and you can get the same results by participating in a 30-day dashboard.

Challenge just visit learnpowerbi.comchallenge to learn more and sign up first of all thank you abby for this opportunity and it was great.

Being in this program i actually started the program long ago um where i didn't have the motivation to sort of like um cut through so i was kind of stuck um in the first section.

Itself without going further and um the 30 day challenge got me back into track so i just have to be.

Power BI Dashboard Challenge: Executive Dashboards that Connect Company Systems, by Poorni G.

Very thankful for that and i would also say it's not just um i was it's not just that i was not proceeding i also was kind of like depressed that i couldn't do it because.

My background is software engineering and i love data i'm always like this data person with ssis to ssas to whatnot and why i couldn't do it.

It's just that you know i didn't have the push i didn't have uh i don't know exactly what to say but when the 30-day challenge came in i thought wow okay why don't i give it a try why don't i just.

Go through the whole um whole thing one more time uh why don't i get started again which really really really gave me lots.

Of benefit and um i was part of the q a session with everyone's talking about my career transition to like few weeks ago a month ago um.

I really want to change because i'm into this management position which uh is like not my thing i am more of like hands-on person i want to do things.

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    Um this whole year um in our company there are data in different places as.

    You know it's shadow systems to project management systems to whatnot even though it's a software company we have our own data nobody kind of manages that it comes with bits and pieces and some.

    People want some report uh here and there it's ad hoc and um people query it in different ways there's no source of truth sometimes it's all like messy.

    So when something is being asked out of me i cannot just give anything out of like that i have to kind of take it confirm it otherwise i feel like i'm doing.

    Something yeah so so i started um trying to query and then and then the entering mind you don't stop there you just wanted to uh automate it so.

    Um from clarison you can send an email then from email you download it and then put it in a google sheet then create some reports that's how i.

    Was doing it then we were using rpa robotic process automation for some other client stuff and then i thought you know what why don't the robot do the work.

    So uh we are licensed to microsoft power automate which is rpu tool so i even have a little slide here um so this clarison project management tool sends this excel to the gmail.

    And then we used i i used like download copy and then do all the processes which is behind this i'm just going to cut this and then bring it back.

    Do all these analysis and whatnot but

    Then i thought okay why not rpa then we have set up the rpa to go through the email every day get the data put it into the.

    Google sheet you would ask why google sheet because it's online that it can be shared it can be um in like all companies uh google world google workspace well not office 365.

    That's another reason so then i then this google sheet data became so huge um.

    Because i just started with simple timesheets then they wanted about project data that they were like asking anything and everything out of me so i became a little overwhelmed but at.

    The same time i'm happy because this is what i really want to do i was doing more of this job rather than my what is supposed to be my job too so i was able to also uh in my company uh convince my.

    Management i wanted to go towards this more and you know the nice 30 day challenge also came along the way so i was able to.

    Present to my management this is what my passion is um so i wanted to start using power bi and i wanted to be like whatever i have given you i wanted to make it realistic.

    And then given um as more like an online report to whoever needs it and then i'll make sure it comes from um you know appropriately from source of truth it's not like ad.

    Hoc and that and this so that's kind of a little bit of a background story um and also i also wanted to stay before the dashboard one other little quick thing.

    So when i was talking about all these things to my management uh all these little little things from uh clarison to jira to zendesk to i was thinking initially okay you know.

    I'm more like this ssis person right so you need to do etl and ssis and create data of your house and whatnot and this is how i was pitching initially then hook up the power bi but i have to start.

    At the course thanks to avi there was lots of clarity and then once you stop doing it you know and i have a question for abby on this too regards to our company.

    Power bi desktop can do all the stuffs including the data warehouse and etl um except that i just put a little uh thing here which is more like the rpa thing.

    May need to sort of connect it otherwise we can have like a direct connection from clarison it's a paid service a 12 grand or whatever but if rpa is doing that job we don't even need that for.

    Example yeah so um this is like my aha moment um and um even when i was so fast like while i was learning all these things i was like week three i was presenting.

    The reports that i created to my management and they asked the same question so what about the data warehouse and i said probably i took care of everything.

    I love it i love this story yeah so um i still have to negotiate with them like i want to do more like initially we started with 30 70 percentage of work in.

    I'm getting like overwhelmed requests from everywhere can i have this report can i have this report can i have that and then also another good news again november was my month um.

    Probably i never had a connector for uh google sheet but they announced beta version for google sheet in november nice so that's all most of my pro.

    Because most of my things are in google sheet otherwise i need to redo it i need to figure out some other way to sort of like connect it so right now i'm in a little bit of a.

    Swamp i call it i'm just trying to connect it and then i'm seeing lots of errors and whatnot and all kind of things and i'm like in a panic mode but as abby says i take it as an opportunity.

    So that i learned weeds and i i learn anything and everything in this very deeply so that i can you know like troubleshoot because in self-engineering you'll learn things.

    Sometimes by troubleshooting like you need to make a mistake and then and you have to go through steps to find out where you made the mistake that gives you a great.

    Opportunity to learn anything and everything so debugging gives me a lot of confidence and then give me a lot of oversight of everything and on top of it as i said um.

    As i have gone through this painful path of doing everything through google sheet not even excel and especially with time sheets where you have year-to-date timesheets like 50.

    000 rows more than that excel sorry google sheet is crying so i couldn't even produce these reports where i was able to produce some in the.

    Early days but not after so here comes the utilization board now after i have cleaned up everything and then put the sheets and then you.

    Know what yeah so actually if you don't mind give us a bit of a context what is the business about like utilization of what line delivery uh yes so so in client delivery projects there can be.

    Non-billable projects and billable projects so this is a consulting company you've got consultants out there working for a lot of different clients all right and then application engineers are also.

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