Power Automate Part 2 - Creating Basic Flows - ID Card Make

Power Automate Part 2 - Creating Basic Flows - ID Card Make Welcome to this weisel tutorial on creating basic flows in power automate here's what you'll learn during the tutorial so we'll Begin by getting started with.

Power Automate Part 2 - Creating Basic Flows

Power automate logging on finding it we'll look at the importance of either using production or development environments to make sure you start off putting your flows in the right place.

We'll create some basic flows create some actions within them including adding Dynamic content fields we'll look at how to test and run the flows you've created to check they work.

We'll look at how you can save flows add comments to them and peek at them to see the underlying Json as it's called and finally we'll look at how you can copy flows and actions and also disable.

Them although we'll discover that you can't actually disable actions so let's get started the way I always choose to access power automate is by typing office.com.

And that will take me to the 365 screen I'll need to sign in I'm acting as a delegate 51 at wiseaucourses.co.uk today and for most of this tutorial series and I'll need to.

Type in my password having done that I can click on the sign in button and I'll choose to stay signed in now in order to be able to use power automate.

You'll need to have a 365 license and for that you'll need to pay I believe it's about ten dollars a month to Microsoft sorry about that you can then click on What's called the.

Waffle a rather strange name that sees nine dots at the top left of the screen and what that will allow you to do is to navigate between the various different cloud-based applications in 365..

So I could for example click on the Microsoft 365 icon there I'll link there and see just the Outlook PowerPoint word in Excel or I could be more ambitious and choose to explore all of my apps in.

Which case I can then click on the all apps link on the right hand side and what I'll be able to do then is to see every single cloud-based app and all of these to a greater or lesser extent.

Support integration with power automates but I didn't want to do any of that so what I'm going to do is click on the waffle and go to Power automate and that will allow me to create my.

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    First flows - ID Card Make

    It's probably worth mentioning I could have short circuited the whole process by just typing in powertomade.com there and pressing return and that will take.

    Me straight to it as well so just before we look at creating flows I want to mention the important subject of environments at the top right of your screen you can.

    See which environment you're using and you can click on the name of the environment to see your choices I've got two and so will you the first environment in my case is the.

    Development environment that's one that only I delegate 51 can see and the second one is one which shared amongst all the different people on the same domain and there's 80 or 90 of.

    Those who are all the delegates on weisel training courses so I want to make sure that I don't because I'm a beginner with power automate I'm just creating basic flows.

    That everything I created goes in my development environment so it's important to choose that at the beginning the reason it's important is it's quite.

    Hard transferring information from one environment to another they're both stored in different tenants on the Microsoft server and so what you would end up having to do is to share an.

    Environment and then access it so it's easier to make the decision correctly in the first place so it's time now to create our first flow you can have a look at flows you've.

    Already created by clicking on my flows on the left hand side and you can see I've been cheating I'm afraid I've created one called my very first flow earlier 48 minutes ago in.

    Fact what I'm now going to do is create

    A new one I can do that either by clicking on new flow up there or I can choose create flow on the left hand side I'm going to do the latter.

    They're both pretty much identical I don't at the moment want to create a flow triggered by an event so I'm not interested in it running when somebody clicks on an item in a SharePoint list.

    Or sends me an email or puts a file in my OneDrive instead I'll choose an instant cloudflow and that's what I recommend if you're first getting started.

    I'll give it a name my flow is going to send an email to my good friend delegate52 so that's what I'm going to use as my flow name I'll choose manually trigger a flow.

    Because I want to be able to run this just by clicking on the button I don't want to have to depend on some other event and I'll click on the create button to.

    Create this it will do after a short pause is create my flow and every flow has to have a trigger in this case the trigger is the die click on the button to manually run.

    My flow so there's always something which begins it everything which then follows is a sequence of actions which I can start by clicking on the new Step button.

    So to add a step or an action I can click on the new Step button obviously and I can choose what I want to do I can either choose one of the existing libraries of actions and there are many.

    Of them or probably better I can just type in what I want to do so I want to send an email so I'll type in send email.

    And what it will do is come up with a list of the possible actions meeting that criteria you need to choose quite carefully some of these can look very similar to each.

    Other what I want to do is to send an email using my Excel or rather offer 365 Outlook many of the actions have version numbers and brackets after them which I just.

    Find confusing why not just show me the latest one and miss other version numbers if you want to see more in an action you can click on the information symbol to.

    The right hand side and then you can click on learn more and it will take you to a separate web page showing you all the parameters that this action takes but I'm not going to do that to this.

    Stage I'm just going to choose my action send an email and it will put in the parameters for me which I can now Thumb in so I'm sending it to my good friend.

    Delegate 52 as already mentioned when I type that in you can see it's coming out with a list of all the people on the same domain the subject is going to be hello.

    And the body of the text is going to display my username and the date so I'm going to put in two placeholders for that I can then position my mouse pointer.

    Where I want my username to go and use the dynamic content which appears down at the bottom right automatically to find my username so I can type in my search string.

    Click on the dynamic content I want to insert which in this case is my username and it will add in a field which will give my username and I can do the same thing for the date.

    So I can position my mouse pointer where I want the date to go type in the search string as date choose date and it will put that in for me.

    If any Dynamic content well always that easy let's see if you stay watching this series of tutorials you'll find that that's not always the case sadly.

    I've now finished my action so I can click on the save button and my flow is ready to run so my flow is telling me that while it's ready to go.

    It's recommending that I should test it so that's what I'm going to do now over the top right hand button here is a button saying test and what I'm going to do is click on that to see how my flow.

    Looks so if I click on test I can run a flow in one of two ways automatically we'll only apply if I have a trigger which will make it run.

    But because I said I wanted to run it manually I need to click on the first option instead I can then click on the test button at the bottom to test my flow.

    What it will then do is analyze all the connections and all the permissions my flow needs in order to be able to run and you can see there's only one of them I'm trying to use Outlook and it tells.

    Me my permissions and gives me a green tick to show that I'm okay to go if there aren't green ticks all the way down you need to set permissions I can now click on the continue button.

    And what I always make the mistake of doing now is thinking that's running my flow it's not it's taking me to the next stage where I can then click on the button yet again and actually run my.

    Flow so you can see it says my flowrun has successfully started I actually think it's probably successfully finished as well if I click on done.

    And you can see I've got green text next to each of my actions so what I what I now want to do is see whether my flow has worked what I've magically done is to create a separate.

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