The Missing Step to Master Power BI (Skip This At Your Own Risk! ) - ID Card Make

The Missing Step to Master Power BI (Skip This At Your Own Risk! ) - ID Card Make In my last video, I had talked about the key steps you need to follow to master Power BI but I didn't get to the crucial missing step and this is the step that I actually only recently discovered andI feel slightly embarrassed because I've been teaching Power BI.

The Missing Step to Master Power BI (Skip This At Your Own Risk! )

For many years now. uh So in this video we're going to talk about this missing step. So what is this all about this this whole you know video series has been about solving this problem of the learning doing app where people are reading books they're reading blogs.

They're watching videos they're even signing up for training courses even including mine but they're still stuck and not able to apply Power BI when they start applying to the real business scenarios they get stuck and can't solve it. And that's where I feel that there was one step that I was.

Missing. So again the four steps that I covered in the previous video our program has been structured around those key pillars those concepts but there was one step which I was missing as well. That's what we're here to talk about today, Now if you did not see the last video make sure to go back and watch it..

After you're done watching this video so watch the previous video we're going to link it to um in the corner and down in the description below but for now let's just focus on the missing step. By the way my name is Avi Singh i'm a Microsoft MVP and a best-selling Power BI author and if you want to become a Power BI Pro.

Make sure to subscribe and click that bell so you are notified whenever I go live to answer your Power BI questions. All right so let's say you have learned the 20 core concepts you have done real practice and you understand when to use push versus pull learning and you can fill in the blanks in this.

Sentence power bi is dash bi right and again if this none of this makes sense then at the end of it go back and watch my previous studio which covered these key four steps but i saw students who even after they go through all of that they still kept getting stuck and i had to ask.

Myself the question why what am i missing now hey let me walk you through a story right let's uh let's imagine you want to learn to play soccer my son is a huge soccer fan by the way it rubs off on me a little bit so let's say you want to learn to play soccer and you approach the best coach in the.

World nothing but the best for you but unfortunately for you the coach turns you down right but as you're feeling a little bit sad and depressed and you're walking out of his office you find right there the coach's playbook with all the different plays and his strategies.

All inside so my question to you is can you become a great soccer player by learning and practicing from the playbook what do you think now probably won't that would be my guess but what is it that the coach teaches besides these steps and the answer was right in my face even for power bi learning.

And it is the thought process now what is the thought process and why is it important let's talk about that and of course how does it fit into power bi so what is thought process why is it important so imagine you're being you're being coached you have gone through the playbook but the coach has given you one other thing which is the thought.

Process because when you step onto that soccer field the playbook goes away because real life is different real soccer is different people are not going to be in the exact same spots and you are not going to be able to run the exact same play so what what's crucial is is that not.

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    Only you understand and learn the playbook right - ID Card Make

    Learn those concepts but you learn the thought process behind it so that even when you're exposed to a really new situation and again real soccer is going to be different and even if the players are slightly.

    Different you're still going to know what to do you're still going to know how to solve this problem now you realize that this is also the number one reason that people are stuck and and you know have this they can't cross this gap in power bi of go from learning to doing because they're.

    Learning kind of display book right but real data is messy data right real business is always slightly different ask yourself isn't that when you get stuck right i mean obviously i mean if you learned something in the playbook and it's exactly the same which happens once in a while you you.

    Can do it but if it's slightly different i guarantee you that is when you're getting stuck and you go out looking for answers and again people you know try and help you and so forth but again your case is just slightly different from what they're saying and it still doesn't work and you keep spinning your wheels because you're missing the crucial.

    Element the thought process behind it if you had the thought process then you would be able to solve any novel problem right a soccer player doesn't just go out there and only does the things that they were taught through the playbook no he has understood the thought process now the funny thing is that this was staring right in my face.

    Now i've been running the talk power bs sessions for many years now at least two years and i've spent hours on there now something that has happened quite often on top power bi is i'm answering somebody's question and i'm trying to solve some dax or m or whatever puzzle for them.

    And i'm unable to solve it it's happened a few times and every single time i apologize saying hey i'm sorry i wasn't able to solve it felt like a fool but then inevitably the response was no arie this was great because we got to see your thought process behind it how you.

    Approach the problem doesn't matter whether you were or you were not able to solve it the thought process is what's critical and i wasn't giving it to my followers to my students and i'm like so my friends that i feel is the missing step now if you want to see an example of it in play then watch this video and again.

    It's not about the technique you may know how to solve this problem it's not about that but i bet that you would learn something from my thought process which i explained in this video so we're going to link it in the corner and down in the description below so hey.

    This is a big moment for us because we are going to pretty much

    Approach everything in this new light so in my youtube videos especially showing power bi something solutions will not just show you kind of the steps but we will show you the thought process that i use to arrive at that solution right just just to give you a peek.

    Inside my mind and of course we are right now in the process of re-recording learn power bi videos to update them but we're also embedding a little more detail in there which doesn't just shows them the approach but it shows a glimpse of what's under the cover the thought process.

    That goes behind how i think about it how i approach it now we're also going to use this to revamp our advanced power bi layer and really what we're going to do is we're going to go to the recording of talk power bi sessions pick out the best the start questions and re-record them to be modules inside.

    Advanced power bi where i explain the thought process which i always do on talk power bi right i always say i think out loud but we're going to structure that and put that inside our advanced power bi module we're also going to incorporate this approach in our highest level program which is pro plus.

    Now pro plus is all about somebody who wants to become uh really have either a power use power bi uh to create a side income or a full full-time income working as a freelancer consultant entrepreneur solopreneur whatever you want to call it right so that's that that's or my highest level program.

    And what we're doing there is i'm recording full consulting sessions with clients and again power bi is agile bi and i talk about how it's like peeling the onion and i want them to see it so that is nothing about power bi these people are learning to become consultants but what is my thought.

    Process like how am i engaging with the client and what i'm doing is i'm not only recording session but i'm recording a recap of what i thought and then i go ahead and work on the project then i come back and say hey here's what i did and here's why so um that is what we're working on and we really hope.

    Uh we really feel that this was the crucial missing step and this is gonna bring our students and followers so much closer in bridging this gap from learning to doing so hey i'm super excited about this let me know in the comments if you are too and again if you missed the first video.

    Now is the time to go back and watch that uh linked in the corner and down in the description keep watching some of our next videos and don't forget to subscribe as that really helps support our channel and helps us put out great content until next time.

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