Q&A Session Make + Facebook Lead Ads Tips & Tricks - ID Card Make

Q&A Session Make + Facebook Lead Ads Tips & Tricks - ID Card Make Hey makers how's it going uh thanks for joining us today welcome to the session now I'm sure you know you can see it over here you know on the slide the today's topic is uh dealing with Facebook lead ads on make now we're here to give you a couple of helpful tips and tricks um on how to do exactly that but before we dive into the main stuff let me give you a short introduction of what's going on my name is Michaela and I'm the community manager so you might have met me in the make Community forum and I'm here today with Dan who's our wonderful Solutions architect and who will be.

Q&A Session Make + Facebook Lead Ads Tips & Tricks

Talking hey Dad through the actual uh tips and tricks uh now um we based the session on a couple of challenges that we collected from our actual users so these are uh challenges that people you know experience on a let's say daily basis so we created this session in order to make their lives a bit easier so hopefully this is uh gonna be quite helpful and thanks a lot for the feedback everyone uh who you know send us over some submissions with those with those challenges anyway these are the specific.

Specific things we'll be covering today so as you can see we're going to talk about listening for all your forms at once with one scenario Plus testing your Facebook lead ad scenarios then we're going to talk about avoiding duplicate leads in your target apps then we're going to talk about uh dealing with different field names uh within one scenario and then there's going to be time for some q a so if you've got any questions feel free to to drop them into the Q a section and we'll address them at the very end now we said this would be about 30 minutes we might be a bit.

Longer but don't worry because the whole thing is being recorded and they're like if you need to drop off or anything feel free to do so the recording will be available to everyone so that no one misses anything right I believe I've done enough talking uh so let's dive into the fun stuff so damn if I could ask you uh what's the situation when it comes to listening to for all your forms in one scenario well believe it or not guys but it is possible so uh I am glad I actually.

Don't have to explain make as a platform because you already know it so let's jump straight into building your scenario and the goal here will be to listen for all your lead Edge forms at once with one scenario only because I think most of you think that you always have to build one scenario for each lead form all right so let's start with looking for Facebook lead ads.

And as you would probably guess we are going to use the new lead module here which is the instance trigger which is a Web book based and which makes sure that all the leads from Facebook ads are coming to make nearly in real time okay so when you are setting up your scenario you are of course asked for a web hook and I don't have one so I'm gonna create it right now during the creation process we are of course.

Asked for the webbook name then for a connection I've already connected to make previously and to Facebook right so I don't have to do it again and then we ask for a page so I'm gonna select our make HQ page and now you are asked for the form and when you open it you see all the forms in your account right and you would guess that you select one but guess what you can see that this this field field.

Name is bold this field name is bold this one is bold but this isn't and bold means mandatory and not bold means optional so when you don't select the form here it means that this webhook will be listening for all your lead form submissions coming from your Facebook page right so suddenly we will be listening for all forms so now my workbook is registered and I can start testing my scenario.

Uh listening for all these advances that was like number one question which we got from you and number two question was how to test the scenarios easily so guess what there is another good news for you I mean there is so much good news for you to limit you don't believe it uh there is a Facebook development tool which allows you to make fake lead submissions through your selected forms all right so on this URL and don't worry we are going to send it to you later after the session.

You can go there and as long as you are signed up you can simulate the lead form submissions so you select your page and again the form which you want to submit and in my case these are the same forms which I saw in may like two minutes ago right so I'm gonna submit this this form by clicking this preview form button here and we can see that we are asked for full name job title I'm just gonna go for X for now company X work email just.

Fake email and a phone number before I submit delete I'm gonna go back to make I will say this scenario and I'm gonna start listening for for the submission so we can see in real time what's going to happen and now I'm going to click next and I'm gonna submit the form okay so we can see that we received the fake lead which was submitted by me now for those of you who are working working.

With Facebook lead ads a lot within make you will probably notice that the field names and the information which I actually filled out in the form is missing here but don't worry we are going to fix that we only got these IDs right and when you listen for specific forms then you will get the fields and you know the information filled out but when you listen for all forums it comes in as this however there is a module which we.

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    Can use get lead details and we can back we can map the incoming - ID Card Make

    IDs from this module into this module so we can say all right so give me details about delete for this page ID for this form ID and most importantly for this lead ID which I just received right and we can take this one step further and we might be even interesting in.

    Retrieving extra information about the form itself like its name for example so we can use this get a form module and here we can again map it so it works dynamically so we can say hid goes here and form ID goes here all from the first module now we can try make another transform submission to see how this sequence works right so let's do exactly that so we're going to save.

    The scenario start listening again and I'm gonna go back to the testing tool and I'm gonna delete the previous submission so I can submit a new one Okay so let's replicate the previous steps so again full name subtitle let's go with x x dz.com and let's submit.

    Okay so now you can see that in this module we retrieved the the field names and obviously the filled out information right so it's here and in this module we retrieve the details about the form so my form is called test for make solution engineers and it's exactly the form which I was using here right so in a nutshell this is covering a how to listen for all forms at once right and B how to test and again you know.

    Remember this tool it's super useful for testing your Facebook lead ads Integrations all right so Michaela was the was the next one uh what well unless I'm wrong uh first of all let me let me say awesome stuff like these really were the top two um challenges that people were facing so this is like super super helpful right uh but the the second or third thing actually uh we should be covering is um avoiding duplicate leads in your.

    Target apps uh that means your CRM or your other things right or right so all right you guys care about quality of your data either in your databases you know spreadsheets or in your crms you should probably make sure that before you create a new record for that particular lead that it does not exist yet in your CRM and if it does exist already you may just want to update it but not create another contact and there is a very simple concept how to work around this challenge to make sure that you don't end up with many.

    Duplicates in your CRM to demonstrate I've prepared a fake CRM which surprise surprise lives in a Google feed spreadsheet I chose Google Sheets on purpose because it's the thing everyone knows but in the real life the concepts which I will be showing in the next 10 minutes are exactly the same all right so don't feel like this is going to work only for Google Sheets the concept is going to work for any CRM or any database for example so here in my CRM I have just.

    You know two guys here Joe Smith and Paul doe and I'm gonna start adding more people but before I add new people as I said I need to make sure that those guys which I am about to add are not there already so what in what do I need to do well first of all I need to decide on the key based on which I will be determining but the person is already in my CRM or isn't right so in the real world it would be either.

    Email or phone number I'm gonna go with email so what I want to do is I want to check whether the email which I just got from Facebook ads is or isn't present in this spreadsheet so I need to search for that email within the CRM or within the spreadsheet and that's what I'm gonna do so I'm gonna look for Google Sheets and then I'm gonna use search Rose module.

    I'm going to use my latest connection

    I'm gonna search in my target spreadsheet and the sheet within the spreadsheet and as I said my key is the email so I want to check that the email column within the spreadsheet either contains or does not contain the email coming from the Facebook submission so I'm gonna map the work email field and if you think about the logic we can.

    Also set the maximum number of return rows here because you will either have one or none right the person is already there so you will get a match and that would be one matched row or the person isn't there so you'll get like zero so I will set the maximum to one to stay safe and now once you do this operation you will need to take action based on different results of this module right so we can introduce router which is basically a very simple way to introduce conditional logic into your scenario if.

    You use your filters properly so we are going to introduce two routes and in the first route we will be creating New Leads when the row number coming from the spreadsheet does not exist and let me just set it up and then I will explain it so if there is a match based on the email within that spreadsheet you know the wrong number will exist right it will give you just the number of the row where you can find the record.

    But if it doesn't exist it means that the person is not there yet and therefore the person should be created so let's finish the create route and we will be adding a new row so I'm going to specify my target spreadsheet again Target sheet within the spreadsheet and now is the mapping time which you all know but let's do it because there are a few tricks hidden for you in this exercise so rate created we can use date created which is coming from the.

    New Elite module here so you can just use they create it right and if you are kind of programmer like me and you want to keep your dates and times tidy you may want to format it so I'm going to do format date and I'm gonna use this like ISO format with the year months day hour minute and second then within the CRM we have this date updated field which basically tells me when the record was last updated so in this case when we are creating new lead basically the update and.

    Creation time is the same so I can just quickly go print and paste it and here for company we can just map the company the job title and now there is the first bigger challenge in the mapping process so we can see that the CRM is asking for first name and last name but you know I don't have it I have just the full name so the challenge is to extract the first board and the last word from the full name field and the way to do it is relatively easy so we can use split function you can put full name into.

    There and we can split it by space so if we use the space keyboard here we can split it like this or if I am a lazy person and I know a few internal tricks I can just hard code the space by typing double curly brackets space and double curly brackets again so this hard coding trick that's something probably you should take away from this webinar but it doesn't end here so right now we've split it the name by word and it.

    Will give us an array basically a list of words but we need to take the first word on it so for that we can take we can use the first function so now we are doing the split and then from the result of that split we will take the first word right and that will give us the first name here for last name it's similar but obviously we cannot use the first function but we need to use the last function otherwise the logic is the same and then for email we are just going to map.

    The fields as they come same for phone number I don't have anything coming for campaign but in real life you would likely have also campaign name associated with delete if you if we really ran the campaign right so I'm gonna keep this blank and then form name I am gonna pull it from get a four module and you can see the names here and I'm Gonna Leave This updated after original creation field blank for now because right now we are creating we are not updating so I don't have to worry about it now we will have to do.

    Something similar for the update route right because right now we solve the situation where delete is new so we are going to create a new lead but here in this route we want to only update the row in the situation where the row number already exists it exists all right and in that case we are not going to use the Adderall module but we are going to use the update Arrow module and again similarly as before we have to.

    Go through the mapping exercise so let me quickly run through it sheet name now as opposed to the previous module we are also asked for row number right because the row number is existing and we need to tell the module which row to change in this case we are not going to attach the date created field because that's only being edited when the lead is actually created right so we are not going to touch it but we are going to touch this one so we can use again.

    Format date but this time I'm going to use the Now function which will give me the current time and again I'm going to just format it to my favorite format then I'm going to map the company job title and again we will have to do the same trick with the first name so I'm going to be really quick and I'm going to repeat myself foreign.

    Last all right then email phone campaign we don't have headset we don't have for name yes we have one where are you for a name here and here we are just gonna hard code yes to tell us that we actually updated delete at least once after it was created now we can start testing and see whether the logic we just introduced here whether it actually works.

    So I'm going to save the scenario start listening for New Leads and then I'm gonna go to the testing tool again and I'm going to create oops I need to delete the previous leads now I need to submit again so we have full name which is my name job title dz.com let me make sure we have at least the ending correct.

    And I'm gonna submit it again and now we can see that the scenario successfully did what we asked to do right we got no match for the record because I wasn't on the spreadsheet yet so we went and created the new record and when we look into the spreadsheet you know it's what I filled out in the form and it's all here all good but what happens if you know I forget that I already.

    Submitted the form and I will go again and I will just I will submit the same form again with the same email right so that will be the duplicate situation so let's try again and see so I'm gonna start listening again and I'm gonna delete a previous lead and I'm gonna follow the form so I'm gonna change my name for now so I'll say that.

    So we can make sure the name is properly updated job title I can say intern company name the company but the email will be the same as before because that's the mic that's my key based on which we will be deciding whether the record already exists or not and I'm gonna submit so you can check the scenario and now we can see that we we took the update Route because this module give gave us a match right so the.

    Record already existed already so we just updated it and when I go back to the spreadsheet or to my fake CRM we can see that the company was changed job title was changed from X my name was changed and my last name was also changed so clearly it worked right and by introducing this very simple logic that before creating something you actually search or check whether that particle record exists based on a unique.

    Key and then you take action based on the result of that search you can really make sure that you don't create any duplicates and your data stays clear and tidy right and yes again I was creating this with Google Sheets but let's say you you are working with Salesforce right so in Salesforce you would obviously did not you would not have search rows but the module would be called something like search records and at a row module would be called like create a record and.

    Update Arrow would be update a record so all these ads always have some sort of search operation create operation and update operation and that's what you need to work with okay so I believe this is it for for this uh section Michaela and was the last issue we are going to solve I just want to say that I couldn't trick that just like keeps blowing my mind because I had no idea this is this is possible so yeah that's that's great um the the last thing unless I'm.

    Mistaken is uh dealing with different field names within one scenario and how to go about doing that okay okay so when you are running your Facebook ads you will likely end up with more than one form and in Ideal World you would use the same field names for all your forms within your account but we know that the ideal world does not really exist and people make mistakes they make typos or they sometimes decide that they don't want to use the full name field anymore but they want to.

    Really use just first time field and last name field as two separate fields but here in the scenario we are expecting you know that that mapping we just introduced and we don't really expect any different fields to come so how do we deal with this ambiguity or with multiple fields which can be actually coming in the real world and that's what we are going to look into right now um we can try something so I'm gonna do another test submission here.

    And uh we are going to use a different formula so I'm gonna use this test form version two I'm gonna make sure there are no previous leads and I'm gonna submit that form but you can see now that we have first name last name no longer the full name and I can just try this DC and again company name X X dz.com same email as before.

    And let's submit and see what happens so at the first site you know scenario works like it understood that the record is already there but we only updated these fields and we my name wasn't really updated because we were unable to map you know the full name trick with the split function because this time we got first name and last name field so technically we sent nothing and because we said nothing this wasn't changed and now it's all messed.

    Right and we need to solve this problem uh so when we look at the scenario now and at the read fields we can see that there is first name and last name no longer the full name but here in the mapping in the updateral module we are expecting this and now we can even see that it's no longer coming right something is broken so how do we address this issue so what we can do in this situation is that we can introduce if empty function.

    And we can say if empty okay typos on my side too then and I will explain in a bit the news first name so what I just did is that I edit another layer into my function and I'm saying that hey make if the result of this operation is empty then.

    Use the first name field all right because the full name is no longer coming this will be empty and hence in that case the first name would be used uh now it really depends at which point you are adding this empty function because uh you may not always do the test submission right and you would see so you would still see the full name field here but you cannot just drag and drop it because you need the.

    First name so how to go about that well you can also hard code it and it's similar to what I did before but slightly uh more complex there is some logic to it so let's look at it so let's say I I don't see this real but I know the first name is eventually gonna come all right so I can do double curly brackets again and then I will refer to the module with the ID of two so two dot then I know that the field is going to come in the.

    Data collection and what I'm after is the raw name is this one the data not not this one here both names are equal but when you like when you look at lead ID here and you hover over it you can see that the raw name is different it's Legion ID with the different capitalization and what we are after when hard coding values and when hard-coding references is the raw name always the raw name so keep that in mind so in this case I will do two dot data DOT first name and again you know when I hover over the field I.

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