Webinar Leads Lifecycle Automation with LinkedIn & Make - ID Card Make

Webinar Leads Lifecycle Automation with LinkedIn & Make - ID Card Make Hello everyone and a very warm welcome to today's webinar about Leeds lifecycle automation please do stay until the very end as we'll reveal a special offer for new users at the end of the webinar but first I'd like to introduce our speakers for today first we have Ellen who's channel manager at LinkedIn and we have Danielle who's Absolution architect at make as for myself Frank Frank buddy.

Webinar Leads Lifecycle Automation with LinkedIn & Make

I'm the vice president of ecosystem at make and I will be your host for webinar let's look at the agenda for today we will start with some introductions about LinkedIn introductions about make and then we'll turn our attention to the challenges around the lead life cycle and to show how make and Linkedin together address those challenges we will offer you a demo a live demo there will be time for Q a at the end please use the zoom q a not the chat function.

It will be moderated and we'll try to answer all the questions at the end if we don't have time we'll make sure to follow up with you after the webinar and we now hand over to Ellen we'll tell you more about LinkedIn lead gen forms and Linkedin matched audiences and share with you some best practices and tips Ellen over to you thank you Frank for that intro and welcome again everyone to this webinar we are delighted to have you here.

So I'm going to kick off with the groundbreaking stat at least I think it's groundbreaking and that is at 71 of companies say that closing deals is their top sales priority so what we're going to see here today is how effective lead generation can actually help you get to that objective so one of the things um that we have at LinkedIn as we see a lot of companies and all these companies have a lot of different challenges but I think we can summarize then in three main points so first of all we see that often when.

We have our initial Outreach do a completely new audience to us we sometimes don't get a response that can be not a click on our advertisement that can be no reaction or no click or not even an open on an email or no response to the phone call then the second challenge is even if you have that first engagement maybe that has gone well but then conversations just stop in the middle after one or two touch points or later in the cycle so you can't seem to close a deal so sales cycle seem to.

Go on forever and ever no decision is being made even though that you've delivered the demo you had good conversations and the only last thing to do really was to sign a contract so those are common challenges that we see and we hope that today we can actually help you address some of those challenges so as a marketeer how you can do this is you can drive quality leads that turn into more conversions and hopefully eventually more customers because that's what we all want now on LinkedIn the good thing is we are.

The largest Professional Network and that means that you can reach quality audiences at scale when I say larger quality audiences I mean that you're not just going to engage with your final decision maker you're not probably going to engage with the person that's going to sign a contract it's very important to engage in a wider buying committee so that means also influencers maybe even the users of your product or the solution that you're trying to sell because very.

Often the exacts aren't the exacts in the c-suite leadership aren't actually the ones using the product or solution so someone else in the team might have brought this to their attention the good thing is people come to LinkedIn with a business mindset so all you're doing is reaching them where they're already thinking business and then what we can also do is your audience is already there now you need to think about how you are going to engage with them and the good thing is is that we have solutions that you can use across the funnel and you see a few.

Formats here on the screen and these are all that you can use across the funnel to reach your buyer where they're at so we already know their thinking business but some of them may actually be a bit more advanced in their conversation with you than others so what you can do is you can create a tailored way that matches their mindset you can engage with Buyers across that funnel in different ways meeting them where they're at which is very important you can do that with different types of content and I'm sure you all know the awareness consideration and conversion.

Pace then you can achieve lead generation at different stages of the funnel so from teaching to selling it might come across that being said I think we want to zoom in on thing two things today so we want to take a closer look at account based marketing which allows you to really reach new clients but also engage those that you're already talking to and then we also want to look at lead generation and lead generation on the platform actually drives um higher conversions than our platform and we'll look at that more in detail in.

A second but these two things are really what let's say make your dollar go towards quality engagement so let's dive into the first one which is a grant base Market account page marketing I will also give a heads up can also be called matched audiences where you use these interchangeably really and what this allows you to do is drive more efficient lead generation but also not to forget lead nurturing which can be very important as well at different stages of the funnel.

So for those that are a little bit newer in the marketing space matched audiences or account based marketing can be done on the platform by uploading or syncing a list coming from your CRM so you can sync a contact list or a company list and then this list will be matched to members or companies on LinkedIn and then once these are matched you can add them to a campaign which means that you can say hey these are 100 companies that I would like to reach and then with those companies you can combine that.

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    With another targeting facet because obviously I don't want to reach everyone that works at the same company sales - ID Card Make

    Might not be relevant for me but I want to talk to the IT people so then I can layer over for example the function Information Technology if I'm looking for a specific level of seniority I can also layer that over so what we generally see with a garden-based marketing is that the deal size eventually is larger because you're often reaching the relevant people but you're also reaching those companies that are already like filtered by you because obviously you've put them on a list you also see an increased number of.

    Pipeline opportunities and this also helps you with your sales and marketing alignment which is very important I want to give you one sort of takeaway if you don't take anything away from this webinar today at least you'll have this so one of the strategies that we often see a lot of our customers do is get a list of companies that your sales team is already talking to this list of companies we're already at the table we have already generated leads but you know the person that might eventually.

    Sign the contract could be a CFO CMO CTO but you might never even speak to this person because it's their team not leading this for example if we're looking at Microsoft it's not Bill Gates who's gonna eventually download your white paper it will probably be someone else that doesn't mean that you don't need to you know get Bill Gates on board and on board and saying hey actually I do think that this is very valuable for us so you want to build trust and what you can do is for example Microsoft can be on this list or any other company.

    That you want to Target and then you can say I want to reach senior Executives at this company you'll probably reach them with a piece of content that is all around trust and addresses objections that people might have when they consider your product so if you're not taking anything else away at least try that strategy but obviously we're not going to stop here so we also touched upon lead generation and lead generation um we have forms that are available on LinkedIn so in platform and this is the.

    Bread and butter of this series I will say so the in-platform experience means that there is a mobile desktop app experience that is all tailored for the um the prospect that you're trying to reach and this very tailored and very easy simple approach takes no effort and is the best experience that you can offer to a user and very easy as well because it actually pre-fills forms with member profile data this all leads to you being able to generate five times more leads.

    Without sacrificing the quality of the leads are on the planet So eventually that means more leads at scale very easy to prove their return on investment and you have instant access to your leads as well and I see that Daniel has already changed the slides there for me to what this might look like on LinkedIn so what you see here in front of you it was a lot what I covered before but this is what it could potentially look like so you can go from the awareness stage where you present with a video ad you can turn that then to a single image ad and do a message ad.

    And you can see here that ABM and Legion can fit right in at more than one step of the of each funnel at each stage so for example we see a legion form in step two in consideration but we also see that turn up again at the end and ABM can really you know come in in any stage here depending on what's relevant for your business so that was again a lot but then I also don't want to give you any more work more work that you already have because I think we're all very very busy these days so what we do at.

    LinkedIn is we work with a number of Partners and all these Partners can help you automate most of what I just covered and one of our very valuable Partners is also make um and now Frank I'm going to pass it over to you because Frank and Daniel afterwards are going to tell you more about how we work together rhythmic absolutely thank you Helen so let's start with the obvious question you know what is make actually well make a lose anyone to visually design build and automate anything from small tasks to.

    Complex workflows and systems without the needs for coding expertise you can connect apps to build powerful workflows in minutes and scale your business faster than ever so when we say everyone when we say make empowers everyone to innovate with our limits we do mean everyone I mean you don't have to be a developer to be able to use make I'm not a developer myself and I'm able to use make Danielle will be presenting shortly is not a developer user we're just business users at the.

    Same time make also a laws for very complex use cases it's really up to you

    And it depends on the scope of your challenges you know what the best part is we're not talking about months we're not talking about weeks we're not even talking about days to get started we're talking about hours literally so before we turn back to LinkedIn let me just share some numbers with you about make mako's launch in 2016 from the integromats we have 1 million users across the globe that's quite a bit spread across 180 countries.

    You may know some of those customers like zalendo United Nations meta Spotify Bank of New York melon Cisco those are all names that are fairly significant and we're connecting to 1 600 apps and services foreign last year make only had LinkedIn as an integration which is used to manage your company's page presence but this year alone we've added five new apps mainly.

    Covering LinkedIn marketing Solutions and these are great to support use cases for LinkedIn ads the most recent addition is LinkedIn Legion forms for events an app which allows you to listen for leads signing up to your company's events I'm not going to hand over to Daniel who will show you how you can use some of these apps to streamline your lead lifecycle Danielle's demo will be showing you how to work with LinkedIn Legion forms this is by the way the most.

    Used app makes processing around 7000 leads as of last month and that's growing every single month we look at LinkedIn matched audiences and Linkedin ads campaign management Danielle over to you hello everyone uh so before we dive into the actual scenarios let me decode the lifecycle keyboard for you because that's probably what caught your attention when you signed up via our ads right or when you read our newsletter so.

    What do we mean with the leads life cycle what is the deal what is the challenge we are solving here so you guys as advertisers you are probably having already very good campaigns and I mean that you have very good targeting you have very good messaging you have very nice banners but still it may not be enough to run a successful campaign because there might be quite a few technical challenges on your way which you may or may not be facing so let's look at those three challenges which we will solve with make today so the first one uh Ellen already.

    Touched on that topic lead gen forms so today when you run B2B campaign promoting your product or service you will frequently use Legion forms embedded into marketing platforms that means that the traffic is no longer hitting your landing page like it used to you know a few years ago when these Legion forms were not available any other marketing platform you cannot just ask your ID guys hey can you listen for these LinkedIn form.

    Submissions and pass this information to my CRM because they simply don't have access right to those apis and systems and that's where May comes in because we can connect to Legion forums Take the Lead information and push it to your CRM in real time so that's problem number two uh sorry that was the problem number one the problem number two is related uh to the cookie extension right so cookies are dying let's face it sooner or later they will be just dead.

    And this means that your checking is probably broken and if it's not completely broken today it's probably like 40 30 broken depending on how user-friendly your cookie content is and another issue is which was already stated the traffic is no longer going uh to your website uh in such volumes so the pixels which you use to track audiences track conversions just capture incomplete information these days and with make you can solve this problem.

    By providing your first priority data for example from your CRM like contact information and push it from Salesforce or any other CRM to LinkedIn matched audiences where you can use this data again for future campaigns or maybe you can use this audience data for creating look-alike audiences for your new campaigns in future right so not only that we will get the data from LinkedIn we will also push it back from your CRM to LinkedIn match audiences.

    And the third it's kind of Evergreen problem it's reporting we frequently see that it's kind of underestimated stopping among organizations and you as Advertiser you spend money to make money right it's simple math but even if you are making money you still have to prove it to your boss maybe to your CFO to your CEO so these people give you budget for next month next quarter and next year right and without nice accessible reports uh you can't really prove your point of course you can still.

    Keep going to linkedin's interface and pull out the data manually there and maybe then export it and compile it in Google spreadsheet and run a pivot on the top but with make you can streamline this process and you can get this data automatically from LinkedIn to a Google spreadsheet which I will be demoing today but not only to Google Sheets so we will look at these three problems and that is what constitutes the life cycle and the best part again let me restate this you don't.

    Need to know any coding like I'm not a developer in fact fun fact I used to be a an Advertiser you know seven years I've been doing Performance Marketing until I joined make last year so I am actually one of you I'm not a developer at all Okay so I guess enough talking for now at let's let's start looking at something real so I'm gonna escape the presentation and leave a look at make website first uh there is one.

    Important thing uh this webinar is of course about LinkedIn and make and how well we play together but for example you may want to check whether your CRM is supported right I will be demoing Salesforce but maybe you are using something other than some it's a different CRM so here on our Pages there is ads and services section where you can quickly see which apps we support and as of today it's almost 1300 which Frank already mentioned and you can just quickly search for example for all the LinkedIn apps right and you can.

    See the supported apps or maybe you would be interested in Salesforce right so yes we do support Salesforce because at the end of the day that's what I will be using but maybe you want to try something more generic like CRM right and we will give you the list of all crms which we support and by the way of course crms are one of the most supported category on make okay so keep in mind that this exists and by the way you can also browse the apps by categories and subcategories so it's.

    Very user friendly to to make your way around so now let me switch over to my organization at make this is uh what we call your instance when you sign up and you create your account and after you know a few days you will likely have some active scenarios running so this dashboard will not be completely blank and it will look very similar to mine so what do we see actually here here at the top I see my operations consumption.

    Which basically is just the sum and trends for the current billing cycle here at the bottom I see my active scenarios and by scenarios I I mean the automations which are running and are in place and are processing data regularly and here we can see lots of menu items on this side and here at the top right I'm not going to go through all of them because it's not important at this point but I want to stress out one important piece here and that is templates so templates are pre-built scenarios for.

    You so for example if you don't have time to learn make or you you don't want to learn it at all it is highly possible that the problem you are solving has been already solved with a template so for example let's check out the template which we have for LinkedIn Legion Forbes and we can see that in this case we have roughly 20 templates built for you already so if I wanted to take my leads from.

    LinkedIn and push them to activecampaign for example I could just use this template and I wouldn't even have to build that scenario from scratch you know here we give you more details about the template and some visualizations and when you go for it you will actually go through this scenario Builder with these little tooltips where we tell you in a very user-friendly way what to do in each bubble by the way the bubble these round things we call them modules officially and this is how templates work so keep.

    That in mind that something like this exists and templates allow you to get started very quickly even if you know absolute zero about Bank all right so let me go back to scenarios and let's start talking about the automations which I've prepared for this webinar so when I go to scenarios here this is the list of all my scenarios in my make organization since I work here I do of course have quite a few of them but for this webinar I've grouped the relevant scenarios into.

    This LinkedIn webinar folder and you can see I have just three of them so the first scenario will be processing leads from LinkedIn to Salesforce the second will be pushing converted leads from Salesforce back to LinkedIn and the third scenario will be pushing the performance data from LinkedIn to a Google Sheets spreadsheet all right so let's go to the first scenario the first scenario is very simple I will just briefly describe what it does and then we will run it for real with a real.

    Form submission on LinkedIn all right so first we will get a notification about the incoming lead then we will retrieve the lead details then we will create a new lead in Salesforce and then we will send ourselves a notification to slack that a new read has arrived so let's do exactly that I'm gonna go to LinkedIn and I'm gonna pull out my favorite character which is of course Jojo This is the most favorite character in the programming world right and JoJo sees this very nice ad about Nike and because Joe Doe likes.

    Automation he wants to learn more about the product so he is going to sign up for a demo right so when he clicks the sign up button the lead form opens uh if my profile was completed the phone number would be already pre-filled as Helen mentioned even the company would be pre-filled since my Pro my profile is dummy I will just use some random number and I will use jodo company as my company name and I will submit delete.

    After submitting the lead it's basically on the way to make uh usually uh it takes between 10 to 30 seconds for the lead to hit make in the real world you would not even notice the lead got processed but because I want to show you I want to run the scenario once and I want to show you you know how it progresses but the modules are doing and how the information is presented Etc so uh don't saying that when you are building these Integrations that you know if you.

    Don't get the lead in to make right at the very first second after you press that submit button that something is wrong no it's not you know sometimes it just takes a little bit of time uh in this case you know as I said it's between 10 to 30 seconds so let me rephrase the page and see whether the lead is already waiting in my queue here okay hey voila delete is waiting to be processed and as I said in the real world it would just be processed by the.

    Scenario automatically and you would not even notice I am now going to run this scenario once to show you how delete is actually being processed all right so let's exactly do that so now we can see the notification is received the extra details about the lead where retrieves from LinkedIn we created the lead in Salesforce and then we sent ourselves the notification to slack but did it really work right what if I'm lying well let me show you in in.

    Salesforce and slack so when I go to my list of open leads not which were not seen yet in Salesforce it's currently blank when I refresh the page we will see our JoJo waiting there so let me refresh the page and voila jodo is here and I have even added the timestamp of my submission right so you can see that I'm kind of trustworthy person and I'm I'm right that it worked so this lead was created at 1727 and let's see what's inside.

    Did we get all the personal details from LinkedIn yes we did so we have the email of Jojo we have his phone number we have his company I even set a custom lead source which is custom field in Salesforce and I put the campaign name to description the campaign name could be very well yet another custom field in Salesforce all right so so far so good this worked no issues here what about slack did I get the notification to Slack yes I did we can see that at 5 27 I got.

    The notification saying hey there was a new lead on LinkedIn from Judo from this company and if I click this link I would be again taken to Salesforce so let's go back to the scenario and look at more details what's actually happening there so here we just get the notification that something happened on LinkedIn here we receive the extra data about the lead the mapable answers is what we are after right so we want to get the name email phone number and company name and here in the Salesforce module that's.

    Basically where the magic starts the real stuff happens so the way how it works in make is that you basically map the items coming from the preceding modules to the fields in the existing module so for example if this last name wasn't mapped how would I go about it well what did I do when I was building the scenario it's very simple it's all drag and drop based so I will just take this last name coming from the LinkedIn module you can see that it's actually popping on you when I hover over it and then I will.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continuetomake videos like this. All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYhCoIXoWyE
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