His Real-Life Jerry Maguire Story The Learn-It-All Podcast Clip

His Real-Life Jerry Maguire Story The Learn-It-All Podcast Clip Can you tell the listeners about your Jerry Maguire moment for those who don't remember you might need to tell them the movie too no no Stolen Valor on this like this wasn't always me right I was.

His Real-Life Jerry Maguire Story The Learn-It-All Podcast Clip

Um the first you know I call it act one in my life and career I was the biggest you've ever met right I was you know huge ego um you know so full of myself thought I didn't need anybody.

Else thought I was the best at everything I did I just gave a talk about this um I I have this Facebook memory that pops when I was at the P Pinnacle of my Pharmacy career um I.

Don't delete the post even though it pains me but it pops up every June and I get to read you know the the Genesis of this like complete and the post is uh I say hey.

Guys you know that feeling when you walk into a room and you just know that you are better than everybody else at the room at what you do that's me in every room I'm in throughout my whole life and.

My friends let me have it in comments we read the comments it's like you're an what's wrong with you blah blah blah and then I go guys I don't think you understand I'm saying I'm better.

Than you this was my actual post right so you know that led to the the the the ending that I that it should have had with everything collapsing right life career the whole thing and when I.

Started over and realized okay it's me right I'm the problem I think this is a Taylor Swip song sounds like um you know and I just I focused on on being a dad to my two kids I was newly divorced um I.

Just wanted to be a dad I wanted to be a good man I wanted to find me again find George because he was totally lost I didn't recognize myself and through my my my partner at the time that's not my.

Wife and and my kids and all the people around me I sort of found that guy again fixed interpersonal relationships and something was missing I felt like I always say I felt like 80% of myself and.

What was missing was I took time off of work right I I left the Pharma industry um I didn't know what the next step was and I couldn't sustain that very long money was running out running out so I.

Had to start working and I decided that I would use the expertise from part one of my career but leave the pharmacy industry because I didn't really want that anymore and build this thing and if.

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    I was going to do it it couldn't be

    About the money this time had to just be about being a person of service right so I did that and things really started firing on all cylinders the business.

    Started becoming successful and it's one moment I was working in my office late one night and I thought of I don't know why it popped in my head I thought of the movie Jerry Maguire which was with.

    Tom Cruz where he plays a sports agent successful sports agent and one night after a chance meeting with uh the son of one of his um clients who had uh who had gotten tremendously hurt and a bad.

    Slice of pizza he grew a conscience and he started writing his his personal mission statement which blew up his whole life um got him fired because he wrote things like the answer is less.

    Money less clients um you know more love more caring loving what you do and ultimately it led to his eventual success as the version of himself that he wanted to be so I started writing.

    This thing for myself and the title of his mission statement and you could Google this and get a PDF copy it was um the things we think do not say the future of our business so I got a copy.

    Of that I I ripped the the title page off and I put it on mine and I just started writing it and I wrote about 35 Pages um of what would be my mission statement what I was about what I wanted.

    To do and that kind of sparked the next level of growth for me for my business for my life it's where I kind of discovered you know the balance in my life is what made me who I had become.

    Today being a person of service and not caring about success or the dollar or status or whatever um that would give me those things that I always wanted without asking for them without wanting.

    Them anymore and that's kind of where

    The the Genesis of the whole thing started love that you George you had me at hello with that no.

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