Power Automate Part 1 - Power Automate Desktop versus Server

Power Automate Part 1 - Power Automate Desktop versus Server Welcome to this Wise Owl tutorial on the differences between power automate and power automate desktop here's what you'll learn during this tutorial.

Power Automate Part 1 - Power Automate Desktop versus Server

So I'll begin with a little history because in order to be able to understand the present it's so often useful to be able to understand the recent past.

What I'll then do is show a quick demonstration of power automate server and then another short demonstration of power to my desktop so you can see how completely different these two products.

With virtually identical names are and then I'll finish with a quick summary of the differences just so you can be absolutely certain which tutorial you should be following next.

But I think that's enough for watching me I'm going to disappear now I'll hand over control to my alter ego let's get started in the beginning were two products.

Microsoft flow and win automation produced by a company called Soft motive Microsoft flow ran on the cloud and wind automation ran on your desktop Microsoft flow allows you to integrate.

Things like office or sorry Outlook online you could create meetings in teams you could work with Excel online you could fill in and create forms applications you could create and.

Manipulate SharePoint lists and you can work with OneDrive wind automation by contrast around in your desktop and allow you to you to work with things like Excel Outlook you.

Could fill in web forms automatically so that's me booking my flight to the Maldives you could work with file explorer and you could print things out for example.

So Microsoft flow is an example of something called workflow Automation and win automation was an example of something called RPA or robotic process Automation and everything was very clear.

What then happened in 2019 is that Microsoft decided to rename flow and they called it power automate and gave it a glossy new logo and they did this to emphasize the fact that it was part.

Of the new Power Platform Suite of products in 2020 they took over soft motive and they renamed win Automation and they called it power ultimate for desktop.

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    Again so power ultimate runs in the cloud and powered my desktop runs on your desktop and they're completely different.

    Products but they have very similar names so what I'm now going to do is give you a demonstration of each of the two products and then a summary of the.

    Changes so that you can decide for yourself which one you want to learn if not both so we'll start with the demonstration of the power automate server even though.

    It's not actually called that you can see from my highlighting at the top left here it is actually called Power automate I'm going to call it power automate.

    Server just to emphasize the difference between this and power to my desktop so I'm going to create an instant Cloud flow I'll manually trigger it.

    And I'll skip the next stage and I'll choose to manually trigger a flow so you can see this isn't a tutorial I'm just getting us started so this flow is going to contain a.

    Single step to send an email to my good mate delegate 52. so I will choose to use a standard package a standard add-in if you like I'll choose office out 365 Outlook and.

    I'll choose one of the tasks which is to send an email so I can now type in my friend's name delegate 52 and it should pick up on it I'll put the subject as hello because.

    I've got absolutely no imagination and I'll say 2 52 from 51 that's me and I'll add in my username just for a bit of personalization that's something called.

    Dynamic content so I can search for the

    Field I want and in my username and because I feel this is still a bit impersonal I'll sign my name Andy so what I can now do is save that flow.

    And then I can try running it so I can test my flow choose to test it manually click on the test button continue to accept the permissions.

    And then actually run the flow lots of clicks there and so I'm done and the Ping was the email going out if I now go to my mates 52 you can see this is my second attempt to do this but.

    There's the email I just sent out so it's all worked perfectly so that's a demonstration of power automate server what I'll now do is give a similar short demonstration of power.

    To my desktop so you can see how completely different the two products are so here's what my example power automate desktop flow will do it will Begin by.

    Launching a copy of excel it will get today's date and time it will write those into a cell and then it will save the worksheet so not particularly ambitious but it should explain what the.

    Software looks like so I've created a new flow and what I'm going to do now is to look for some actions so the third thing I need to do is look within my Excel actions you can.

    See there's lots of categories on the left hand side and I want to launch Excel so I'll drag that in a launching with a blank document and it will produce a variable called Excel.

    Instance referring to that application so I'll save that the second thing I want to do is to get today's date and time so I can scroll down and find the date time category and.

    I can choose to get the current date and time I'll store that in a variable rather than you choosing the default name of current daytime let's call it wise owl.

    Date just for fun I'll save that second action the third thing I'll do is I will write this out to excel so back to my Excel list of tasks I'll choose to write it.

    Out to an Excel worksheet I'll use the application which I just created earlier and I'll write it out in column Row one row one as to what I'm writing I can rather.

    Unexpectedly perhaps click on the cross to add something and I'll choose the variable I've just created containing the date and time that's my third action and the fourth.

    Thing I said I'll do is to save this so I'll choose the save Excel action I'll save it in my current Excel application and I'll save it as a new document I've got that in my clipboard.

    So that's what I call it the date and time today and then save that and that's my complete flow there's a lot more I could have added if you look towards the top of the list of actions.

    You see you've got conditions and loops and flow control and all the typical programming cons drugs you might expect but I'm going to run this as it stands so if I click on the Run button what it.

    Will do after a second or two you can see it at the bottom left of the screen counting up there and it's just run my flow and it's created this exciting Excel spreadsheet which is saved.

    Containing the date and time and that's what power automate desktop looks like totally different from Power automated server I hope you'd agree so we'll finish with a quick summary of.

    The differences between power automate and power automate desktop they're both stored in the cloud so both the two applications store their flows in the cloud the power ultimate runs in the.

    Cloud whereas when you run a power automate desktop flow that runs on your desktop that's a big difference the cost is different Power ultimate it depends really you need an Office 365.

    License or 365 license I think it's now called whereas power to my desktop is entirely free in Windows 11 it's actually part of the operating system in Windows 10 you have to install it but.

    That only takes a moment the backstory helps power ultimate was based on Microsoft flow whereas power to my desktop was based on a separate application called win automation.

    And for ease of use and this is entirely subjective I will admit I think power automate is not the easiest package to learn you will find yourself having to learn the syntax of more Json text files.

    Than you were expecting perhaps whereas power automate desktop I think is pretty easy to learn certainly it's intuitive and everything works the way you probably expected to.

    So that's a quick summary the difference is what I hope is that you're now in a position to choose which tutorial to follow but hopefully you'll learn both.

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