Tutorial Optimise popular event sessions with AI

Tutorial Optimise popular event sessions with AI Welcome to an amazing make an AI use case so if you ever did an event and you were an event manager there is nothing more complicated than assigning people to certain amount of sessions if even.

Tutorial Optimise popular event sessions with AI

Worse the room does not have enough capacity to fit all the people that want to join the session so you need to cut off people people people cannot really freely Choose Or if they use a form.

Where they can apply it might be that you will decline them later on so at the end of the day is kind of a struggle so let's dive in a case what we ran at our company kickoff this year so here is our.

Form which we use for our team strategy sessions in this form you can simply put in your email address and choose three sessions so let's choose the three sessions here and once you have chosen.

The three sessions we will check if there's still availability in the database and we will check if there's maybe some optimization potential because you choose operations but.

Operations might be available at three and not at one and Engineering might be the other way around available so let's match that perfectly so as many people as possible can join and attend as many.

Sessions as possible so let's dive into that how did we do this you go in here you take your teleform request you check if they already applied because you know sometimes people just double book in.

Case they already did you send them an email with hey please do not double book again and then you basically go over you iterate over these sessions you go in here please choose one of these three.

Sessions you're going to search for the availability in the session and now comes the prompt you're going to put in all of these three sessions that are available still in the prompt and you.

Are going to match them with the user selection so the AI will actually see okay in our data store or database these sessions are available and you as user you chose these sessions and now if.

There is still a match the AI will match it and will return you this Json out here and then the rest is not that much magic you parse the AI response you iterate over it you send the email and.

You store the results in your data store again so the session capacity for let's say session number one is going down and here's my email and now you can see oh it assigned me automatically to.

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