Excel Today - PowerPoint Morph with Joe Office

Excel Today - PowerPoint Morph with Joe Office good morning everyone sorry for the technical difficulties there on my end i was having trouble getting to my account it took me a while to get in there but.

I'm in now so uh here we are it is excel today i know it's been a long time since we've uh had a show but uh we're both finally free joe and myself so here we are.

Yeah it's been a long time um joe's been in ibiza for a long time um doing what i do best yeah uh but yeah it's great to um to uh to be.

Back honestly it really is there's been a lot of a lot of movement on our channel a lot of new things that have happened since the last time we've had a show.

I'll just uh jump into a few of them real quick i think the first major major one is that we now have shorts uh they've been going for about two weeks now.

You guys have been seeing them i'm sure they're it's every uh every day 9 a.m uh you will get a short every single day that includes saturday and sunday so you guys got you got we got you guys content.

Excel Today - PowerPoint Morph with Joe

Every single day of the week uh we joe you i made like 500 of them yes you're gonna get a lot of content so you'll be seeing a lot of joe on uh on the shorts as well coming up soon uh.

We did do the poll uh we are i just uh locked in some uh somebody to do adobe shorts so you'll see a lot of adobe shorts uh coming up soon too we have about 150 of those that are gonna be.

Created and then i'm also currently working on getting somebody to do some javascript python type uh shorts as well so we'll have a lot of shorts uh coming soon.

A lot of shorts uh you'll be seeing them uh we're probably gonna up the amount we're doing to about two per day uh just uh just fyi so you know you'll get double the content every single day guys.

[Laughter] and then the second big thing i want to announce is that um on our channel we now have multi-track uh videos language videos so uh this is.

Just gonna we're just starting out with spanish for now uh every single track will have every single video after it premieres will be available in full voice dubbing.

    Uh through uh so you'll be you'll hear

    The the the um the video in spanish so be dubbed completely in spanish uh and that's uh yeah we started that last week that was the first video but it it for.

    All our videos going forward currently we will have uh we will have a spanish dub available and also spanish subtitles as well so uh you know which is amazing yeah i watched one of the video like i.

    Watched a new video that i just did on um the new office 2021 features and it was pretty cool yeah yeah it is you wouldn't even know it was me teaching the class yeah i know.

    Yeah they do it it's a really great job and i want to give a really big thanks to allowed it is their technology that is uh powering that that dubbing uh and so you guys will see that on all of our.

    Videos going forward um so yeah i hope you uh like the spanish videos uh that's as far as the as far as the big changes.

    Go that's that's it for the channel the other last major major thing is that it is the office of 2021 summer our summer of office 2021 um you might have noticed a little change to our banner but the.

    Whole summer we're going to be doing office 2021 videos these are all videos that joe fawz mo jones and company uh recorded so you'll be seeing a lot of familiar faces uh bringing you excel.

    Powerpoint word all updated versions for office 2021 and again that'll be the entire summer towards um i can tell you this friday and the following fridays we're starting the excel series.

    So we're going to start off well we started last week with joe's office new features showing off a lot of the new excel features for office 2021 but uh i think this week is going to be mo doing.

    Excel 2021 beginner uh so yeah lots of

    All summer long guys office 2021 all the videos will be updated and again that goes for word powerpoint access project i know joe did vizio so it's gonna.

    Every single app we our application our software um and the office 2021 suite we've have we have videos for um and then for our excel today i mean i can't do them yet because they're still being.

    Rolled out but there are so many new functions that i can't wait to show all of you it's just the rolling amount so slow like for everyone they just updated a bunch of stuff but not only for excel.

    Because i know we talk about excel a lot here but even some of the stuff for powerpoint that i've seen they have this new feature called cameo i can't wait to show you it once i get.

    It i promise we'll do an excel today on it it should it blew my mind but yeah that's why i decided to do powerpoint today because i've been really focused on powerpoint lately um yeah yeah it's.

    Gonna be a lot of fun yeah i think so too um it's uh let's see let me get the chats here uh hello oneness hello charlene thank you for joining us sorry for uh saying hello a.

    Little late to you guys usually i try to get these live as they come in but thanks for joining us and thank you thank you everyone else that's viewing right now but yeah that's everything on.

    The channel uh big things to come uh still we have a lot of videos that we're producing uh i think we're producing at an all-time high uh amount of content stuff being produced currently.

    Guys so you can expect a lot more videos uh there's going to be a couple what i call insta drops that we're going to have for you guys as well uh especially those who are looking for.

    Excel vba i know we were supposed to have the excel vba 2019 series uh run there was an audio issue with the master audio file so we had to get that re-recorded that will be uh coming out.

    Uh we're going to kind of just do an instant drop on that once we get it edited everything like that we're just going to put it on the channel not on a random day i mean like we're.

    Going to choose a day strategically obviously but you'll you guys will just see it pop up on our channel soon so that's also coming that's the excel 2019 uh vba.

    Videos and those are done by trish connor cato she's an author of excel vba videos or books i should say so trisha's uh if.

    Like one of the best i've seen like even just in in most of her videos like the paragraph theory she did was just awesome she's she's a super fan of microsoft and she loves vba guys.

    Trish can talk to you about vba for an entire day no problem so we look forward to getting those video series to you just because it was delayed we apologize for that but anyways let's uh.

    Get to it joe let's uh jump into oh i have the wrong title here today is actually going to be not power automate not power automating unless you want to learn some power automate of course but.

    Yes based on powerpoint nobody gives see powerpoint is so amazing to me because like it's used sometimes so incorrectly that.

    It it's just yeah it's it's crazy so um i i wanted to show you two things in powerpoint all right and remember powerpoint is power to the point that you're trying to make right so we don't.

    Want to use powerpoint as like a crutch we want to use it as a tool for us to present information um and we really want to get our audience to know certain things right so knowing who your.

    Audience is what you're trying to get across to them those are the things that are going to make it very engaging so with that said though there are such amazing tools that i want to show to.

    Share with you today i mean this is just the two things they just redid their uh record process and you can tell i'm very excited about it because it just changes the way you.

    Record and excel in powerpoint and then i'm going to show you morph as well now for the morph i want you all to actually follow along with me i know sometimes i'll just show you things and.

    I don't really send you the file um but yeah no no follow along with me on this one i'm going to share my screen real quick here and let's.

    Share my screen and now you're going to see the labyrinth of my face all right i think that's good right ben yep all good all right perfect so everyone that's on.

    This live right now open up powerpoint if you have it you can use a blank presentation um hopefully you have something more than 2016 because that's when this was introduced but if you.

    Don't you might not have this a little feature that i'm about to show you hopefully though if you have 2016 onwards you can but you'll notice that.

    When we're trying to animate something or show information about something the animations work well but we typically will have to do information on each and every slide i'm.

    Going to share with you how we can actually create a presentation where we can have all the content on one slide but we can focus in on one piece of the content at once that way it's a.

    Lot more smooth and more engaging in our actual presentations so to do this the first thing that i want to do here is i'm just going to start off with this title slide and.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhyB_wzBteQ
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