How to Design Cover Page in MS Word for Business Case Report DIY Tutorial Office

How to Design Cover Page in MS Word for Business Case Report DIY Tutorial Office Hi welcome to our youtube channel in today's video we are going to design a cover page for a business case report in microsoft word watch the video and let us know if you.

Have any questions or feedback in the comments section below go to the insert menu click shapes and select the rectangle shape to draw a.

Rectangle on the page then right click the shape and go to the format shape option remove the fill color and set the width of the border line to.

24 points then select the gradient line option and change the left handle color to orange remove the fourth handle and arrange the middle handle to 50.

Position and change the color of all three handles to orange then set the brightness of the middle handle to 24 and select the radial option for the.

Gradient align the shape in the center of the page now go to the insert menu shapes and.

How to Design Cover Page in MS Word for Business Case Report DIY Tutorial

Draw a line shape in the top left corner of the page set the width of the line to 15 points and change the color to blackish gray.

Press and hold the control button press the mouse left button and drag to duplicate set the width for this line to 30 points .

Duplicate this line in the same way we did earlier and then set the width for this new line to 60 points right click on the middle line and.

Select the send to back option to send this line behind all the objects on the page now duplicate the line with 30 points.

Width and position it on the bottom right corner of the page duplicate this line again and set the width of this new line to 7.5 points duplicate the line one more time and set.

The width of this new line to 3.75 points now go to the top and duplicate the line with 30 points width.

    And position it on the bottom right

    Corner of the rectangle shape change the color of this line to white then duplicate this white line and set the.

    Width to 15 points now go to the insert menu shapes and draw a text box to write the date don't forget to like this video and do subscribe to our channel to get notified.

    Of all the upcoming exciting videos with a lot more informational and exciting things remove the background and outline colors and position the date on the right side.

    Then go to the insert menu picture and insert the svg image with page and check marks bring it to the front and convert this image to a shape .

    Press and hold the control button press the mouse left button and drag to duplicate now write the title that is business case report.

    For this cover page template you can download this cover page template in microsoft word format from the link is provided in the description.

    Below if you have any questions or feedback for us related to this tutorial please write it in the comments section below.

    Now duplicate the date text box to create a sample teaser text below the title of the cover page select all the objects inside the rectangle shape and align them to the.

    Right side now duplicate the date text box again and write the information of the person at the bottom who has prepared this report along with his job title.

    Company name and contact information

    Don't forget to like this video and do subscribe to our channel to get notified of all the upcoming exciting videos with a lot more informational.

    And exciting things our cover page design for a business case report is ready now hope you have learned something new from.

    This tutorial today if so please do mention it in the comments box below thank you for your time to watch the video if you have enjoyed our efforts to.

    Create this video then please do like share this video and subscribe to our channel [Laughter].

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel:
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