How To Create A Contact Scheduler Application In Excel From Scratch Masterclass + Download

How To Create A Contact Scheduler Application In Excel From Scratch Masterclass + Download Hello this is randy with excel for freelancers and welcome to the contact scheduler from scratch in this week's training i'm going to show you how to create this incredible shape based contact scheduler and we're going to be able to add new appointments select on existing appointments and we're going to do it completely from scratch starting with a blank worksheet every function every formula every conditional formatting every line of vba code we are going to write i cannot wait so let's get started all right thanks so much for joining me this week i am really excited another from scratch training.

How To Create A Contact Scheduler Application In Excel From Scratch Masterclass + Download

I know many of you like these from scratch and we can do them on smaller applications sometimes bigger applications we can do just by going over the code that i've already created that way we can keep the trainings down to hopefully around two hours or less we'll see how this one goes but let me know what your thoughts are this channel is for you i create things for you what you like so you've got to let me know what you like do you want to see more from scratch training that a little bit more basic or do you want to see larger applications a little more complex a little more feature rich and then i'll go over every line of code let me know your thoughts in the comments below and i'll make sure to get you those and i'm also going to be creating a playlist from scratch playlist so if you only like uh from scratch videos or you prefer those i'll put those all in a single playlist so you can watch those all right we've got a lot to cover this week we're going to.

Get started but before we do that i want to make sure that you do get subscribed that's really important and of course click the notification icon bell that helps you get these trainings i create them free for you each and every tuesday even this template is absolutely free you can click the links down in the description either with your email or facebook messenger and we're going to get that sent over right to you however if you would like every single one of my templates 250 of my best templates i now have that available we're just launching this week for a very low discounted price that's 250 of my best templates and also i'm going to throw in a complete library.

And that means that you can single click on the workbook to open or single click the associated training video and that's a really nice so i've got 250 of those now in a single zip file for download at a discounted price that will help set up and you up for success when you have all of my templates and also help us out too if you want to keep these trainings for free that's a great way to support the channel all right let's get started this is what we are going to be creating right we're going to be creating this context schedule we're going to be able to navigate months and we're going to be able to refresh the schedule we'll be able to select different gears if we want.

To we will also be able to select from contacts and assign a contact we'll be able to create new contacts here if we want to click new contacts saving a contact or deleting a contact we'll also be able to select on any given appointment and have that those appointment details show up have the contact name show up all right we'll be able to add pictures to a contact if we browse it we will also be able to actually save or update a contact and of course we'll actually show the contact details inside each individual appointment along with a picture and we're going to be able to.

Color code those appointments those color codes are going to be based on here the appointment status we're going to be able to customize and set those up this admin will keep and we're also going to be set our own customized weekday along with setting a times list we've got appointments a list of appointments and contacts so there's a relatively simple application yet powerful and fully feature rich okay all right so that's what we're going to be doing now i've got i'm going to close this workbook out and we're going to start from scratch at least on the sheet itself so here's what i've got for you this is going to be our scheduling sheet we still have our admin here we've got our appointments and we've got our contacts we've got a list of contacts here and.

Then our schedule so we're going to be building out this schedule first we're going to add in all of the the associated calendar and the schedule and the formulas then we'll take care of some of the functions conditional formatting we'll add in the buttons the icons and then we're going to get into vba i'm going to make that become alive and show you how we can do that every step is going to be associated we're going to go over every step of the way every formula every function every feature right here right now so stick with us all right so let's just go over an overview of what we have now this particular member we have some contact pictures if we take a look inside our contacts contact name id address phone our basic information and we have a picture now this.

Picture here is associated with a picture inside a folder that we have so i've got a folder here with all of our contact pictures and you'll notice the names of these pictures are associated with the context that's going to help us associate different appointments with different contexts and we also need to browse for a folder so we can browse for that folder it's going to tell us what folder we have if i want to browse for a folder i can browse for that folder i've already done that in there i'm going to view i'm going to show that formula bar so we can see that and we see that that's already browse right i already have it in my contact pictures okay make sure that when you get this file or template you browse for your own folder where you have if you like all the pictures.

And all the icons and everything i'm going to put all of that inside a resources zip file and that's going to be for our patreon members in fact for our patreon members i'm probably going to make the schedule drag and drop so make sure you sign up on patreon i'll include the links down below we've got tons of great resources going on there okay so we want to set a start date we'll stick it on sunday but i want that start date to be dynamic based on the scheduler i also want to set colors as we mentioned before be able to set colors so that we can set dynamic appointment statuses and have colors associated with them i also want to set some contact types so we can set different types based on contacts and then i have a list of times and duration okay so i've got some formulas.

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    We're going to have years i'm going to i'm going to add that into the schedule this is going to be years it's blank now a start day number i'm going to add that into the schedule and we have month

    Already set up let's go over some of the name ranges that i already have set up okay so we've got the weekdays right so i've got a weekdays here if we tab over we see that that's based on those weekdays i've got a start day start date that's based on the start date that was selected located in d6 right there so actually d8 right there okay i also have a contact pick folder right so this is the folder that's associated this is a named range called contact picture folder and then this we don't need an icon folder i'm going to delete that because we don't need that it's from a prior training i've got times here times is located here all of our times associated.

    These are for our appointment times they're just separated by 15 minutes i've got a duration a named range for all the durations all the way up to 12 hours so we can have a large appointment and i've got some criteria that we're going to go over in an extract that these two have to do with our advanced filters so we'll be able to have those inside advanced filter advanced filter creates these automatically a status right i've got a status so we know that we have a particular status for appointment status right here and i've got the contact types here contact type and named range dynamic name range for contact types we have an appointment id right an.

    Id for all the appointments right each individual appointment have its own unique id and we've got a named range for that i also have appointment date results we'll get into this one in just a little bit later on the appointment date results i've got a contact id so based on the contact id here let's go into the contact id and we can see a list of contact ids here so that's all for the associated contacts we also have contact names so if i'm looking at the contact names i want a dynamic named range based on the contact names and also another one for the contact picture here if we tab over we can see the contact picture so that's going to help us out as well and then.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continuetomake videos like this. All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel:
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