Outlook Full Course Tutorial (2 Hours)

Outlook Full Course Tutorial (2 Hours) Welcome to Learnit Training. The exercise files for today's course are located in the video description below. Don't forget to like and subscribe! Hey, everybody. This is Faz Karim with Learnit. And in this video we're going to be covering the new outlook. I'm sure you clicked on this video because you've realized Microsoft has completely changed the desktop app for outlook. It matches the online version of outlook quite a bit. Now, but I know a lot of the desktop users.

Outlook Full Course Tutorial (2 Hours)

Aren't too familiar with the online version. So I'm glad you made it to this video. Well, we'll be covering the new outlook. Now, this is a two part series, so be sure to check out part two after you've completed part one today. In this lesson we're going to be covering the interface. Since you're new to the new outlook, we'll be doing a tour of the interface. Before we dive in and discuss how we can set up our email accounts,.

We'll talk about how we can use the new outlook desktop app to compose and send our emails, talk about the various messaging options that are available. We'll talk about how we can use the inbox to help us manage our emails, whether it be sort, filter, or search. And then we'll dive into the calendar, focusing on the basics of our calendar, scheduling appointments, meetings, and changing basic calendar settings..

We'll also talk about our outlook contacts, which they refer to as people. Before wrapping up the lesson plan with using our task list, which integrates very nicely with Microsoft To-Do, which is another standalone app that you can use on your mobile PC or on the web. But it's nice to know that it integrates with your outlook task list. So all of your tasks are in one area for you. Let's get started. Looking to support our channel and get a great deal..

Become a member today to unlock ad free videos. That's right, your favorite courses without a single ad. Interested in a specific video? Purchase one of our ad free courses individually. Looking for even more? Gain access to exams, certificates and exclusive content at. Learn at any Time.com. More information can be found in the video description below. All right, let's get into the new interface. Now, if you're one of the users that are unsure about how to get the new outlook, there should be a toggle on your desktop.

App, allowing you to switch to the new outlook. And if your first time doing that, it might ask you to download it, and it'll take a second or two before it lets you switch to the new outlook. And then it restarts and it reopens back up to this version. Now, if you don't have that toggle, try checking with your IT department. And if you don't have an IT department, try updating your app. See if the app update will allow you to get the toggle there,.

Although here in the new outlook. And let's begin with a quick interface tour. At the very top of the app. I just want to point out a couple of things. We still have our outlook search that we know and love, but there's a few additions at the very top here. We have something called my Day. We give that a click, it pops up the To-Do section as well as the calendar section..

And if I need to, I can also click on my notifications here to pop up the notifications that have recently come in. There's also settings that I can change from here. And some tips since this is a somewhat new tool with a different layout and interface, and some features will be available versus some features won't from the older versions of outlook. They've opened up a nice little tips section to help you try out some of these things, or set up some of these things that you typically do in outlook..

This is a little notification for my calendar here. We still have access to the ribbon. In the new version of outlook we still get access to the ribbon. And if I notice here this little dropdown arrow, let me give a click on that. There's two different versions of the ribbon that I can be using. Now right now I'm looking at something called the classic ribbon. The classic ribbon allows me to see the tabs home view help.

As well as the command groups new delete respond move, quick steps, tags. If I switch this over to the simplified ribbon. It actually minimizes a lot of my ribbon. And I still have access to the majority of the tools here, but they're just tucked away inside of this ellipses. Hence called the simplified ribbon. Simplifying it for us..

Going back over to my classic ribbon. Now in the ribbon we have this icon, the hamburger icon I like to call it here. And when I give that a click it actually shows the navigation pane. Or it hides the navigation pane. And this allows me to see my folders. My favorite section. Keep in mind I can also expand and collapse this section all together as well and resize it..

Now on the left hand side here we have a navigation menu. We get access to our mailbox from here. And if you don't know this, there's actually keyboard shortcuts you can use to access these areas of outlook. The control key and the number one will open up the mail. We also get access to the calendar..

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    And we can use control in the number two in case we need to manage our contacts,

    Which are referred to as people. We can use control. And the number three. And then of course we get access to our groups. The Microsoft To-Do app, Viva bookings, OneDrive, and any additional apps that our organizations allow us to install and use..

    In previous versions of outlook, they used to have this interface down here. And some users would have it with icons versus words. But now it's moved up here for us with the integration of a few other apps that we can choose to use. Besides the navigation pane, we also get access to our inbox. Our inbox allows us to change the way we filter, sort, and view the messages inside of our email account..

    And then on the right hand side here, we also get access to the reading pane. Or we can read the messages and respond to them directly from here. So there's quite a bit to outlook. We have our ribbon with the two different views, classic and simplified. The ribbon gets organized into tabs and command groups. We got our navigation menu with the folder pane,.

    Allowing us to navigate the apps as well as our emails and different folders or inboxes. We have our actual inbox here, allowing us to read our messages or view our messages before we can actually click on them and select them to read them. If you're noticing, and if you're coming from older versions of outlook, there's no status bar at the very bottom which will tell you how many emails are in your inbox or how many emails you have selected, whether or not you're connected to the exchange server..

    We'll see if Microsoft decides to add them in a future update. Now, one thing I want to do for this interface tour is I want to click on this little gear icon for the settings of outlook. And in the settings there under General. We have the ability to go over to the appearance settings. And in case you're wondering why your outlook might look like a different color than mine, it might be that you're using a different theme..

    Like you're using the light theme versus the dark theme, or you've picked a different classic theme than me. So I think it'd be nice if you open up your outlook and take a look at this little gear icon. And before you move on to the next portion of the video, see if you can pick your appearance. Whether or not you want to use the light app mode, the dark out mode, or have it adjust to your system settings, or just select one of the classic themes, or even some of the modern themes that they've added in..

    Let's talk about using the new outlook to compose and send email messages in the home tab of outlook. We have a command group called new where you can compose new email messages. If you click on the drop down here, you can also compose new events, groups, storyline posts, and even access to online version of word, Excel, and PowerPoint directly through outlook. I'm going to compose my new email..

    Now. The new email message. Is going to pull up in the reading pane. However, here it is suggesting me for a tip, but I can change the setting to make it the default to always pop out the message. For right now I'll hit not interested, but it is letting me know that I can always go to the settings and I have access to that under mail..

    The pop out settings. So right now I've chosen to write inline, and that's why the messages show up in the reading pane. I'm going to go back and close this. Now I have the ability to zoom in to the message if I need to discard the message and even pop it out if I choose to at a later time, into a separate window. I can turn on the back from here, and I can add my subject..

    And if I need to, I can mention someone's name to add them to the two line.

    Now, whenever I'm creating a message, you get access to a new tab, quite a few new tabs. Right now I'm on the messaging tab. Now the messaging tab gives me quite a bit of options to work with for my message. Let me just create some text in my message here. I'll use the random function to generate one paragraph.

    With about five sentences in there. There we go. And we have this ability to use the messaging tab to format and adjust the fonts, even add in styles. If we need to. We can attach files directly from here. And if we need to we can also create tables and insert emojis.

    Or pictures. Now, if I do decide to pop out this message. I want you to know that those tabs messaging insert format tags will now show up in the new window. I still have access to the same options, or it is now in a separate window. And a lot of these options that are found in the messaging tab are scattered throughout the other tabs. The draw tab is great for those touchscreen devices, although not required, but nice to have one..

    Now, in the messaging tab. We have the ability to insert tables directly into our emails, and we can even draw them out from here. I can also insert emojis. Now, keep in mind, if you're using an operating system that's a windows operating system. As long as it's above Windows 10, you can also just use the windows key..

    And a period. This will also pull up an emoji keyboard for you, so you're not fully dependent on just the outlook emojis. So you can actually use this anywhere on your computer here. So in a sense, these editing tools that we have available for crafting up our messages are pretty advanced. Some of them come from our different tools like Microsoft Word, like the styles. I have the ability to attach files for my cloud services if I need to..

    There's also this insert inline feature. Now that slash there insert inline allows me to search for documents. Really cool stuff. If you need to attach something. Directly to the email, there. So. Now that we're seeing all the options that we have available for the messages. I can send this message directly now, or even send up a scheduled send to send it at a later time..

    That way I can control directly when this message shows up in the other user's inbox. I think it'd be nice if you open up your new outlook interface in practice. Crafting a new email. See if you can access your table tools, your emojis, your styles, and try to see if you're mentioning works. And if you have yet to practice the new inline attachment style. Give it a go at that so that you can get a hang of it..

    Now, one thing you might need to do to get started with the Outlook Desktop app is add your email account. Now, the navigation pane allows you to add more than one. If you're unsure about how to add an email account. You can do all of that good stuff from the settings. I'm going to give a click on that gear icon to open up the settings for my accounts. And under the settings here for my accounts, I have the ability to manage,.

    Sign in and add new email accounts and connect them to outlook. As you can see, you can have more than one. I'm already logged in and signed in and ready to go. Let's talk a little bit about managing your inbox using the new outlook. Right now, I currently have my inbox in the favorites section of my navigation pane. Now, if you're wondering how I've done that is I simply favorited the folder..

    If I do this to a folder, I can right click it and add it to the favorites. The outlook favorite section is a collapsible section that you can add to your navigation pane by heading over to the view tab. It's under the folder pane settings here, so if you don't have a favorite section, it might be hidden. Now I'm going to unpin a folder. And if I need to I have the ability to create.

    New folders for my folder pane. I can right click and create a new subfolder in my inbox, or I can right click my account and create a new folder. Noticing how in the new outlook the folder tab is gone? Important to know that you can still create folders with the right click folder or subfolder. Now we also get to see all of our inbox messages. And if you're unaware, Microsoft Outlook has a setting in the view tab..

    Inside of the Messages command group, you have a setting for message preview so that you can't see the body message or the body text of a message, and only the subject lines inside of your inbox. I have that currently set up. I also have a setting called Conversations Turned On. The conversation setting allows me to group the messages that are all a part of a same conversation into one row. You're going to notice that a lot of my emails have this little expandable and collapsible arrow near their..

    This lets me know that this email is part of a chain of a conversation, and if I have this turned off, it will show each message in their own separate row, making it kind of hard to read the full conversation. Besides being able to turn on conversation view, you also have the ability to search your inbox entirely. Now, keep in mind when you're searching for the inbox..

    You can search folders. Or the entire inbox itself. Now, besides having this search to manage your inbox, you also have the ability to filter or sort. I should say based off who the message is from. The subject lines. And when the message was received..

    If I look at the very top header here near the select option, where this allows me to open up the select icon to select multiple messages at once, I have a filter option. Right now it's filtered for all of my messages, but I can filter for just my unread messages. Messages that I flagged for follow up. Messages that are sent directly to me, or any message that has attachments,.

    Or any email that I've currently been mentioned in. And at the very bottom here I have sorting options. Right now I'm sorting my emails based off the date the messages have come in. But I can switch the category from size, importance, and even the subject. A very common sort. Is all this on top? In case you're searching for older emails..

    In the view tab, I also have view settings. I have the ability to turn on my focused inbox. I have the option to show the text size and spacing. Right now I have the text size set to large. For the message organizations, I have them currently grouped by conversation. And I put the newest messages on the bottom of the conversation..

    I currently show deleted items from the conversation. I control the message height. Whether or not the message has a sender image. And even where the reading pane is going to be shown. I can even control if I want the sender name first, or if I want the subject name first in the message.

    List. Controlling whether or not you want to show the attachments. The preview, the attachments in line. I can control whether or not the date header shows up in the message list. And whether or not message reminders pop up. And if I want animations to pop up when I'm hovering over the messages, a lot of different customizations we can have for our inbox here..

    There's no right way to set up the inbox, but it's more of a personal preference of how you want to interact with your inbox and messages. Using the new outlook. So if you haven't done so yet, head over to the review tab and take a look at some view settings. And a lot of these view settings that we've discussed are also available in the ribbon. Like if you want to hide your reading pane or show it a different area, collapse the folder pane.

    Adjusts the ribbon. Control the density of the outlook app, control reminders as well. Outlook also allows you to manage your appointments in emails directly through the app using their calendar. Now, I'm currently viewing my outlook calendar. I went over there from my navigation pane and I'm on the home tab. And when I do that, when I go to the home tab of my calendar, you're going to notice that it's a different setup. Now..

    The home tab is going to show me my calendar tools and the ribbon. I have a new renew events. I have a command group called arrange to help me rearrange my calendar. I have a command group called filter to help me filter my calendar of events. An option to share and the ability to print my calendar. When I'm looking at the home tab of my calendar, I can also see a small preview of the month.

    So that I can toggle different days on my calendar. At the very bottom of this, I can have the ability to add additional calendars or show other shared calendars that I have available in outlook. And view other calendars from the accounts that I'm signed into. I also have a view tab, but similar to our mailbox, a lot of the stuff that you see here will be scattered across these various tabs. So if I click on view..

    I'm going to see the command group call the range. I still have the ability to toggle the different views, but now I can have a saved view. I have the ability to adjust the time scales and open up the calendar settings. The last tab help will let me get some support, help, feedback, and even switch back to the classic outlook. If I needed to. In the new outlook, the day view allows you to control how many days you want to view..

    I can switch over to the work week, which simply excludes the weekends. And the week includes the weekends. And then the last few month. Is great, but I want you to know that in the month view, you won't see the time zones that you've set up. Besides being able to switch the arrangement of the calendar, you can also filter what's being shown on the calendar..

    Appointments or essentially appointments have bookings with just you. There's no one else involved. While meetings may have others invited to them. A lot of different filtering options you can filter for meetings, and whether or not you're the organizer. Whether or not you're an attendee and whether you've accepted it, declined it, or whatever your response may be for it..

    You can also filter for categories as well, filter for show shows and even re occurrences. If I need to, I can share my calendar as well. With other users in my organization. The print option for the calendar is also available in the home tab, in case I needed to print out the calendar. I can choose what view I want to print out. And whether or not I want to show the mini month on the side..

    The detailed agendas. Outlook also has the weather for up to multiple locations here. Multiple locations. So here I can have multiple locations if I need to. I can choose whether or not I'm in the office, or if I'm remote. And I can even set a schedule from here..

    I'm going to head over to the view tab. Because not only do we have the ability to adjust our views. But whatever view that we create, while there will be us adjusting the time scale, creating a filter, we can save the view. And that's going to become a new view that we have available for our calendar to switch to. Now keep in mind we also have access to deeper calendar settings from the view tab..

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