Webinar How to use AI to automate website and blog localization

Webinar How to use AI to automate website and blog localization Everyone for joining I have been very excited about uh about uh this webinar and we have uh more more uh webinars coming focusing on a I think this is a hot a Hot Topic right now and we're looking into making it more practical how to make AI more practical and today we are speaking about localization of websites and blogs using Automation and uh an AI so before we go into.

Webinar How to use AI to automate website and blog localization

Introduction I'm just going to I want to kick us and put us in the right path Magnus I know you had some amazing results can you just share that with with us in just couple of seconds to get everyone excited to kick off this webinar I'll be really happy to this has been a fantastic collaboration and uh you know the the the team over at spasio crypto is is really good there's only six of them and they deliver some amazing stuff and uh and also the make platform has really.

Delivered on this one uh when we started it was two languages and today we're running eight translated languages total a total of nine and uh one thing really the the primary driver was speed you know that we wanted to the the you the user experience was the key in the beginning and then at the end we realized that wait a minute this is this is really cost efficient and and the numbers was suddenly we realized that we were you know really compared to other.

Solutions for translation we're saving 80% of of the monthly cost and but that was like the added bonus but the the primary thing was was really to to have the user experience and the the site speed so it's been it's really fantastic wow wow that's that's significant so that's what we're gonna be looking into today this is going to be a very practical webinar we're gonna be going into the specific details how Magnus managed to achieve that to automatically localize our websites into eight.

Different languages so let's look at the agenda uh and actually before going to the agenda a little bit of a of housekeeping so we have we have that chat out uh down there within Zoom you can uh chat with everyone there but if you do have a question please do not add add it to the chat just add it to the Q&A there's a a button there uh called Q&A add your questions there we're going to be answering them at the end of the webinar also rest assure the webinar will be recorded the webinar will be shared with you after uh afterwards and.

Also going to be available on on our website so let's kick uh let's kick uh off this webinar with quick introduction about uh about make hopefully if you are attending the webinar you already know about make I'm not going to spend hours introducing make uh but make is an automation platform that enable you to automate any work of flow whether it's simple or complicated there we have more than 1,800 uh uh connectors and app that you.

Can connect uh connect together thousands of people have been using me for years and they are uh achieving amazing amazing uh results that's it I'm not going to go more into details we're going to be discovering make today when we're speaking about uh the implementation of the automation that Magnus has been uh uh that Magnus has been doing so now Magnus to you maybe introduce us about yourself and ghost flow yes I'll be happy to uh basically media technology and any form and before.

You know we started with media and Technology but everything has merged now so it's media technology um online publishing in any format lot of video streaming uh integration uh Automation and basic problem solving the more harder the problem the more fun and uh we also a lot of people people are are you know want to migrate from from existing platforms so we assist in bringing people off substack and other you know big platforms to Independent publishing on ghost to really um be able.

To to speak freely um I like to describe us as a small team of experts that's a quote from hit's Guide to the Galaxy with zapo people blocks you know so that's basically good ghost flow a small team of experts that's that's what we do here uh and for this project again I'm really really happy to be able to share this this project with you and everyone here today because it has really been a fantastic collaboration and just amazing results um for the spasio crypto site uh.

When salvator and I started working together he was he had two languages and he was using these um uh Dynamic translators available to plug in web based stuff and uh the site was had two languages loaded in more than 10 seconds it just wasn't that that's not going to work uh translations were so so and you couldn't really control them either very difficult to to to get the context right because this is it was crypto information site which is what spu.

Crypto is uh just unbiased uh crypto information and it was really difficult to get the context for the translator right and Theo was not impressive you know cuz cuz the metadata s maps and everything it just was difficult to to get that in place and in order for Google and they want the site to be useful in less than 3.8 seconds and these are the in original benchmarks we had uh when we tested it before we started to work and uh I mean page was usable in 8.

Seconds um largest content paint was 6.5 uh and uh you know it it just wasn't wasn't really working so that was that was the original request from from uh from my client and I think these These are these are like challenges that a lot of people are are facing especially if you are focusing on expanding your Audience by going to local local markets and yeah it it comes not only with the challenges of translating the upsite but as you see the performance of the upsite the SEO of the upsite I think like this.

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    Is a very common challenges for anyone going into localization so that was the

    Challenges that you were facing uh uh what are the situation right now uh situation right now we have uh we're in eight languages uh we're doing Turkish no we're not doing Turkish we doing Russian Chinese um Italian French German uh English of course uh Korean and Japanese and uh one thing we realized.

    That this solution actually scales linearly so there's no tier like oh you can have five five languages for this price or you have to switch to another package or you have 500,000 words or something something you can just keep adding languages and uh and it will actually scale linearly that's also a really nice thing um they are all the separate instances running on their own ghost instance so we have full control over the ux uh all the menus all the buttons and and everything is localized so uh it turned out to be to be really really nice yes brilliant so I think.

    Right now that's what what we will be looking at how did you manage to achieve that I think you you're describing that to me me you separated that into let's say three different uh three different automations so and the first one I think was like the translation part yeah so what yes what did you do how did you start this well the translations have to be static uh so uh we use any any CMS that has an an API we can use those uh could be ghost WordPress anything where we can inter interact with with make platform uh so whenever a post is.

    Published in Italian uh we we publish in eight different languages um all the subscribers if you're a subscriber to this blog you get the post by email immediately we submit it to site engines and we push it to social media also and all this happens in less than 30 seconds um so that's uh pretty pretty impressive um and then it's so fast it's just uh we actually throttle the thing to just keep not to overload stuff but it's it's uh it's really fast so the.

    First part the translation and CMS integration uh we're going to show how to build this with WordPress here later today um and then we have to get them into the SEO uh SEO and indexing uh and uh one important thing is that these AI uh they actually read data from from the web clearly and I think one thing that is that is new and kind of important is is B Because previously No One S oh what's bang but um co-pilot is reading data using Bing as as a source for information so by submitting to to Bing.

    Using index now we also get the stuff into to co-pilot so you can so it's nice and we also submit it to to Google and we translate everything the title the URL all tags excerpts tags categories everything is localized in the in the different languages so and we have unique sit maps for each one so that turned out really really nice um social media course uh prompting and summary um where we um um quickly you know have we have flows and we push it to to any kind of.

    Destinations medium LinkedIn Twitter uh and it also happens almost instantly yeah it's really nice and then we had uh one uh one problem that we ran into or problem or situation was how do we switch language right all the everything is localized so let's say someone is reading a post in in in English and then we say oh it's available in French want to switch to the French vers version we're wondering what what's the URL of that one so that was one one thing we had to solve uh but again the make.

    Platform has has just an amazing set of tools to to make that happen so we're going to have a look at also how we did to sort out what is the URL for the different language versions awesome that's the great so uh thank you for very much for the introduction now we're going to let's move into the actual demo and see how we build that and I saw someone was uh uh add think a question there on the chat just again as a reminder if you have a question please add it in the Q&A tab but just a a quick.

    Not answer to the question but actually we have something related to uh what you are asking about they were asking about using either a subdomain or a sub direct directory and I think I know Magnus has something to to say about that so it's going to come uh uh during the webinar but again if you have a question please make sure to add it in the Q&A so yeah let's go to the the first the first demo and actually yeah doing doing the translation all right so we're going to build this flow from scratch uh and the first thing uh we want to do is to to.

    Connect WordPress with the make platform and to do that we're going to use uh a

    Web hook uh a custom web hook for today's demo uh we have built uh a small simple U um WordPress site it has some demo data and today we're going to work on this uh post about cats so we're going to learn about cats this is from uh Wikipedia uh so we're going to learn a little bit about cats and you're a cat.

    Person right cat person definitely cat person yes uh in order to do that so we want whenever we update uh a publish a post in WordPress we want to notify make that okay a new post is is available and in order to do that we have to fire a web hook uh and to do that we have a plugin here which is called WP web Hooks and uh these are all the events that will fire this web hook and communicate with the web with a make platform that.

    Okay we have a comment here's a post created user created and today we are using uh to simplify everything we are firing web hooks on post updated so whenever before we sorry to interrupt just going before going into these details can we give a very quick introduction to what actually is a whip hog I think like some people this word might be a little bit new to them uh so what is a whip hog of course uh a web Hook is any kind of notification with.

    Associated data it could be anything a new order uh we have uh you know the sun is shining uh order has been shipped you have a new member post this update basically any any event that happens in any any system uh we can then trigger a web hook we usually say that a web hook fires and uh when the web hook fires it also attaches some data with the event so this is the outgoing data that goes with the hook and we can see that it.

    Will send uh post content it will send the title the status of the post and everything so let's let's have a look and see what how this plays of out in make so if we do this and we run this once we see that make is now waiting for for the data so we go here and we're going to hit our post and we're going to go and edit our cat uh our cat text let's add another something headline and now I save so the.

    Post is updated if I go back to make now I see that I have received data from uh WordPress and uh we see that this post ID is 198 and under post I see post content and here is the actual content this is what I need so we now move data the post has been brought over to the make to the make platform um the first thing that happens is that this is supposed to be HTML it is not it includes some other stuff here uh that.

    We need to to filter out um when we talk so um you know we're going to make this very very simple today so we're going to have a text parser and we're just going to take HTML to text so we just going to strip all HTML tags because we're we're taking a little shortcut today for the demo so uh as you can see here HTML and this is where make has taken the data that WordPress has sent and turned it into building blocks so all this data is now available to us for processing and.

    Changing modifying and I'm interested in the post content block uh as you can see here so we do that perfect so let's try this again and see what happens we do okay fine uh we do here and we remove this exclamation mark we save it's updated and now we see that output here from this module is just the pure the raw text which is perfect great so we now have the control of the text on the.

    Make platform so let's translate this and uh we're using uh DL uh translate for this uh it's very impressive uh AI context aware really really impressive um which is what we use also for spio crypto so I think one one question probably some people will ask here can we use just Google translate oh yes of course you can use any there are a number of different translators is available here.

    Uh if we do you can pull in slate you can have deel you have Google translate you have localized you can even have open AI I think translate you can plug in any translator uh but we we really like deel so here's my connection previously established that I'm paying money to deel and the text I want to translate is this text parses text thank you and the target language is all the.

    Languages that are available on the DL platform uh today let's try for Spanish and the formality is oh less formal we're not so strict Source language uh it is English it doesn't it's not necessary to um it can actually identify this themselves and then some other stuff if we want to do some more advanced stuff here and things but overall this is good so that's the uh body but we also have to um uh we also.

    Have to translate the uh the header so we do another translate module and this time we want to translate the title post title thank you and again Spanish target language and we're good so uh that's it pretty much so we can play this now if we do run once and uh we can edit this post we go back to Wordpress and we save it and then we're going to go to make and we see that uh for example the.

    Headline has been translated to Spanish and it's now Elgato is is but the really fun thing then is that we can add a WordPress module here we go WordPress and we want to create a post so we put this in the end of workflow going to move this a little bit here and this is the connection to my uh temporary blog here the title is uh let's see we 11 is the title so the title is from 11.

    Translation and text Elgato and the content is the other one that's number 10 and here's the text content the type for this it's a post excert we don't have date will be automatic slug status format no but uh I want to do two things I want to flag this post as translated so I I insert a tag translated uh I am the author of this post and also we want the cover image and it's 199 that can be sorted out.

    Later great so this is our post I'm going to save this here and let's see if we can run this once uh I go to the post and moove it there I save it and we go here and I go home and let's see if we can refresh this it's always something wrong whenever you do a demo something has it's always more exciting yes uh let's see create the post oh sorry I forgot to publish it of course uh it's in draft mode uh and here.

    It is and uh everything I forgot to set it to published so what we can do is uh just uh to publish this and it's published and now if I go here and there it is elat yes so basically the only thing missing here was the status of the post and the status should be should be published right great uh that's that's very useful so like it's it's gonna be up to you if you want to have the status as only a draft if you want to check it.

    Before it get published or you know what I trust DL I know my automation everything is working fine I just want the post to go be published right away so maybe to give a like a um a recap of this very simple scenario you are creating a web hook which basically till make every time there is a new post it's gonna notify me okay like here is a new here's a new post and what what this will do it will just clean up the clean up the content of the post and then use.

    DL or any other uh or any other uh translation uh uh platform you would like to use you're going to translate the content you translate the title and then you're GNA also publish it in uh in WordPress correct yes yes correct so let's run this again uh as you noticed I changed now to target language Japanese W which is fun so we go run once uh wait for new data because it fires very uh this is we not going to do this one.

    We're going to go back into our cat the English version and we add another space and we do save poost updated and let's see if this will autop publish it will so now we have it in uh automatically uh located into what do you say Japanese right I think so awesome this I think this is Japanese so we you can keep adding languages here at this stage um you know any any language that that uh that uh DL support or Google translate.

    Or anything so uh so we have English we have Spanish elato you notice also that deel notices that this is Latin and doesn't touch it there a lot of that stuff going on with with deel that is very very smart uh yeah this is going to be very important in the kind of trans uh uh translation uh tool that you use like how much Advanced they are how much can they understand the context and as you're also showing that if you want to make it more formal less formal I think this is definitely depends on um how.

    Advanc is the tool that you are using yes yes so um so then that's the that's the was the that's the easy part I was going to say and U bit more advanced yes because now we have a few problems here uh this is the question regarding how do we put the URLs here um if you use same site you can just put them on on subdirectories give them categories e n f RJ and they will be French and we have Japanese or if you have separate instances you can put them under different um subdomains uh which.

    Is what we're using for spio crypto uh and then we're going to have a problem because they are separate and how do we how do we switch language um so we need to figure out the the language switching uh thingy and there's another version also we have to tell Google that there are a number of language versions available and they use a meta tag called href Lang so we also need to say that this post is available uh in English French Spanish German Russian Chinese and Japanese and provide the URL to that one for the search.

    Engine um and the way we solve that uh is that we uh go back to make here is that we provide we build a URL lookup table so whenever a post is translated it checks in and say hello I was just translated to Japanese and this is my Japanese URL and when we translate to French it will actually say okay this is my French URL and then we have a post ID that goes across all language versions so knowing the post ID we can then uh.

    Quickly figure out what are the the URLs and then we need to get hold of this data somehow all right and in order to do that we uh query this database this is or this data store that is within make and we have uh an API um we built a small API on uh on a on um Cloud flare workers and basically you send the post ID and you get the all the language.

    Versions available Italian English French German Russian and since with this information uh we can do this let's see here is the spach crypto site it is in Japanese and of course we can switch language here but then that takes us to the homepage we don't want to do that instead we want to switch to English German French and Spanish so if we switch this one to read this post in English uh we actually know that this is.

    The same post but translated to English um so it's it's all very you know straightforward that we're able to take the data from the URL lookup table uh we provide we build a really simple um API here uh that gives us the URLs and this one we can then uh render into the sites yeah I know this is this is a little bit of an advanced part that's why we not include the automation here but but if you actually want to build that I know.

    Like Magnus you can uh reach out to him afterwards and can share all the blueprints for uh foration I can actually copy paste his automation basically to um to implement this this is specific part but we will still continue I think we are now uh moving into the social media the social media part so like how can we automate social media posting for the different uh different languages uh that we uh that we published yes so uh let's see um I'm going to need.

    Some help for this module yes uh because I'm going to need three animals all right yeah I think that's that's gonna be exciting see I think we can we can be using the audience here uh and we're gonna be building this like oh we already have some suggestion which actually I definitely agree with so we have Panda uh zebra Andra and bear also okay living planet I'm going to send an email male uh with uh they had Panda zebra I like zebra and Bear yes any kind of bear specific bear.

    I can spell that we're not going to do hippopotamus because I can't spell it we also have we have another we have another someone uh Hanan suggested or t Rinko I don't know if this an actual animal or not but like yeah for for the sake of Simplicity let stick with these three animals Panda zebra and bear pandra zebra and bear okay good so this email uh address um you see it's it's a little bit of a strange email uh but let's just fire off this this one so I'm.

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