Power Automate Part 13a - Automating Forms

Power Automate Part 13a - Automating Forms Welcome to this Wise Owl tutorial on automating forms using power automate here's what you'll learn during the tutorial so we'll Begin by the example that we're.

Power Automate Part 13a - Automating Forms

Going to create which is a simple survey with three questions in about the Beatles what we'll then do is show how you can create the form using forms how you can.

Distribute it so people can fill in their responses and then how you can view the responses both within forms itself and through an Excel spreadsheet created for you automatically.

What we'll then do is show how you can create a custom response sheet in Excel and get a flow to automatically take the responses from users and add them to the bottom of your custom responses sheet.

And finally we'll test this flow to check that when somebody gives their views on the Beatles it automatically adds a row to the bottom of your Excel spreadsheet.

But that's enough for me I'm going to vanish now and let's get started so here's what we're going to do in this tutorial we're going to create a form.

It's going to be about a survey for the Beatles a little known level probably on a four-piece band in the 1960s a fun quiz about The Fab Four so it will ask three questions who is your favorite.

Beetle what's your favorite Beetle song and what you think of the lyrics to this song what we'll then do is we'll collect the responses I'm going through this very.

Quickly because this is just a preview so we'll send out a link and when people fill in that link uh they'll be able to fill in the answers to the survey for themselves.

So who is your favorite Beatle Paul undoubtedly surely what's your favorite Beatles song well the shortest one I can think of off the top of my head is help I'll give that a four for the lyrics.

Because I don't particularly like them and I'll submit my responses we'll then be able to look at the responses to this survey so you'll be able to go to any form and you can see.

I've got five responses so I can toggle between my responses by clicking on view results and I'm going to go to the final one I filled in just then so you can see that.

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    I put pull help and for

    Not only can you see the responses like that but using forms you can see them in an Excel spreadsheet so if I open this Excel spreadsheet what you should be.

    Able to see is on the last line there the responses I just filled in but that doesn't look very easy to use and it's got a lot of extra columns so what we're going to do in this example.

    Is create our own Excel spreadsheet looking like this to capture the results it will only have three cons the favorite beat or the favorite song and the lyrics rating I may try capturing.

    The email address just to show you some issues with that too how will we do this with a flow so we'll create a flow called something like track responses to Beetle survey and.

    What it will do is respond to the trigger of when a new response is submitted in a Microsoft form it'll get the response details and add the rows into an Excel table.

    So compared with some of the other things we've done in recent tutorials this is fairly straightforward and Microsoft forms is a joy to use as you're about to discover.

    So let's get started so the first thing we need to do is create a form you can do that by going to the cloud-based forms application click on the waffle and choose forms if.

    You can't see that you can always choose explore all of your apps and in the search box which appears at the top of the screen you can just choose forms and go to it that way.

    You can see all the forms I've created what we're going to do is create a new form together so click on new form there's two options here there's new form or new quiz the quiz is appropriate.

    If you want to score the results to see

    How well known somebody knows something but we're just doing a survey so we'll create a new form I'll call my new form something like.

    Beetle survey for tutorial I won't bother with the description and we'll go straight into creating the questions so the first question is the choice question who's your favorite beetle.

    So the question is who is your fave beetle and there's four possible answers the first answer is John the second answer is.

    Cool and then I'm going to add two more options the third one is George and the fourth one of course is Ringo so those are my four options.

    At the bottom of questions you can often see additional options down here that you can choose in this case I don't want to choose multiple answers because you can only have one favorite Beetle I.

    Think you'll agree but I do want to make this a required question so I have to fill it in click on the three dots you can sometimes see additional useful uh information you can specify but I don't.

    Really want it to be a drop down and I certainly don't want to add branching so that it goes to different bits of my quiz or survey rather depending on the answer I give so I'll just leave that as.

    It is so that's my first question my second question is a text question so I can type in which is your favorite song.

    And I don't really want to have a long answer I just want a simple answer but I do want to make it required there's no additional options I want to specify there so that will do for my.

    Second question what I want to do now is to create a new section so I'm on the first question to go in one section and the other two questions to go in another.

    So I can do that by clicking on the drop arrow to the right of the list of possible questions I could ask and choosing to add a new section so once I do that it gives me a chance.

    To set my section titles so this second section will be about the songs and if I go up to the top my first section will be about the band so there's my two sections.

    But my questions are in the wrong section at least my second one is which is your favorite song so I can't click and drag what I can do is click on that and click on this drop Arrow to move the.

    Question down and that will move it into the section so I've now got one other question I want to ask which is what do you think of the lyrics of the song.

    Now the obvious thing to do would be to choose rating um and that gives me a choice of different symbols I can specify I can have a number of different levels but.

    I'm going to choose an even fancier thing than that so I'll just delete that delete my question and instead of doing that I can click on this drop bar and choose from a number of additional.

    Question types I'm going to choose a net promoter score which for some reason has a registered trademark symbol next to it so I can say uh what do you think of the lyrics for this song.

    And I'll have my rage going from North which means I hate them to 10 which means I love them and that's the advantage of a net.

    Promoter score you can label the start and the end of your scale and that's going to be a required question and I think that pretty much completes my survey.

    I love the extra questions being asked at the bottom here they seem to be in their relation to what they could conceivably be interested in it's often worth looking at them just for fun.

    So what I can now do is preview my survey so click on this preview button at the top right and here's what it's going to look like so the first section is about the band I.

    Can choose an answer and then to click on next to go to the second question which is about the songs so I can type things something here I can choose a number and then I can.

    Submit the results so that's what it will look like I can then click on this back button and it's often quite hard to see that it's just up there to go back to editing my form.

    So now that I've created the form what I can do is distribute it foreign so what we're going to do now is to distribute your survey but just before.

    You do that it's a good idea to click on these small three dots at the top right of the screen to set some settings so who can respond I'm going to say that only people within the wisel company can.

    Respond and one of the important considerations behind this is that if I do that I can choose to capture people's name and possibly their email address as well.

    If you choose anyone can respond there's no way of capturing any information about them and that's to do with privacy issues on the internet you wouldn't really thank people if whenever you.

    Filled in a server on the internet they automatically got hold of all your personal details so that's an internet setting not a forms one that's in it's important to realize that there's.

    Absolutely no way of capturing someone's email address when they fill in a form unless you specifically ask for it so I'm going to make it internal I'm going to capture people's name and I'm.

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