How to Convert Your EXCEL Spreadsheets into POWER APPS Tutorial

How to Convert Your EXCEL Spreadsheets into POWER APPS Tutorial Hello everyone RZA here in this video I will show you how to convert your Excel spreadsheets into power apps in a matter of minutes we will take the advantage of co-pilot to move the data from our Excel.

How to Convert Your EXCEL Spreadsheets into POWER APPS Tutorial

Spreadsheets into Data verse tables and then build canvas power apps model driven power apps on top of it I will also show how to get data from multiple spreadsheets to create multiple tables.

That will be related with each other and a lot more so let's check it out in [Music] action I have an Excel file that tracks information about companies that my.

Organization does business with so let's see how we can take data from this Excel file and turn it into a fully functional power app in power apps right on the home.

Screen experience we we have an option to start with data and in here one of the options is to create an application by bringing in data from an Excel file or a CSV file.

I'll select this option here I can go and select my file co-pilot Springs into action to read the information from the first sheet in that Excel file.

It suggests the table name I have the option to change it the primary column for this table is set as name the columns that it is suggesting for the table the data types have been.

Mapped by co-pilot depending upon the type of data it has observed in those Excel columns ID whole number name single line of text.

Industry a choice column with the following Choice values we have full flexibility to customize these columns the names data types whether they are required or not.

And more next all we have to do is Click create app and this will begin the process of importing data into a table in Microsoft data.

Verse it starts creating the canvas power app for us here we have a gallery that shows the data coming in from our table that got created in data verse called company.

Info the canvas power app is fully customizable I would like to show the name of the company if I preview on the left hand side all the companies also has the.

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    Option for me to search select a

    Specific company make modifications to the data submit and all that information will be updated in my data ver.

    Table I can create new records in the company table edit existing records view records delete records fully responsive canvas power app now back to my Excel.

    File I also have another sheet projects and these projects are related to my company data I have the ID of the company the name of the.

    Company in my projects tab I have that same information now how do I take all of this data import it into table and data ver and relate the two tables together.

    By creating a many is to one relationship between the projects table and the company table now for creating the app with data we have this option on the home.

    Screen however if you simply need a table created directly head over to tables and we have that same option here as well which is create with Excel or CSV I need.

    Projects now if I try to upload that same Excel file here you will note that it once again brings in only the first sheet of information from my Excel file so it's bringing in the company.

    Again I already have that information I need projects one easy thing we can do is simply just Swap this around and make projects as the first.

    Sheet now if I try to create a table with Excel and select that file this time because projects is my first sheet it will pick the data from sheet.

    One once again co-pilot frames

    Suggestions for the table name description column names data types and it shows a preview of the first 20 rows of data once I create my table it will.

    Import all the data now the company information Company ID is being mapped as a whole number and company name is being mapped as a single line of.

    Text however I would like to map this as a column of type lookup in data verse and that option is not available in this experience that we have to create a table or an app from.

    Excel so for now I'll go ahead and click create this builds out my project information table Company ID and company name I want this to be a lookup.

    Column and on similar lines I want a lookup column to track the project manager so first I'll go ahead and delete these columns but if I try to delete it it.

    Says there are some dependencies if I go to views the first view is active project information in here I'm showing the company ID I'll remove IT company name.

    Remove project manager name remove project manager email Remove save and publish back back to my table.

    Experience if I go to forms and go to the main form Company ID select and delete company name project manager name project manager.

    Email save and publish now I can go ahead and delete those columns let's go ahead and create a new column I'll call it.

    Company this would be of type lookup lookup to the table I created earlier by importing data from my Excel sheet of company I'll point to that.

    Table and click save this will create a many is to one relationship between my projects table and my company table here is that.

    Column if I select here this will list out my primary column from my company table which was name and I'll go ahead and create another column I'll call it project.

    Manager of type lookup and this one I will relate it to the user table I'll click save I'll create a model driven power app I'll click on create an.

    App I'll call it project Tracker app and click create this will take the table schema and go and frame a fully functional model driven power.

    App The Landing screen of this application shows the project information view coming from the project information table I can modify this view by heading.

    Over to edit I would like to show the company information that's my lookup column company select d drag drop I positioned it right.

    Here then project manager that's my lookup column again save and publish I'll go back active project information view.

    Updated with the columns that I added the user has the option to select the name of a project this will take us to the main form this form as well I can edit.

    I would like to add the company lookup column and project manager lookup column save and publish click back my application is ready I can click.

    Publish and play the app this is a model driven power app the view shows all the data from my project information table I can select I I can see the.

    Form company this will show all the company names I can select my company I can pick a project manager these are users from my user table save and.

    Close the updates have gone in now the data that's been imported does not include the information for company and project manager firstly I'll go.

    Ahead and delete all the rows from my table I'll start from a clean slate in my Excel file Company ID that's the unique identifier so I'll use that.

    As a reference point I'll go to tables custom and search for my company table in the schema section we have an option.

    To create keys look up columns look up to the primary column of the table which in my case is name but when I'm importing based upon my Excel data I want to map.

    It to ID so I need to make sure I create a key in this table I'll call it key ID and I'll pick the ID column click save.

    This will create a key for project manager in my Excel file the unique identifier for a user is going to be their email.

    Address once again I'll go to tables search for user pick the table user go to keys and create a key that points to the primary email called.

    Column now back to my model driven power app in the project information table view we have an option here in the ribbon called import from Excel I can select.

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