Is this Google Sheets Projects Status Dashboard - ID Card Make

Is this Google Sheets Projects Status Dashboard - ID Card Make Welcome to other levels today we present you project status dashboard using Google Sheets and it's available in Microsoft Excel version this dashboard contains two main.

Is this Google Sheets Projects Status Dashboard

Analysis analyze for each project in details can be filtered by project name drop-down list overall analysis for all projects during the years and their Milestones it can.

All be filtered using this yearly slicer and you can get our templates by visiting our online store other Dash

These are the color codes used in the design and the font type as Ariel and for training and practicing you can now download the data set for this dashboard for free from our website.

Let's start this is the dashboard data set and now we will start inserting the first pivot table choose to insert it in a new sheet add to the values field the project.

Value FTE saving and the working hours to get the total of each one of them let's move the pivot table to the right side a little.

adjust the look and feel and name this part as Main kpis foreign .

Next pivot table will be used to get the project milestones add the Milestones to the row field and to the values field to show the total.

Count of each milestone here we have copied and pasted only the ongoing milestones in order use vlookup formula to get the values from the pivot tables.

then find the total projects that in ongoing milestones next get the total projects that in the completed canceled and on hold.

Milestones thank you add a fairer formula to avoid any mistakes .

foreign we recommend adding the background image in the beginning and for your information in the first stage of.

    Creating this dashboard we will start to - ID Card Make

    Extract all values and charts and later on we will set the design and format for all elements now select the table and insert a column.

    Chart from the insert menu great next select each total and the insert a scorecard chart for each then insert a text box to add the title .

    foreign do the same previous steps for the main.

    Kpis for the FTE saving and the working hours we prefer to include the title to the scorecard chart .

    Now all elements are ready let's place them on the dashboard area it will be from a one cell to p47 for the moment change the background to black color.

    Foreign next we will get the total and the percentages of active and non-active projects add the status to the row field and the.

    Values field use the same if error and vlookup formula .

    thank you Now find the percentage for active projects only then add it to a scorecard chart.

    Select this table and inset a pie chart add the total projects to a scorecard chart finally insert the active projects title.

    Foreign the last part in this video is to insert a bar chart for the Project's types add the project type to the row field.

    And the values field that's all for today's video hope you learned something useful for you thank you and see you in next video foreign.

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