Save Microsoft Forms Data and File Uploads to SharePoint After Approvals via Power Automate - ID Card Make

Save Microsoft Forms Data and File Uploads to SharePoint After Approvals via Power Automate - ID Card Make Hello everyone RZA here in this video I will show you how we can run approvals on Microsoft form responses which includes multiple file upload questions we will take the response from the.

Save Microsoft Forms Data and File Uploads to SharePoint After Approvals via Power Automate

Microsoft form submitted include all of the details including the file uploads as attachments to the approver so that they can take their approval decision so let's get started with this.

video let's begin with creating a very simple Microsoft form I will use this form to track idea submissions from.

Employees I'll add a text question I'll call this Ida title make this required I'll add add another text.

Question IDE description I'll not make this required description I'll make it long answer I will add two upload file options the first one I will call it as.

Supporting documents I can Define how many files for this specific question can the user upload I'll restrict this one to three and I can also Define the single.

File size limit I'll make it required and I will add one more upload file option I'll call it.

Images once again I can Define how many can the user upload its size I won't make this a required field and with the file upload question if you go to the three ellipses we can.

Also Define the file types I only want image files I can simply unselect the remaining options now at this point if I was to preview this is what my form looks like.

Since I'm using the upload file option this becomes a non anonymous question meaning the name of the user filling the form and the file upload actions will be.

Recorded in one drive and visible to the form owner if I select collect responses since I picked file upload only people in my organization can.

Respond I want to record their names additionally if I go to settings one of the features that we have inbuilt in Microsoft forms is to get email notifications of each response.

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    That we receive so I'll go ahead and and - ID Card Make

    Turn this on and at this point my form is ready to be shared with my end users so I'll go ahead and submit this.

    Form I can give an IDE title idea description supporting documents is required so I have to upload at least one file here I'll upload a couple of.

    Files I can optionally upload images I'll go and upload an image and I can go ahead and submit my idea now at this point the owner of the form which is my account will receive an.

    Email that highlights a new idea has been submitted all the owner gets is a link to view the results of the form so the user has to click on it.

    Which takes the owner of the form to the page where they can see all the responses I can see the details the attached documents if I want to look at the files.

    Have to go to more details then click at the file then it will go and open that specific file for me and bear in mind all of these files there's an option here that says view in.

    Folder if I select this since I I created this Microsoft form the data is stored in one drive we can see that I have a folder called apps in which there's a folder called.

    Microsoft forms within that is the name of my form which is idea submissions the files will be loaded in one of these folders so the first question that I.

    Added related to supporting documents here are the documents and then I have another folder fer that is maintaining those images the name of the file has the name.

    Of the user appended to it that's the

    User who has filled out the form let's start with our first scenario whenever I receive a response for an idea submission I would like to receive.

    An email that includes the details of the submitted idea and all the files and images should be available as attachments to do that we will take the help of power automate in make.. I will head over to create and I will begin with an automated Cloud flow that triggers when a new Microsoft form response is submitted I'll give.

    This flow a name and I will click create the trigger is asking for the form idid I can simply type type the name and pick my form next.

    Step I would like to get the response details from Microsoft form once again it's asking for the form ID I'll pick ID as submissions and the response ID will.

    Come from my Trigger action Dynamic content response ID I'll add a new step I will use the select data operation action from expects an array of data.

    File upload question type always returns an array of data and the response that we receive in the get response details action comes in the form of a Json array but in string.

    Format select expects array format so here I will go expression and use the Expression function Json with my mouse cursor right in.

    Between these two brackets I'll go to Dynamic content and from get response details I will pick supporting documents I'll click okay I'll rename the select action to.

    Select supporting documents and in the map I'll add a key type this I'll call it supporting docs and I'll add another key called.

    ID this I will use an expression called item of ID this Json function points to that supporting document question it returns an ID pointing to the file in one drive.

    So that is what I'm trying to fetch here and store in this ID key now the same pattern I will repeat for my next file upload question select data.

    Operation expression Json Dynamic content my next file upload question was called.

    Images okay type call this image ID expression item id I'll rename this now I want to send all of this.

    Information as attachments in an email and currently I only have the ID reference of the file that are living in one drive so what I'll add here is another.

    Step I'll use the compose data operation action here I'll use the Expression Union this allows me to combine multiple array of data my first array will be the output.

    Of Select supporting documents comma my second array will be the output of Select image files so this is an array of all my file uploads coming from my Microsoft.

    Form and now all I have to do is Loop through all these file uploads I'll add a new Step apply to each here I'll pick the output of file.

    Uploads within this I'll add an action to get the content of the file from one drive for business here it's asking for The Unique identifier of the.

    File that I have already stored in this key called ID so here I will simply use the Expression item of.

    ID I also want the name of the file I'll add another action called get file metadata once again from one drive for business and the unique it identifier.

    Will be that same expression item of ID now that I have the file name and the file content it's important for us to understand what is the format in which we can send attachments to send an email.

    Action so right after apply to each I'll add a new Step send an email action Office 365 Outlook I would like to send this email to.

    Myself the subject will be new idea submitted hyphen I can also give Dynamic properties about the idea from get response details action I already have.

    The idea title so I'll plug that in the subject in the body I'll give the idea title and I'll give the idea description and I would also like to.

    Here the responders email that's the individual who filled the Microsoft form and for attachments if I go to show Advanced options here we can add attachments to see the format this.

    Expects attachment name I'll just call it test attachment content I'll just type data the key here is if I switch to input entire array.

    This is the format that it expects it needs an array that has two pieces of information the name that's the name of the file and content bytes that's the file.

    Content now that I've understood the format that it expects before apply to each I will go ahead and initialize a.

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